Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2896 Pangu Clan

Chapter 2896 Pangu Clan

Pangu tribe?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, not because he had heard of the Pangu tribe, in fact, he had heard the legend about Pangu's creation of the world, but the Pangu tribe had never heard of it.

What made him feel even more unbelievable was that Pan Gu, the great god in ancient legends, he had only heard of in the legends of Kyushu.

Don't hear about it in other places.

But now, he actually heard it from the other party again?what does that mean?

And, is there any relationship between the Pangu tribe in the other party's mouth and the Pangu who created the world in the legend of Kyushu?

If so, what is the relationship between the two?And, how did the other party know this?

This had to make Fang Yi curious, even surprised.

In Kyushu, Pangu is just a distant legend, no one knows whether it exists or not, but in this Tianhe, which is far away from Kyushu, there are people who know about Pangu.

"You said that your Neptune's lineage is the Pangu clan, one of the top ten god clans in ancient times. Then let me ask you, do you know who Pangu is?"

Immediately, Fang Yi asked quickly.


This time, it was Haiyan's turn to look blank, and then she shook her head, "I'm sorry! I haven't heard of it. Both Kunlun and Canghai exist in legends. I also heard everything about the top ten ancient gods. Say, but, there is one thing you can rest assured, our Sea Emperor lineage is the real Pangu clan."

"Because our form is very different from yours, when I awaken the power of my blood, I will restore the form of the Pangu clan."


"What form?"

These words undoubtedly surprised Fang Yi, and asked.

"I only know that it is the strongest form of the Pangu clan, also known as the Pangu divine body. As for what it looks like, I have never seen it." Haiyan said truthfully.

It can be seen that she has very limited knowledge of the so-called top ten god clans in ancient times and the situation of the Pangu clan.

Not surprising, if it is true as she said, the top ten protoss live in Kunlun Canghai, if you want to know, it may not be that simple.

It has to be said that Fang Yi is already a little tempted at the moment.

Not because of Haiyan's promise.

It's because of the legends about the top ten god clans in ancient times, the most important one is the Pangu clan. Could it be related to the Pangu clan in the Kyushu legend?

If so, then who brought the legend of Pangu to Kyushu?

Why not anywhere else.

What is the intention?

Maybe it's just a coincidence?

Therefore, Fang Yi wants to find out. Of course, he can still go alone to find out, but if Haiyan is really a so-called Pangu tribe, then maybe there are other uses.

After figuring this out, Fang Yi finally made up his mind.

Then he took a look at Haiyan and said, "It's not impossible, but I'm in charge along the way, and there are some important things related to this that must not be concealed."

When Haiyan heard this, her eyes lit up immediately, "Okay!"

Immediately, she nodded.

Fang Yi's request is not too much. With Fang Yi's strength, it is natural that the other party has the final say, what else can she do.

Her only requirement is to arrive at Haihuang Palace safely.

"What about your conditions?"

Then, she didn't forget to ask again.

The so-called conditions, of course, refer to the remuneration, let Fang Yi escort him to the Sea Palace for no reason, this is unreasonable, so...

However, Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled and said, "What do you think you can give me?"

This! !

Haiyan was silent, she really didn't know what she could give, but she couldn't give nothing.

"Let's talk when we arrive!"

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to her anymore, and his mind was once again immersed in the relic of the Tao.

Just like that, time passed by quickly, and the group of people was almost rested. I don't know whether it was because of the harvest of this trip or the existence of Fang Yi, which made the group full of confidence and high morale.

It was the same for Haiyan, her gloomy face had stretched a lot at this moment, as if she had seen some kind of hope.


"Tsk tsk! This time it's developed, we can't help harvesting three Dao relics, and so many things."

In the vast Milky Way, a group of people have gone nowhere.

Because they've gotten carried away.

Under Fang Yi's protection, their harvest in this line of work is not insignificant. There are only three relics of the Tao. Besides, they also found many relics of ancient strongmen along the way.

Cultivation techniques, fairy artifacts and so on.

Let them all be ecstatic.

Of course, if you let them know that Fang Yi's harvest is more than ten times that of them, I don't know how they will feel.

There is no doubt about it, everything they got was left to them by Fang Yi.

Perhaps it should be said that Fang Yi picked the rest.

Relying on the control of the rules of water, everything around is in Fang Yi's induction, from this, it can be imagined.

"Where is the Sea Palace? We have traveled so far, why is there no trace of it yet?"

Haihui and the others obviously couldn't hold back anymore.

In fact, let alone them, even Fang Yi was about to lose his patience. He immediately sent a voice transmission to Haiyan and asked, "Aren't you a descendant of the Queen of the Sea? Don't you just search aimlessly like this?"

When Haiyan asked, her expression changed, and she said, "It hasn't been long since I found out about my identity, and the power of my bloodline has just appeared, so I can't sense the location of Haihuang Palace at all."

"However, there is one person who may be able to sense it, and that is Haitian."

Haiyan said, it turns out that according to what she said, the Haihuang Jue is the key to sensing the location of the Haihuang Palace.

As long as one can cultivate the Sea Emperor Art to the twelfth level, within a certain range, one can perceive the location of the Sea Emperor Palace.

However, the power of her bloodline has just appeared, and she has not paid attention to the so-called inheritance of the Sea Emperor before. After the power of the bloodline appeared, the time was a little too late, so there was such a situation.

"So! We have to find that kid first."

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little headache.

But since this is already the case, that's the only way to go. However, after a thought, he couldn't help asking: "That's right! What exactly is the Sea Emperor Art? Is it possible to cultivate it to the twelfth level in a short period of time?" ?”

Fang Yi's idea is very simple, since he has to practice the Sea Emperor Jue to the twelfth floor to sense the location of the Sea Emperor Palace, then practice it.

Of course, he didn't count on Haiyan, but himself.

Out of his comprehension of the rules of water, he is confident that he can quickly practice any water-based kung fu.

If it is coupled with the time acceleration of the Water Temple, it may not be impossible.

However, Haiyan obviously didn't think so, and directly denied: "Impossible! The Sea Emperor's Art is extremely difficult to practice, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough in a short period of time. Instead of holding such thoughts, it is better to search honestly. There is still some hope."

The implication could not be more obvious, as Fang Yi said, there is no possibility at all.

Seeing this, Fang Yi had no choice but to give up!

Although he didn't think so, the Sea Emperor's Art was after all a skill of the Sea Emperor's lineage, and he didn't have the habit of asking others for it.


However, just when he was a little disappointed, the figure of another group of people appeared in his perception, and the leader was suddenly Hai Tian.


(End of this chapter)

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