Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2840

Chapter 2840

Xu Yin obviously couldn't answer the doubts in Fang Yi's heart. With his strength, it was extremely rare to be able to get in touch with these secrets.

Going deeper is obviously impossible.

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little disappointed, but he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good! I am very satisfied with your answer, and do things well. I will keep my word. After the matter is completed, I will definitely give you back your freedom."


Xu Yin couldn't help being overjoyed, saying yes again and again.

Fang Yi's attitude undoubtedly made him see some kind of hope, and his expression became extremely earnest.

Immediately, he hurriedly saluted, then left, apparently busy with business, after all, nothing is more important than freedom.

And as he went away, a ripple appeared again in the same place.

There was also an excited voice.

"Fang Yi, is there any news about Eldest Sister?"

There is no doubt that the owner of the voice is Ji Wumeng. She is in the water temple, and she knows everything about it.

Of course, that was what Fang Yi let her see.

"Don't get excited, there is no news about Wuxian yet, but it's a good start."

Fang Yi comforted him, with a faint smile on his face, and his bright eyes couldn't help but look into the distance, towards the direction of the ice field that Xu Yin said.


"Have you heard? The inheritance of Emperor Ling Xiao has come out, and there is also the Nine Dragon Seal. The Palace of Ling Xiao is incredible."

"Cut! It's just hearsay! Who would believe it!"

"That's right, how many times has the Seal of Nine Dragons been passed on? Which time is it not for nothing."

"No! Let me tell you, this time is different. The news came from the Dao pattern space. It is said that many people saw it with their own eyes. It is said that it is because of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm and Dao pattern space in Lingxiao Temple. It is the same space, so it is known to outsiders."

"Yes! I've heard that too, and I also heard that Zhenwu Xuanzong has already made a move, and a large number of strong men are sneaking into the Lingxiao Temple. At the same time, there are also strong men from all walks of life who have heard the news."


The speed at which the news spread was obviously faster than anything else, and within a few days, everyone knew about Emperor Ling Xiao.

For a while, Lingxiao Palace also became the center of the storm.

And this really made Han Feng and Han Fei brothers and sisters breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of the strength of Lingxiao Palace, because Feijian Villa had confronted Lingxiao Palace before, and because Fang Yi hadn't shown up for a long time, they were on pins and needles during this period.

Even, they are ready to give up Feijian Villa at any time.

But in the end, they waited for such news, how could they not be overjoyed.

Because in this way, the Lingxiao Palace will not be able to protect itself, so there is no time to deal with Feijian Villa.

"Brother! You said Sister Wumeng, and that person, are they still trapped in the secret realm of Kowloon, is there any danger?"

Her own crisis has been alleviated, and Concubine Han couldn't help thinking of Ji Wumeng and Fang Yi.

To be honest, she didn't have a good impression of Fang Yi, and she was even a little repulsed at first, but after Fang Yi saved Feijian Villa from fire and water, she somewhat changed her mind.

But that's all.

However, it is completely different to Ji Wumeng, she can appreciate Ji Wumeng's kindness.

So why not Han Feng.

However, he understands a truth better, that is, Fang Yi and Ji Wumeng are not ordinary people, not ordinary people, people like this are destined not to stay in Feijian Villa forever.

So... He was just a little disappointed, but soon relieved.

"Don't worry! They'll be fine. Since they dared to enter the secret realm of Nine Dragons, they're sure of it."

"Furthermore, Lingxiao Palace is in danger of protecting itself now. Even if they are trapped, they will escape one day. What's more, all of this may have something to do with them."

Han Feng's eyes were deep, and he looked in the direction of Lingxiao Palace.

As if he had an insight into something.

Concubine Han was ignorant, and the two figures stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, like two statues.

Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about all this.

Because, he has already headed towards the ice region that Xu Yin mentioned.


"It's so cold!! Fang...Fang Yi, are we almost there!!"

The space is still nothingness, nothing, like an endless abyss, but the surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Fang Yi naturally didn't care, not to mention the temperature, even if it was a low temperature, it was not worth mentioning to him.

Leaving aside the tyrannical physical body, he himself has comprehended the sword intent of ice, and he has the water temple in his body, so he has a certain comprehension of the way of water, although he did not deliberately comprehend it.

But the practice of Tianyi Sword Art over the years is itself a part of the way of water.

So this temperature is naturally drizzle for him.

However, Ji Wumeng is obviously different. She has not woken up for a long time, and her strength is still very low. It is all because of Fang Yi that she was able to enter the Taoist space and arrive here.

The current temperature almost made her freeze.

This is also due to her cultivation during this period of time, otherwise, with her strength, she might not even be able to touch the outside world, and she could turn into an ice sculpture in an instant.

Fang Yi naturally saw this too, a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he did all of this on purpose. Let Ji Wumeng resist the cold step by step, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance her strength.

Now that you have chosen this path, you must persevere.

No one knows what will happen in the future, and Fang Yi is not sure whether he can protect Ji Wumeng for the rest of his life.

Even if you can, it's not a bad thing to have more self-protection ability.

That's why... he deliberately tempered the opponent. Otherwise, with his strength, just a little bit of aura would be able to resist the cold air for Ji Wumeng without being affected in the slightest.

Of course, this is also what Ji Wumeng himself requested.

Although Ji Wumeng is weak, but some characteristics are as different as Ji Wuxian.

"Hurry up! It should be not far ahead!"

Fang Yi looked up at the distance, and then turned his head to look at Ji Wumeng again, "How is it? Can you hold on? It really can't..."

"No! I can!"

Before Fang Yi could finish speaking, Ji Wumeng said firmly, with a stubbornness similar to Ji Wuxian's in his eyes.

Along the way, the two of them did not know how far they had traveled and how many dangers they had gone through.

Of course, when encountering a strong enemy, Ji Wumeng hid in the water temple most of the time, not only because of her lack of strength, but also because she still couldn't take that step.

It's okay to ask her to practice, but it's also okay to ask her to go through hardships.

But if you want her to kill someone, forget it!

Fang Yi didn't force it either. After all, kindness is not a big shortcoming. Moreover, he has already killed enough people, so there is nothing wrong with letting Ji Wumeng keep this pure kindness.

As for those who don't open their eyes, let me send them on the road, just like at this moment, the three warriors who are slowly approaching around, they have followed for a while, obviously with bad intentions.

Can't stand it anymore?

Fang Yi grinned, revealing an evil intention.


(End of this chapter)

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