Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2859

Chapter 2859

The atmosphere became a little weird. When everyone looked at him, Ji Wumeng looked extremely nervous, his expression was tense, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

On the forehead, there was even a trace of sweat.

As for Fang Yi, he acted as if nothing happened, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Facing everyone's eyes, he turned his head slowly and glanced at everyone.

"Fellow Daoist, I would like to advise you that this is an extraordinary period. It is best to change your attire, otherwise, if you are implicated for no reason, the loss outweighs the gain."

"Hahaha!! That's right!!"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

Everyone's eyes turned to the previous person again. There is no doubt that everyone would not really associate Fang Yi with the person who took away the red lotus.

Perhaps in their view, even if Fang Yi had the courage, he would not dare to show up in such an open and aboveboard manner.

The diners in the restaurant started discussing again, but no one looked at Fang Yi again.

Although the topics they talked about had nothing to do with Fang Yi.

But who would have thought that Fang Yi was right in front of their eyes.

As for Ji Wumeng, she finally let go of her heart, feeling like she was alive after a catastrophe, and her eyes were full of luck when she looked at Fang Yi.

"We left anyway!"

She seemed a little worried and suggested.

Fang Yi smiled, a little helpless, he was used to all kinds of storms, so naturally he didn't care.

But Ji Wumeng is obviously different. After being so frightened, she probably won't have any appetite. It would be a waste of time to stay any longer. Even so...


Immediately, he nodded.

Ji Wu dreamed of this, and was immediately overjoyed, as if he couldn't wait.

However, the fact is often like this, what you are afraid of coming, I saw outside the door of the restaurant, at this moment, a group of people stepped forward, all of them had extraordinary aura, their eyes were sharp, and they scanned everyone.

"It's a disciple of Shuiyun Sect, they came so fast!! I heard that they are already looking for suspicious people in Qingyun City, but I didn't expect..."

Among the diners, the person before recognized the identity of this group of people at a glance, and was a little surprised.

Everyone is no exception, be cautious.

Just kidding, this world is the domain of Shuiyunzong. Although the forces in Qingyun City are complicated due to the Tongtian Temple, Shuiyunzong is still the leader on the surface.

At least they, ordinary warriors without any background, did not dare to act recklessly when facing Shui Yunzong.

Undoubtedly, Ji Wumeng also heard this, and her face changed again, with a guilty conscience.

And just as she was about to go out, she bumped into this group of people again. The strange look on her face was immediately caught by the leader of the group, a man with a gloomy face.


The gloomy man immediately snarled and cast his eyes like a poisonous snake.

Seeing Ji Wumeng was hairy all over, feeling uncomfortable.

"Who are you? What are you doing in Qingyun City?" the gloomy man asked again, his eyes were like hooks.

Ji Wumeng was a little guilty at first, so this question can be imagined.

Squeaky, some speechless.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Ji Wumeng's experience was still too little after all, and she was innocent in the first place, so she couldn't do anything fake, so...

"We just borrowed the road to pass by, and we are going to borrow the Tongtian Tower to enter other..."

Immediately, Fang Yi replied directly.

As Qingyun City is the location of the Tongtian Temple, there must be many warriors who use the Tongtian Tower to enter other worlds. No one can refute this argument.

However, before he finished speaking, the gloomy man was the first to shout.

"Bastard! I will ask her again, when will it be your turn to speak."

The cold man was extremely domineering.

Maybe they were used to being arrogant in the past. After all, this place was originally their territory. At this moment, they were ordered to look for suspicious persons, and they didn't use chicken feathers as arrows.

A domineering look.

However, he didn't realize at all that he was getting closer and closer to death.

Because Fang Yi's eyes have narrowed slightly.

Fang Yi is actually not a troublemaker, on the contrary, he hates trouble, just like at this moment, these flies are really annoying.

How to do?Naturally, it flew away with a slap.

The Shuiyun sect may be very unusual, but what has it to do with him?

If you don't offend, you have already offended, and he doesn't mind offending some more.

boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud noise. The gloomy and cold man was originally fine, but he still looked arrogant, but for some reason, he just flew out.

Like a cannonball, it hit the wall of the restaurant, and the whole wall collapsed in an instant, and the cold man was also buried in it.

what? ?

The huge restaurant seemed to be enchanted. Everyone's eyes widened, looking at this scene and Fang Yi in disbelief.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!!"

The group of Shuiyun Sect disciples who came with them also felt like they had just awakened from a dream at this moment, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Maybe they never dreamed that Fang Yi would dare to make a move.

You know, this is the territory of Shuiyunzong. With his second level of legend, unless he eats the bear's heart and leopard's guts, otherwise...

However, the facts are right in front of us.

Ji Wu dreamed of this, with a bit of self-blame between his brows, and his eyes were full of apology when he looked at Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi didn't care at all, he still looked like he was okay, and said, "Okay! Let's go!"

This! !

The huge crowd seemed a little sluggish at the moment.

Walk?The person who beat Shuiyunzong actually wanted to leave so easily?And in front of a group of Shuiyun Sect disciples, is it true that these people are made of paper?

"Presumptuous!! You are so bold, dare to treat my Shuiyun sect as nothing, and leave your life to me!"

"kill him!!"

The group of Shuiyun Sect disciples were undoubtedly completely enraged at this moment. All of them rushed towards Fang Yi with overwhelming anger, and one after another majestic attacks poured down like raindrops.

The diners in the restaurant all backed away in fright, for fear of being affected.

Just kidding, these people are disciples of Shuiyun Sect, if they are really affected, it will be for nothing, there is not even a place to reason.

At the same time, they also looked at Fang Yi with some sympathy, because in their opinion, Fang Yi's fate was already doomed.

And it must be extremely miserable.

However, there is undoubtedly a huge gap between the facts and what they expected. With Fang Yi at the center, it seems that there is an invisible barrier, and any attack is blocked, unable to advance an inch.

Just kidding, these are just ordinary disciples of Shuiyunzong, Fang Yi can handle a dozen with one hand.

How could it be possible to stop him.

If he didn't want to commit too many murders, none of these people would even want to live.

As for now, he just waved his hand casually, and a majestic energy instantly twisted into a dragon and slammed into the group of people.

Bang bang bang! !

In an instant, a group of people were in disarray, wailing again and again.

The crowd was all stunned, their faces full of disbelief, as if they were dreaming, maybe they didn't expect that that seemingly ordinary young man was actually so domineering.

When they came back to their senses and tried to take a closer look, they found that the two of them had long since disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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