Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2863 Legend

Chapter 2863 Legend

"What fire god, water god, what is that?"

In the crowd, someone couldn't help asking.

Everyone's eyes also focused on the masked girl.

Fang Yi was naturally no exception, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

However, what surprised him even more was that the bright and agile eyes of the masked girl seemed to stay on him all the time, with an extremely complicated expression.

Who is the other party?

Fang Yi can be sure that he and the other party have never met, or even met, otherwise, it is impossible not to have the slightest impression based on his cultivation base, but the fact is that he does not have the slightest impression.

However, from the gaze of the other party, he clearly saw a familiar taste again.

This made him a little suspicious.

"Oh! I haven't even heard of the god of fire and the god of water. It really is the next three days."

The masked girl spoke again, with a look of disdain.

This undoubtedly made the crowd a little angry, but no one said anything, maybe they wanted to learn about the god of fire and water from the girl.

"Forget it! Miss Ben might as well tell you about it."

The masked girl smiled strangely and continued: "The God of Fire and the God of Water are two of the top gods in the prehistoric era. According to legend, they control the Temple of Fire and the Temple of Water respectively."

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the girl said, and glanced at Fang Yi again.

This made Fang Yi's heart skip a beat, because from the girl's weird smile and gaze, he had a faint feeling that the other party seemed to know him well.

It's just... how is this possible?

"What? Fire Temple?? Water Temple??"

But the crowd, at this moment, completely exploded, and everyone looked at the masked girl in disbelief.

Just kidding, the two major temples are the second of the God of Good Fortune God's Palace, so why don't they desire it.

"What then?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Seeing everyone's curiosity, the masked girl was mobilized, and there was a faint smug look on her brows, as well as a bit of showing off.

I saw her calmly, and said slowly: "The so-called incompatibility of water and fire, these two great gods have always been at odds with each other, and they don't like each other, and because of the two temples, they both want to occupy the other's temple. Yes, as a result, of course a fight broke out."

"This fight, I don't know how many years, the two have not been able to decide the outcome."

"Until a certain time, they fought in Buzhou Mountain, and it happened that the twelfth-grade Tongtian Pagoda at that time happened to be Buzhou Mountain where the entrance to the spirit world happened."

"The two actually broke into the Tongtian Tower."

This! !

When the crowd heard this, they were all horrified and subconsciously looked at the Tongtian Tower in front of them.

"Then who won in the end?"

someone asked.

Others are also full of curiosity.

Seeing this, the masked girl was particularly proud, and paused intentionally before saying: "As for who won, I am afraid only God knows, because no one knows what the battle was like, but the result of that battle is that Tongtian Tower has changed from its original ten The second floor has reached the current ninth floor."

"And the god of fire and the god of water have since disappeared without a trace."

What?That's it?

The crowd obviously had something to say, and they seemed to want to know the result of the battle and the whereabouts of the two great gods.

"Could it be that they have fallen?"

Someone guessed.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." The masked girl said a little seductively, "Not long after the two great gods disappeared, there were rumors in the Three Realms that the two great gods fell together in the Tongtian Tower, but it didn't take long for this rumor to seldom It is mentioned, and as time passes, no one will know about it.”

"If it weren't for Miss Ben, I'm afraid you would never know it for the rest of your life."

The masked girl looked benevolent.

The crowd was obviously attracted by the rumor, and they didn't care about the girl's arrogant attitude.

"I see, this rumor must have been deliberately suppressed by someone with a heart. Since the God of Fire and the God of Water have fallen in the Tongtian Pagoda, the Temple of Fire God and the Temple of Water God..."

The eyes of the crowd were eager, as if they had learned some great secret.

It's not surprising, it's only natural that they can think about this.

This is not difficult to see from the sly eyes of the masked girl at the moment.

Fang Yi naturally had a panoramic view of everything, but he inevitably had some doubts in his heart. Is this rumor true or false?

Seriously!Obviously something is wrong, because the water temple and the fire temple are not in line with the rumors. Both appear in the spirit world, and they are in the space of the magic mirror.

But, let's tell a lie!The masked girl spoke in a descriptive manner, not as if she had made it up on the spur of the moment.

Could it be that the rumors are true?

It's just that after several twists and turns in the two temples, they finally fell into their hometown?

But, how likely is this?

The vastness of the Three Realms is extremely vast. Fang Yi didn't think much of it before, but with the improvement of his strength, now that he thinks about it, it seems too coincidental that the two temples appeared in one world at the same time, and appeared in the space of the mirror some.

Moreover, the Temple of Fire is still dilapidated, as if it has experienced some kind of shocking battle.

Could it be the battle between the god of fire and the god of water?

Fang Yi felt a little confused. He felt that this was a little impossible, but deep down in his heart, he felt faintly that there might be some kind of connection between all of this.

Moreover, he always felt that the reason why the masked girl said these words was for him. ,

"It must be like this. The two temples must be inside the Tongtian Tower, but I don't know if they have been taken away."

The hearts of the crowd were a little restless.

Not surprising, after all, it is related to the two great temples, and no one can avoid vulgarity.

"I don't think so. Didn't I see those immortals enter Tongtian Pagoda without any problems? Entering once is worth [-] immortal stones. I'm ashamed that they are willing to do so. Didn't they go to the two temples?"

"Yes! That must be the case. The so-called treasures are always obtained by predestined people. Maybe..."

The eyes of the crowd are all bright and full of eagerness.

The atmosphere also changed suddenly. From the first time I saw it, to now, I can't wait to find out.

What's more, they have already gone towards the Tongtian Tower.

For the sake of the two great temples, even if it is a small hope, it is worth a try.

Especially those who were prepared to enter it.

Not to mention others, even Fang Yi was a little curious in his heart, wanting to see what the Tongtian Pagoda looked like, and whether he could still see traces of that battle during the period.

Immediately, he also prepared to go towards the Tongtian Tower.

However, at this moment, two extremely powerful auras came from behind him. He was all too familiar with that aura. They were the two who blocked him in the ice field in one day, Guan Sheng and Nie Xin of Shuiyunzong.

It's still here!

Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, he was not surprised at all, and was about to make a move.

But, at this moment, an exclamation came.

"Quick! The Tongtian Tower is open, some people want to get there first, everyone rush."

The crowd, who were already in a commotion, couldn't bear it any longer when they heard this, and swarmed towards Tongtian Tower.

Along with that, those two powerful auras were also covered up in it.

Fang Yi was a little stunned, but inadvertently saw the masked girl smiling strangely at him.


(End of this chapter)

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