Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2907 One Body Twins

Chapter 2907 Twins

The infusion of the Sea Emperor's inheritance not only made Wushen's strength several times stronger, but his self-confidence also skyrocketed.

Thinking that Fang Yi could be crushed easily, he completely ignored the group of people.

Especially the defeat of Haitian and Yinlong fueled his arrogance.

But it's a pity, Fang Yi is no match for Hai Tian.

Looking at the tentacle that collapsed like a pillar of heaven, Fang Yi couldn't help seducing a coldness from the corner of his mouth, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the bright three-color sword light in his body also burst out instantly.

brush! !

The sword light pierced through the sky and fell down with an incomparable posture.

Everything, at this moment, looked extremely bleak compared to it, as if there was only this bright sword shadow left in the world.

puff! !

Blood mist sprayed, a huge tentacle flew away, and a howl of pain followed.

There is no doubt that the tentacles that hit Fang Yi have already been cut off.

The crowd also stared dumbfounded at this scene, looking at that domineering figure and that tentacle flying away, as if they were dreaming.

Haitian and Yinlong were no exception. It should be said that the reaction of the two of them was even worse, because only two of them were more aware of Wushen's dominance.

He also understood better how much strength was needed to cut off the tentacles.

However, the person in front of him has done it, and there are only three legends, how can the two not be surprised.

But it was only for a moment, because Wushen was in pain, the tentacles that were originally wrapped around the two of them couldn't help but loosen, and the two of them saw the opportunity and quickly got rid of it.

His face was full of luck.

"You!! Damn human..."

At this moment, Wushen's face was extremely ferocious. One of his tentacles was chopped off. He obviously suffered a lot of pain, and his face became a little pale.

But that's all, as the Emperor Wu clan, he has endless tentacles.

Being cut off by one is completely harmless.

What made him angry was that his majesty was damaged. In his mind, the group of people was like fish on a chopping board, allowing him to slaughter, but the result...

How could he not be angry! !

The terrifying energy in the body is almost no longer retained, and it is exhausted.

Not only that, but another 'Wu Shen' is also coming towards him rapidly at this moment, and the two are slowly merging together.

"How is this going?"

The crowd looked at each other.

Haitian and Yinlong were also full of astonishment. They were always full of doubts about the two Wushen, and they didn't know why.

Because it doesn't look like a clone at all, Wushen's own name is also a bit weird, brother!No one would call a double a brother.

So, what would that be?

Fang Yi was also full of curiosity.

Fortunately, at the next moment, Wushen gave everyone the answer, and saw that the two slowly merged, and Wushen's body also swelled rapidly.From his body, countless tentacles began to stretch out, dancing in the wind, giving people an extremely evil feeling.

The people around were so frightened that they all trembled and trembled all over.

"He...he's going to reveal his body, everyone, go back!!"

As if to confirm the words of the crowd, a terrifying aura like ink, centered on Wushen, invaded the entire hall in an instant.

In addition, the endless tentacles also shuttled one by one, which was extremely weird.

Some people with weak strength were involved in it in an instant, and there was not even a scum left, and all kinds of shrill howls followed.

The scene completely turned into a piece of hell.

"What's going on, he..."

However, it wasn't these things that made the crowd even more unbelievable. The ink-like aura gradually faded away, revealing a huge black figure.

That black figure was like a mountain, with endless tentacles, it was a powerful Emperor Crow.

That is, the body of Wushen.

However, if it was just that, it would obviously not shock the crowd so much. The reason why the crowd was so shocked was that the Emperor Crow in front of him actually had two huge heads.

"This... this is the main body of Crow God? He is a two-headed Emperor Crow, no wonder!!"

Yinlong's pupils shrank sharply, as if he had seen a ghost.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what was going on with the two black gods. It was indeed not a clone, he was himself, and the breath and even the soul were the same.

Because they are one, twins.

Although this kind of situation is extremely rare, and there are even fewer people who have achieved success in cultivation, it does not exist.

Right now is the best proof.

"What a Wushen, originally this was your biggest hole card, everyone was deceived by you."

Haitian's face is also extremely gloomy at the moment.

He thought that he had great confidence in competing for the inheritance of the Sea Emperor this time, but now, he is making a wedding dress for someone else, and one can imagine the reluctance in his heart.

However, in the face of absolute strength, what else can he say?

"It turned out to be a deformity!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile in surprise. The so-called twins are, to put it bluntly, deformed. It's just that it's extremely difficult for this kind of deformity to grow up. Not to mention the various reasons, just such a strange appearance will be rejected by the same race. Disdainful.

Wushen didn't know how to hide this point, maybe this was the reason why he was always a loner!

And in a situation like his, once he grows up, it is extremely amazing.

Compared with ordinary people, it has almost double the strength.

It's like having an extra clone, and it's not just an ordinary clone, it's extraordinary.

"Humble human!! You court death!!"

Fang Yi's words undoubtedly angered Wushen, because this was his pain point, if not, he would not have kept this matter hidden.

Of course, the initial concealment was naturally due to taboo, but now, it is mostly to keep a little bit of cards.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

Fang Yi still smiled indifferently, facing Wushen's anger, indifferent.

Obviously, the others couldn't be so calm. Sensing the terrifying aura from Wushen's body spreading infinitely, the group couldn't help but tremble with fright and wanted to escape, but it's a pity...

The endless tentacles have already stretched towards them.

"Bastard! Damn human, you have successfully angered me, and I will let you know today what life is better than death."

As he said that, Wushen's huge body came towards Fang Yi, and the endless tentacles, like a huge impenetrable net, enveloped Fang Yi down.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it were other warriors, everyone present would surely die.

Haitian and Yinlong are no exception.

This is not difficult to see from the terrified expressions of the two of them at the moment.

However, how can Fang Yi be compared between the two, no matter how domineering the giant net is, it still can't make him take half a step back.

He just sneered and scolded, "It's up to you? It's still far away."

While speaking, a bright three-color sword shadow cut down the sky again, with the aura of smashing everything, nothing can stop it.

Even that huge net, by comparison, looks a bit dim.

Wushen's expression couldn't help but also changed, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. The next moment, three huge tentacles greeted the three-color sword glow, while the other tentacles still rolled towards Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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