Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2866 Cooperation

Chapter 2866 Cooperation

Boom! !

Horrific attacks came from all directions, completely enveloping Fang Yi.

At this moment, the three powerhouses seemed to be in a tacit understanding and vowed to capture Fang Yi in one fell swoop.

Not surprisingly, Fang Yi captured Honglian and beheaded Daoist Gu Qing. How could the three of them let him go? This is not as good as Guan Sheng and Nie Xin. Both of them are from Shuiyunzong. , Tongtian Guanda can go directly to the door.

But what about Fang Yi?Once gone, where can I find it?

and so……

"Little thief, save your life!!"

Wang Quan'an scolded angrily, and his whole body was full of monstrous aura as if from hell, which made people tremble with fear.

Guan Sheng and Nie Xin also blocked Fang Yi's retreat from the left and the right.

Seeing that it was impossible to escape, Fang Yi's face could not help but become a little ugly. Although his strength is not bad, it can even be said to be extremely good.

However, facing the three powerhouses whose cultivation level is far beyond his own at the same time, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it is obviously impossible for him to be an opponent.

However, it is obviously impossible for him to sit still.

I saw his eyes turned sideways, and an extremely cold breath poured out instantly.

Suddenly, everything in the world seemed to be frozen, and those majestic attacks seemed to have received great resistance, and they couldn't help but pause.

But, in the end, Fang Yi fought three against one, and that icy feeling was instantly overwhelmed.

But just such a meal was enough for Fang Yi.

Facing the three powerhouses at the same time, although he is no match, it is obviously not so easy for the three to trap him.

And the masked girl on the side, at the moment, is among several Tongtianguan disciples, watching all this with great interest.

As if all this had nothing to do with her.

From time to time, he nodded with satisfaction, showing a rather appreciative look.

However, seeing that Fang Yi's situation was in danger, finally, she seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and winked at Seven Swords.

Fang Yi, who was in the fierce battle, naturally had no time to take care of all this.

At the moment he is under attack.

Facing the three powerful men at the same time, it was obviously impossible for him to escape easily. The three of them were extremely inscriptions, and almost predicted all his movements, blocking his way first.

Let him fall into a bitter struggle for a while.

However, just when he was a little depressed, suddenly, another bright sword shadow crashed down.

The sword shadow was unparalleled, and without warning, it seemed to appear out of thin air.

Not only Fang Yi, but also Wang Quan'an couldn't help but change their expressions drastically.

Strictly speaking, the reaction of the three of them was even more exaggerated, because the three of them were on the periphery, so they could undoubtedly feel the horror of this sword more clearly than Fang Yi.

This sword is enough to tear everything apart.

Stronger than Wang Quan'an, he couldn't help but retreat violently, because he felt the breath of death, and his face became extremely pale.

If he is like this, let alone Guan Sheng and Nie Xin.


The three suddenly turned their heads and looked at the end of the sword.

There, the figure of Seven Swords was standing there.

Fang Yi was a little surprised. He undoubtedly felt very strange to the person who made the shot. However, he didn't have time to take care of this right now, so he took advantage of this opportunity and shot towards Tongtian Tower like lightning.

At the same time, the masked girl also smiled strangely, and hurriedly chased after her.

"Where to escape!!"

Wang Quanan reacted in an instant, but unfortunately, it was too late, and the two had disappeared into the Tongtian Tower.

There are also seven swords, accompanied by them, disappearing together.

"Bastard!! Chase me!!"

Wang Quanan jumped into a rage, almost without any hesitation, and did not enter the Tongtian Tower.

As for Guan Sheng and Nie Xin, let alone, they were originally here for this, how could they give up halfway at this moment.

The originally chaotic battlefield became quiet in an instant.

The crowd looked at each other, bewildered and helpless.


The Tongtian Tower is nine stories high, and there is no big building inside.

This is a hazy space. Fang Yi walked in it, looking around, with a suspicious look on his face.

"This is Tongtian Tower, where is the exit?"

Didn't it mean that with the help of Tongtian Tower, you can easily enter several other heavens?how……

Fang Yi frowned, because it felt more like an endless space to him, how could there be any exit?

However, the Tongtian Tower has always been the channel for warriors to enter the other heavens, and this cannot be false.

Could it be that he entered the wrong place?

"Strange, isn't it?"

At this time, a clear and playful voice came.

The voice was not unfamiliar to Fang Yi, because he had heard it before, and it was the masked girl.

as predicted!The next moment, the figure of the masked girl appeared not far away, looking at Fang Yi with playful and curious complex eyes.

"Who are you? Why did you deliberately provoke trouble?"

Fang Yi also looked at the masked girl curiously.

The behavior of the masked girl, in a sense, helped him.

However, it is not considered a complete help, because after that, she introduced Wang Quanan to herself, and let Fang Yi suffer from the enemy, otherwise, she would not be so embarrassed.

Moreover, he always felt that the masked girl did it on purpose, so he didn't give the other party a good look.

However, the masked girl showed a nonchalant look.

Said: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that we are now in the same boat, and we are all trapped in the Tongtian Tower. If we want to leave here, we must find an exit."

"I'm afraid you don't know yet! Forcibly breaking into the Tongtian Tower is no better than entering under the guidance of the Tongtian Temple. You can directly choose the exit and enter several other heavens. Forcibly breaking into the Tongtian Tower will only lead you into the endless space of the Tongtian Tower. If you want to go out , the only way to find the exit is by one’s own ability.”

"Otherwise, you will be trapped in it forever."

That's it!

Fang Yi suddenly realized, no wonder!

Before, he wondered why the Tongtian Temple was so good that people broke into the Tongtian Tower so easily. Feelings didn't matter to the Tongtian Temple.

"Since you are so familiar with Tongtian Tower, then you must know where the exit is?"

If it was normal, Fang Yi would definitely ignore the masked girl.

Because the other party's behavior was different, and he didn't know what he was planning, and Fang Yi was not a meddlesome person, he just wanted to find the whereabouts of the Ice God Palace and Ji Wuxian as soon as possible, and he was not interested in other things at all.

However, at present, it seems that if you want to leave here, you may have to rely on the other party, so...

"I don't know where the exit is. Do you really think that Tongtian Tower belongs to our family? It is an extremely rare treasure, not inferior to you..."

Cough cough! !

The masked girl seemed to realize that what she said was wrong, she quickly coughed twice, and then said again: "However, although I don't know where the exit is, I still have some clues."

The masked girl looked confident.

Fang Yi took a deep look at her. The more mysterious the other party was, the less he wanted to deal with her.

But at this moment, it seems...

"Little thief, do you think you can escape!"

Suddenly, there was another explosion, like rolling thunder.


(End of this chapter)

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