Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2841 An Ant

Chapter 2841 Three Ants


Ji Wumeng seemed to be aware of it too, and her bright eyes swept somewhere in the void.

During this period of practice, she has also made great progress, which is not difficult to see from the reaction at the moment, but, relatively speaking, she is obviously much worse.

Not surprising, after all, she has only just practiced.

Even with the assistance of the Wood God Temple, the time is too short after all.


In the void, a rather unexpected and playful voice came. It was a man with triangular eyes and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. He was not a good person at first glance.

Especially when you see Ji Wumeng's face clearly, that greedy gaze is full of obscenity.

"Tsk tsk! Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful woman on the edge of the ice field. It is really unexpected!"

The triangular-eyed man made no secret of his greed.

Perhaps in his opinion, there was no need for that at all. Opposite him was only a boy at the second level of legend, and there was also a woman with mediocre cultivation, who was completely unsightly.

Of course, it's about cultivation, but about appearance, it's better than a god.

"That's not right, third brother, now we have good luck, hahaha!!"

Another wild laughter came, and two other men also stepped out from the void, and they just surrounded the man with triangular eyes, trapping Fang Yi and Ji Wumeng firmly in it.

Obviously, they came prepared and cut off all the escape routes of Fang Yi and the other two.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do??"

Ji Wumeng's complexion undoubtedly changed. Although Fang Yi was on the side, the evil expressions and gazes of the three made her feel uncomfortable, and her body couldn't help shrinking into a ball slightly.

"What are you doing? Hahaha!! What do you think?"

The man with triangular eyes laughed wildly, and the lustful light in his eyes became even more serious.

"Beauty, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you, we will only make you extremely happy, hahaha!!"

The other two also echoed, laughing wildly, the greedy light in their eyes staring straight at Ji Wumeng, their throats rolled, salivating, as if they wanted to swallow Ji Wumeng alive.

As for Fang Yi on the side, he was obviously ignored by them.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi doesn't seem to be at the second level of legend on the surface, and the three of them have reached the second level of legend at the last time. The man with triangular eyes has even reached the peak of the third level of legend, and is one step away from stepping into the fourth level of legend. .

Such three people, how could they put Fang Yi in their eyes.

However, how did they know that Fang Yi also ignored the three of them. With his current strength, the three of them were just a bunch of chickens and dogs, and they couldn't arouse his interest at all.

However, it is close to the ice field, so there are some things you can ask them.


However, Ji Wumeng obviously didn't think so. Seeing the three people approaching gradually, her pretty face turned pale, and she subconsciously approached Fang Yi.


The triangular-eyed man seemed to have noticed Fang Yi only now, and his face turned cold, and he said: "Boy, if you are sensible, just get out of the way obediently and catch him without a fight, otherwise, I want you to die."

The slightly narrowed eyes of the man with triangular eyes showed a little bit of coldness, and the murderous intent also pervaded.

The other two are similar.

It can be seen that he was just talking casually, even if Fang Yi really backed down, he would never let Fang Yi go.

Of course, how could Fang Yi back down.

Instead, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Because it is not easy for the three of you to cultivate, if you keep your eyes, I will give you a way to survive."

what? ?

As soon as these words came out, all three of them were stunned, as if they thought they heard it wrong.

Instead, he looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and looked at Fang Yi like he was looking at an idiot.

"Boy! I have seen a lot of ignorant people, but there is no one as ignorant as you."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the triangular-eyed man's complexion suddenly darkened, revealing his killing intent.

The other two looked at Fang Yi mockingly, as if they were looking at a dead person.

In fact, Fang Yi was already a dead person in their eyes.

"The same thing, I will also give it to you."

Fang Yi said indifferently, "I have experienced a lot of hardships to reach your level of cultivation, but I never thought that I would be so unselfish and no different from a street gangster. Is this the so-called legend? The immortal in the eyes of the world? "

Fang Yi shook his head, quite disappointed.

When he came to the Immortal World, he also encountered many legends. Although they had different temperaments, they all still had the demeanor of a master.

It's not like these three people in front of them, they are complete street rogues and street thugs.


The three of them were so reprimanded that they couldn't stop their anger.

In particular, the other party is only a warrior of the second legendary level, so how can they bear it.

"Boy! I'll see if you don't cry when you don't see the coffin, that's fine! I'll see if your bones are as hard as your mouth."

The pupils of the man with triangular eyes shrank suddenly, and two cold lights shot out, like two sharp swords.

At the same time, a huge fist of his has already been blasted out.

The wind was blowing, and it was icy cold.

The terrifying energy seemed to come from the abyss, making people's hairs stand on end, like walking in hell, and there was a sense of splendor through the body.


The man with triangular eyes was obviously very confident in his attack, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already settled for Fang Yi.

The same goes for the other two, they looked like they were watching a good show, and they were completely unprepared to make a move.

Perhaps in their view, there is no need for them to make a move.

No one knows better than them how strong the 'Third Brother' is. If you offend Third Brother, there is only one way to die, so...

However, the facts are obviously different from what they imagined.

I saw that incomparably fierce punch, wrapped in monstrous power, as if it was going to engulf Fang Yi in the next moment.

But for some reason, there was a loud noise, and the figure they were extremely familiar with blasted out like a cannonball.

A touch of bright red also splashed, swaying the sky.

what happened?


The two of them obviously didn't react, and they didn't know what happened. In their eyes, the man with triangular eyes rushed towards Fang Yi at an extremely fast speed, and the next moment, he flew out at an even faster speed.

What happened during this period, the two knew nothing.

This may have something to do with their inattention, but it all shows the strength of the other party, so that they have not recovered.

"You, you..., impossible!!"

The man with triangular eyes was also full of horror at this moment, looking at Fang Yi in disbelief, the blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, and he collapsed on the ground without even the strength to stand up, it was extremely tragic.

"Are you surprised?"

Fang Yi grinned, and stepped forward step by step.

"no, do not want……"

The triangular-eyed man's expression suddenly changed. No matter how stupid he was, he already understood at this moment that the person in front of him was an existence that he could not provoke.

The same goes for the other two, trembling and pale, as if they were about to flee.

However, the next moment, an invisible coercion swept over, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen for an instant, imprisoning them in it.

what? ?

Sensing all this, the three of them suddenly fell into an abyss.


(End of this chapter)

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