Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2864

Chapter 2864

The scene fell into chaos, and the crowd scrambled to be the first, as if they were afraid of being caught first.

Fortunately, there are Tongtian Temple disciples guarding the Tongtian Pagoda.

Seeing such a situation at this moment, I saw a middle-aged man with a majestic aura striding forward, with a terrifying aura permeating his body, like a copper wall, lying in front of everyone.

"Outside Tongtian Tower, don't be presumptuous."

The middle-aged man shouted like thunder, shaking the eardrums of the crowd numb.

Even Fang Yi was a little startled, because just by hearing the voice, one could conclude that the opponent's strength was extraordinary.

The figures of Guan Sheng and Nie Xin, who were rushing to shoot, could not help but pause at this moment, and looked at each other, as if there was some fear in their eyes.

After all, this is Tongtian Temple.

They can act recklessly in other places in Qingyun City, but here, they dare not do anything wrong.

More importantly, they didn't want to expose the fact that Fang Yi was pregnant with a red lotus, because once this happened, their competition would undoubtedly become greater, so...

They seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, and they surprisingly did not act rashly.

It's just that the four eyes of the two of them were fixed on Fang Yi all the time.

"Everyone, if you want to enter the Tongtian Tower, line up one by one!"

The scene was suppressed by the middle-aged man, and he continued to shout, with a feeling of superiority between his brows.

Fang Yi looked sideways slightly, the noisy crowd was suppressed like this, even Guan Sheng and Nie Xin were no exception, this really surprised him.

At the same time, it also gave him a deeper understanding of the prestige of Tongtian Temple.

However, there are always exceptions.

The masked girl looked indifferent, and the corner of her mouth was full of contempt, and she said disdainfully: "You are so arrogant."


The middle-aged man was undoubtedly furious, and the light like a sharp blade swept towards him fiercely.

As if to pierce the masked girl.

The crowd undoubtedly also looked shocked, as if they didn't expect the masked girl to be so bold as to dare to reprimand the deacon of Tongtianguan face to face.

good!The middle-aged man is one of the deacons of Tongtian Temple, Wang Quan'an.

The cultivation has reached the legendary sixth realm.

If not, Guan Sheng and Nie Xin would not have suppressed their inner impulses.

"Bastard! Where did the yellow-haired girl dare to be presumptuous in my Tongtian Temple? Since your elders won't teach you, then let me teach you how to behave."

Wang Quanan's face darkened, as if he didn't expect that the people who spoke were all young girls.

It's hard to avoid being said that the big bully the small, but I still didn't forget to say something on the scene.

At the same time, with a big hand reaching out, a giant palm also grabbed

"Cut! Just rely on you?"

The masked girl's eyes were full of disdain, and there was a faint hint of playfulness. While speaking, her petite figure avoided it like a ghost.


The pupils of the middle-aged man couldn't help shrinking, and the strange movement of the masked girl obviously exceeded his expectations.

But at the same time, it also completely aroused his anger.

"you wanna die!"

He let out a loud shout, and the terrifying energy in his body gushed out instantly, like an erupting volcano, enveloping the masked girl, and even the surrounding crowd couldn't be spared.

Immediately, the crowd retreated hastily, trying to avoid it.

This made the crowd who were already impatient to wait no doubt add to the chaos.

The scene was completely chaotic.

And it was spreading towards Fang Yi's side, because the masked girl approached Fang Yi's side without knowing whether it was intentional or not.

As for Guan Sheng and Nie Xin, they couldn't bear it at first, but seeing them now, they were even more ready to move.

The two couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then both of them flashed a hint of insidiousness, and quickly came towards Fang Yi.

Obviously, the two are planning to take advantage of the chaos and attack each other.

One left and one right completely blocked Fang Yi's escape route.

How could Fang Yi not notice it at all, his eyes moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but sneer. Before, he was able to escape easily in the hands of the two, let alone break through to the legendary three realms now.

He didn't pay attention to the two of them at all.

Even, before the two got close, he had already made the first move, and a huge fist shadow went directly towards Guan Sheng.

The terrifying power of birth and death alternated, causing the surrounding space to suddenly fall into panic.

This huge crowd has become a mess because of the actions of middle-aged people. Now, with the addition of Fang Yi, Guan Sheng, and Nie Xin, one can imagine.

The entire crowd is already in disarray, and some powerful people can even escape by luck.

And those who are weak will inevitably suffer from indiscriminate disasters.

All kinds of shrill howls followed immediately.

"Boy! Take your life!!"

Now that Guan Sheng and Nie Xin had made their move, they couldn't care less now.

Moreover, Fang Yi's strength far exceeds expectations, even if the two want to hold back, they are no longer allowed.

All kinds of berserk attacks swept in, causing the huge square to be completely plunged into a terrifying storm, shaking all around.

Naturally, Wang Quanan also noticed this, and his face was furious.

However, before he could speak, Nie Xin spoke first, scolding: "Young-haired girl, this is not a place for you to be presumptuous, lie down for me."

As he said that, he pretended to turn his attack around and headed towards the masked girl.

Obviously, he wanted to tell Wang Quanan that the two of them just wanted to help him take down the masked girl.

really!Seeing this, Wang Quanan's face softened a little.

However, he is naturally not stupid, he can see clearly who the two are targeting, and he can't help but have a look of suspicion in his eyes.

And the masked girl, under the double attack of Wang Quan'an and Nie Xin, seemed to be extremely embarrassed.

However, her movement skills are extremely strange, and there is a terrifying chill all over her body. Anything that comes close seems to be frozen, even the attack is no exception.

And this undoubtedly played a great role in her smooth time.

Whenever there is a crisis, she can always escape.

At this time, she was getting closer and closer to Fang Yi, and under the attack of the three strong men, the two had been trapped together.

"Yellow-haired girl, let me see where you can escape!"

Wang Quanan's eyes were filled with anger. In his eyes, the masked girl was undoubtedly a fish on the chopping board and could be slaughtered at will.

But Guan Sheng and Nie Xin looked a little complicated at the moment, and they looked at each other.

Afterwards, I only heard Nie Xin say: "Deacon Wang, this person must have a great relationship with this yellow-haired girl. The two of us will take him down."

Saying that, the two of them attacked Fang Yi like a thunderbolt, regardless of whether Wan Quanan agreed or not.

The strength of both of them is very important, although they are not as good as Wang Quanan, but there is not much difference, if it is not because of the view of Tongtian, they will not be so scrupulous.

Now that I have an excuse, I can't control so much.

Wang Quan'an was obviously not stupid, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was a hint of sarcasm, and the two still let the two fight against Fang Yi without saying a word, instead it had a kind of teasing taste.

It seems that they are using the two of them.

Then, his sharp eyes swept towards the masked girl again.

"Things that don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, pay the price for your ignorance!"

As he said that, his eyes suddenly sank, and a giant palm of fear grabbed the masked girl again.


(End of this chapter)

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