Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2860 Retreat

Chapter 2860 Retreat

"Miss Hui, after investigation, it can be confirmed that that person is the person we are looking for."

Outside Qingyun City, on a certain peak, the entire Qingyun City can be seen from here, and a snow-white figure is looking at the entire Qingyun City at this moment.

She is petite and exquisite, standing on the top of this peak, with fluttering clothes.

She has the demeanor of a peerless fairy.

It's just a pity that she wears a silver mask on her face, which makes it difficult to see her face clearly. However, those bright eyes are like stars, lighting up the entire sky, which is extremely dazzling.

Behind her, there was a follower bowing down to report.

The appearance of the attendant did not seem outstanding, but the aura was extremely powerful and cold, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, extremely sharp.


Hearing the attendant's report, the snow-white girl suddenly turned her head, and in her star-like eyes, there was a gleam of light, which was incomparably bright.

"It shouldn't be wrong! The subordinates have carefully confirmed that there are quite a few people who saw him in the ice field that day."

The follower continued to reply.


The snow-white girl was overjoyed immediately, her bright eyes showed a hint of teasing.

Then he asked: "So you know, where did he go in the end?"

"Miss Hui, if there is no accident, it should be in Qingyun City."

Hearing this, the snow-white girl's eyes became even brighter. Although the silver mask covered her expression, it was not difficult to see her mood at the moment from her bright eyes, which was excited and urgent, and faintly carried away a trace of timidity. meaning.

yes!timid! !

However, in the end she gritted her teeth and said, "Then let's meet him right now!"

Saying that, the snow-white girl couldn't wait to leave.

"and many more!!"

Seeing this, the attendant quickly comforted him, "Miss, I'm afraid it's not good to just go like this! We sneaked out, and if the master finds out, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" The snow-white girl didn't take it seriously, and said, "My mother won't blame me, and even if she blames me, someone will help me."

"What's more, mother herself may also..."

The snow-white girl murmured softly, a little vaguely, before finishing her sentence, her whole body turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared into the sky.

"Miss!!" Seeing this, the attendant became very anxious, as if he still wanted to persuade her.

But at this moment, in the sky, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Let her go! If it wasn't for the palace lord's acquiescence, how could it be possible for the two of you to sneak out."

"Master Ziyi??"

Hearing this voice, the attendant's expression changed drastically, he looked at the sky blankly, and hurriedly said: "Yes!"

When the words fell, he also chased after him.


"what happened?"

In Qingyun City, after leaving the restaurant, Ji Wumeng seemed a little unhappy.

Fang Yi asked in relief.

In fact, he knew very well why Ji Wumeng was like this, it was nothing more than self-blame, if Ji Wumeng could act calmer in the restaurant just now, maybe there would be no further incidents.

Although Fang Yi didn't care, Ji Wumeng obviously didn't think so.

"I'm sorry! Fang Yi, I'm the one who got you involved!"

Ji Wumeng turned her head and looked at Fang Yi very apologetically. She has always been kind, from beginning to end.

"What's this called? Between you and me, do you still need to talk about whether you are involved or not?" Fang Yi smiled and asked back.

He really doesn't care, and he can understand Ji Wumeng's performance. After all, Ji Wumeng has never practiced before, and has been protected by Ji Wuxian until he woke up not long ago.

To be able to perform like this is already considered extremely good.

"I know you won't mind, but I do. Even if I can't help you like my sister, I definitely can't allow myself to drag you down, so..."

"I decided to start practicing in seclusion from today."

Ji Wumeng seemed to have made up her mind.

It may not be a big deal for other people to practice in closed doors, but it is obviously different for Ji Wumeng.

Because she has been in a deep sleep for countless years.

So she hates being alone very much. She hopes to be by Fang Yi's side all the time, but the experience of this period of time made her understand that before she has enough strength, being by Fang Yi's side will only add to Fang Yi's confusion and create troubles.

Even delaying Fang Yi's practice and dragging down Fang Yi's progress, this is absolutely what she doesn't want to see.

Therefore, even if she doesn't want to, she must improve her strength as soon as possible.

What's more, there has never been a moment where she is so eager to gain strength like now, so...

"You really decided?"

Fang Yi did not show too much surprise. In fact, all of this was within his expectation. Ji Wumeng started too late, and has been following him all the time. He is used to seeing all kinds of strong people. Desire to be like those people, so he was not surprised.

It's just that this day came earlier than he expected.

That's not a bad thing, though, and he has no reason to object.


Ji Wumeng nodded affirmatively, and then said: "Not only me, but also you, I think you should also calm down to improve your own strength, instead of just looking for sister, time has passed for so long Yes, if something happened to my sister, it would have happened long ago."

"If she's fine, it won't be too late. What's more, the Ice God Palace is extremely powerful, and if she doesn't have enough strength, so what if she finds it?"

These words undoubtedly moved Fang Yi a little.

However, he himself did not know.

I don't know why, when he was in Tianshan, he was not so eager in his heart, maybe because Tianshan and the fairy world are separated by an insurmountable barrier between the two realms.

So he can calm down and practice, strive to break through the legend, and ascend to the fairy world.

But now, he got his wish and successfully ascended to the fairy world, so he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to find Ji Wuxian.

But the fact is that the fairy world is far from that simple, his strength here is not worth mentioning at all.

Perhaps, I should calm down and improve my strength first.

Fang Yi thought so.

Ji Wumeng usually doesn't seem to have any opinions, but once he decides something, he enters the water temple directly as if he was transformed into Ji Wuxian.

Naturally, Fang Yi wouldn't stop him, and even had a little bit of anticipation, looking forward to what Ji Wumeng would be like when he came out again.

Perhaps, there will be unexpected results!

After all, Ji Wumeng and the Wooden Temple are completely integrated, which is different from Fang Yi and the Water Temple. Fang Yi only owns the Water Temple, and Ji Wumeng, integrated with the Wooden Temple, is already a part of the Wooden Temple .

Once she succeeds in cultivation, what will happen and what level she will reach, no one is sure.

Ji Wumeng retreated, and Fang Yi couldn't help but look up at the void.

There, he seemed to see Ji Wuxian smiling at him.

"Wuxian! Wait for me!!"

He murmured softly, and then disappeared in place. Maybe Ji Wumeng was right, he should improve his strength first, and at least break through the three realms of legend first.

He has been stuck in the second realm of legend for a while, and it is time to break through.


(End of this chapter)

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