Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2867

Chapter 2867

Along with this voice, an extremely dangerous aura also hit his face.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

At the same time, he slammed a palm and greeted him head-on.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, there was a loud noise, the ground shook, and the entire huge space seemed to collapse completely.

And Fang Yi's figure also flew out quickly.

Opposite him, another figure slowly gathered, it was none other than Wang Quan'an.


At this moment, Wang Quanan's pupils also shrank sharply. It seemed that he hadn't expected that Fang Yi was just blown away by his frontal blow. This undoubtedly surprised him a little.

You know, he is a strong man in the sixth realm of legend, and he can easily take a hit, let alone a third realm of legend, even a fourth realm of legend is not so easy to take.

Even in the legendary five realms, it is extremely difficult to achieve Fang Yi's level.

"Good! Very good! No wonder he was able to escape from the hands of Guan Sheng and Nie Xin. He really has some skills."

"Unfortunately, today you met me, you deserve to die!"

Wang Quan'an's eyes turned cold, his murderous intent was revealed, and there was a hint of greed in it.

Just kidding, who doesn't yearn for the inheritance of the Ice God Palace and the Red Lotus Karma?

"You? So what if we meet? It's not like I haven't killed a disciple of Tongtian Temple before, so why not have one more of you?"

Fang Yi sneered, deliberately sarcastic.

However, having said that, he didn't dare to be careless in his expression, after all, he was a legendary six-level powerhouse, so it was no small matter.

"That's right!! What about Tongtian Temple, it's not a bunch of trash."

The masked girl did not forget to add a sentence at this moment, which was extremely ironic.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!!"

As the deacon of Tongtianguan and a strong man in the legendary six realms, Wang Quanan has never been so humiliated before, and the anger in his heart can be imagined at this moment.

Teeth can't help but cluck.

When the words fell, he slapped away with a terrifying giant palm, which was much stronger than before.

However, it is obviously not enough to win Fang Yi.

Before, the three of them could not take Fang Yi down instantly, let alone now, how could Fang Yi care.

Moreover, Fang Yi already had a certain understanding of Wang Quanan's strength with that palm just now.

Strong is strong, but it is not so easy to deal with him.

"It's up to you!"

Hearing Fang Yi's cold shout, he also did not retreat at all, and attacked Wang Ping'an head-on.

In the space, ripples rippled from Fang Yi's body, and the strange power of space permeated the surroundings, making Fang Yi seem to be independent from this space, forming a world of his own, and Wang Quanan's attack suddenly couldn't reach him Too much effect.

How can it be?

Wang Quanan noticed all this, and his face was full of disbelief.

Immediately, the aura around him suddenly changed, and the sound of a big wave came immediately, like a torrent, torrenting endlessly.

"Is it the rule power of the water system?"

Fang Yi was stunned and a little speechless.

If it is the power of other rules, he still has a little bit of fear, but the water system, because of the relationship with the water temple, he naturally has a great advantage.

But that's right, if it weren't for the power of the rules of the water system, the opponent wouldn't be crazy about Honglian.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed.

The vast power of rules, like an endless ocean, washes away everything in the world, even involving Fang Yi in it.

Wang Quan'an couldn't help but show a hint of ferocity on his face.

Perhaps, in his opinion, Fang Yi has already been settled.

However, in fact, Fang Yi Chipin seemed to be unaffected in the vast ocean, calm and composed.

"how can that be??"

Wang Quanan's pupils were round and full of disbelief.

There was still a hint of horror, and his face was slightly pale.

Perhaps it wasn't until this moment that he really realized why the other party was able to kill Gu Qing.

"Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, Wang Quan'an's face became extremely ugly, because in his opinion, a person with such means must not be an unknown person, but is very likely to be the arrogance of a certain powerful force.

And it seems that there are not many such powerful forces who dare to provoke Tongtian Temple easily.

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and became more and more domineering when he punched. When he punched out, the terrifying meaning of destruction erupted instantly, and everything passed by was wiped out.

The two were thus at an impasse.

With Wang Quan'an's strength, it is undoubtedly not enough to win Fang Yi.

Similarly, Fang Yi's desire to defeat Wang Quan'an may not be that simple. After all, Wang Quan'an is a legendary powerhouse of the sixth realm, and, coming from Tongtian Temple, he is far beyond the reach of ordinary small forces.

There was also a gleam of splendor in the eyes of the masked girl at the moment.

It seems that Fang Yi's strength has also greatly exceeded her expectations.

Seeing that the scene was deadlocked, she also rushed into the battlefield with a movement of her figure.

Her body skills were extremely strange, as if this space could not restrain her figure at all. During the free shuttle, although the attack power was not very good, it did create a lot of trouble for Wang Quanan.

Originally, the two were at a deadlock, but now with her joining, Fang Yi has already faintly occupied the top.

"Let me just say it! What Tongtian Temple, it really is a bunch of trash."

The masked girl was extremely proud and sarcastic on purpose.

If these words were changed before, maybe they didn't carry so much weight, but at this moment, Wang Quanan was actually suppressed by a legend of the third realm and a legend of the first realm, and the result was naturally very different.

This is undoubtedly tantamount to slapping him in the face hard, making him run away completely.

"Ignorant children, no one can save you today, die!!"

Wang Quanan scolded angrily, and crushed a messenger jade slip at the same time.

not good!

Fang Yi couldn't help but sink in his heart. The other party obviously wanted to move reinforcements. With his strength, it was already extremely difficult to face Wang Quanan. If other Tongtianguan powerhouses arrived, then...

The consequences are obvious.

However, the masked girl still looked like she had nothing to do with her, with a face full of disapproval.

Fang Yi even frowned a little. Where did he have the confidence to be a mere legend?

However, right now he has no intention of paying attention to these things, taking advantage of this opportunity to leave as soon as possible is the best choice, otherwise, if the reinforcements from Tongtian Temple really arrive, it will not be so easy to leave.

Immediately, he shouted anxiously, "Don't leave!!"

Saying that, the whole person shot away in a hurry.

The masked girl was extremely weird. If it wasn't for leaving this world, Fang Yi really didn't intend to entangle with her too much, but at this moment, he had to remind her.

Of course, it was just a reminder that he was not interested in paying attention to what he was asked to do for the masked girl and whether she would be able to leave her or not.


However, Fang Yi's actions were obviously beyond the expectations of the masked girl, making her gnash her teeth in anger.

But then, he quickly chased after him.

However, without Fang Yi's restraint, it is not that simple to escape from Wang Quan'an's hands easily.

I saw Wang Quan'an's giant palm protruding, and a giant palm holding up to the sky instantly condensed and crushed towards the masked girl.

At this moment, even the masked girl who hadn't shown the slightest bit of fear from the beginning to the end, couldn't help showing a hint of fear in her pupils.

brush! !

But the next moment, a bright sword shadow fell from nowhere.

Before the giant palm that supported the sky fell, it tore apart the heaven and earth, and Wang Quanan was also torn apart. A line of blood extended downward from his forehead.

His pupils were wide open, and he didn't understand what happened until he died, and his body crashed down.


(End of this chapter)

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