Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2895 Great Ancient Protoss Clan

Chapter 2895 Ten Ancient Protoss Clans

yes!Fang Yi really has no interest.


What kind of decent things can a mere second-level legend produce?Don't say she couldn't get it out, even if she could get it out, Fang Yi would not care.

The good thing is that Fang Yi is not lacking, what he lacks is time, a lot of time needed to comprehend the power of those rules.

But this, no one can give him, so...

"Aren't you curious about the Sea Palace? You entered the secret realm of Tianhe, didn't you want to go in and have a look?"

Haiyan obviously did not give up and continued.

"That's right!"

Fang Yi nodded, "I will definitely go to the Sea Palace, but it doesn't mean that I have to bring a burden."

Fang Yi didn't give the other party any face, and said directly.

If it was changed to before, Haiyan would definitely not give Fang Yi a good look, but now, after seeing Fang Yi's strength, she had to endure it, and the corner of her mouth twitched faintly.

Then he said: "What exactly do you want, you are willing to help me."

Fang Yi didn't answer, because he didn't want to get too entangled with the other party.

However, Haiyan didn't intend to leave at all, and stood by Fang Yi's side, waiting.

Fang Yi had no choice but to curl his lips and glance at the other party.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the scene where the other party scolded Hai Xing for him on Sea King Star.

"Forget it! If you want me to help, shouldn't you tell the general situation first, explain in advance, even if you say it, it doesn't mean that I will definitely help you."

From this point of view, Fang Yi might as well listen to what the other party has to say.

Of course, as for whether to help in the end, that is another matter.

Haiyan was overjoyed when she heard that, but then she hesitated. It was obvious that she had many secrets in her heart and she didn't want others to know.

Just like before, when Fang Yi asked, she only said that she had a reason to go.

But at this moment, she also understands that if she doesn't say anything, it is absolutely impossible for Fang Yi to help her.

"You should know about Haitian! He has cultivated the Sea Emperor's Art to the twelfth level, and he is known as the person who is most likely to awaken the Sea Emperor's bloodline."

"But in fact, he can't awaken at all, because he doesn't have the blood of the Sea Emperor in his body at all, and I am the descendant of the Sea Emperor."

Haiyan spoke surprisingly.

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, and looked at her in surprise.

"Are you a descendant of the Sea Queen? Have the blood of the Sea King? Then, your strength..."

A hint of curiosity flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

During those days on Sea King Star, he knew a little bit about it. The blood of Sea King is the real descendant of Sea King. The blood of Sea King is flowing in their bodies, and they are all extremely powerful.

Of course, that was once.

After that, the descendants of the Sea Emperor became less and less, until they did not appear again for countless tens of thousands of years.

As a result, the Hai Clan has become what it is now. Although it cannot be said that it is divided, it is not much worse, and internal struggles continue.

But now, Haiyan actually said that she is a descendant of Queen Hai, so he couldn't help but be curious.

"Strength doesn't mean anything. It's because I haven't inherited the inheritance of the Sea Emperor and awakened the power of my bloodline." Haiyan obviously saw Fang Yi's doubts.

Then he said: "As long as I can enter the Sea Emperor's Palace, I will be able to inherit the Sea Emperor's inheritance. Then, you will naturally understand."


Fang Yi smiled lightly, and looked at Haiyan curiously.

It seems to want to see if the other party is lying.

However, judging from the appearance of the other party, it is obviously not like it. Moreover, exposing the identity of the Sea Queen's descendant does not seem to benefit the other party at all, and it may cause death.

In this way, maybe the other party is really a descendant of the Queen of the Sea.

But, what exactly is there in Haihuang Palace that makes the other party so eager to get it?

inherited?The power of blood?

What is the so-called power of blood?This made Fang Yi curious.

"This is my biggest secret. I have already told you now. I will try my best to satisfy you if you have any other conditions. Maybe you see that I am weak now, and it seems like empty words."

"But as long as I inherit the inheritance of the Sea Emperor, everything will come true, and you will also gain the friendship of the entire Sea Clan."

At this moment, Haiyan seemed to be a different person, full of confidence in herself and the future.


Fang Yi smiled in surprise. To be honest, he really didn't care about the friendship of the Hai Clan, and as for the treasures, it was even less worth mentioning.

However, I was a little curious in my heart, wondering why the other party was so confident.

He couldn't help asking: "Is the inheritance of the Sea Emperor really so great?"

"Not bad!"

Haiyan definitely replied, "Have you heard of the top ten god races in ancient times? I, the Sea Emperor, is one of the ten god races. I was born with a powerful bloodline."

Haiyan looked forward to it.

What?The top ten protoss in ancient times?

Fang Yi was stunned, he had never heard of these, and immediately asked: "What are the top ten protoss?"

Seeing this, Haiyan seemed to realize something, and quickly said: "The so-called top ten ancient gods are the first ten races born when the world first opened. Only their descendants can inherit, others cannot inherit at all."

Haiyan seemed to be telling, but more like reminding Fang Yi.

Then he said: "The top ten gods are different from the innate gods. They can continue. At first, the power of heaven and earth was strong, and they were born with great strength. But with the changes in the Three Realms, they must awaken their blood in order to possess such divine power. .”

Is there such a thing?

Fang Yi's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity in his heart. He asked, "Then what race are they? Where do they live?"

Haiyan seems unwilling to get too entangled in this topic, perhaps, she doesn't know much.

However, if she asked Fang Yi, she had no choice but to reply: "They are the first race born when the world first opened, so they all live in the origin of the Three Realms, namely Kunlun and Canghai."


Isn't this the most mysterious mountain and sea among the nine mountains and eight seas?

Are they known as the origin of the Three Realms?Fang Yi had never heard of this point.

"As for what race they are, I'm not very clear, because Kunlun and Canghai can only be entered by the truly super strong, and other people don't even know where they are."

"However, I have heard that there seem to be Celestial Race, Nether Race, Undead Royal Race, etc.!"

Haiyan continued.

What?Undead royal family?

Fang Yi subconsciously thought of the Immortal Corpse King. Could it be that it was one of the top ten protoss in ancient times?

Not to mention, it's really possible. At the beginning, Emperor Jianyi once said that the undead royal family is an extremely rare existence in the three realms, and they can truly be immortal.

It's no wonder that such a terrifying group turned out to be one of the top ten god races in ancient times.

"As for our lineage of the Sea Emperor, it is the Pangu clan among the top ten god clans in ancient times." Haiyan did not forget to say one last sentence, with a proud expression on her face.


(End of this chapter)

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