Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2908 Strange Petrel

Chapter 2908 Strange Petrel

Obviously, Wushen was trying to exchange Fang Yi's life with three tentacles.

But his wishful thinking was obviously wrong.

Facing the endless tentacles, Fang Yi's mouth was full of sarcasm, and the three-color sword light also fell down at a faster speed, tearing everything apart.

At the same time, ripples rippled from his body.

Those swarming tentacles, when encountering these ripples, are like headless flies, only knowing to run amok without knowing the direction at all.

Um? ?

Wushen's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a hint of disbelief and anger flashed faintly.

It's a pity that the bright three-color sword light has already fallen.

With unrivaled momentum.

Brush brush! ! !

The three-color sword glow wiped out everything, and any obstacles were wiped out, including the three pillar-like tentacles, which were thrown away one by one.

The blood mist sprayed, and the whole sky seemed to have a sudden rain of blood.

The crowd watched this scene in shock.

As for Wushen, he raised his head to the sky and roared in pain, but the more so, the more violent the aura around him became, and he was on the verge of going berserk.

"Damn human, you will definitely die today!!"

Wushen went completely berserk, and the terrifying aura never cared about him, sweeping across the earth like a storm.

Some people who were weak and unable to avoid them were torn apart by the storm in an instant, and scattered all over the sky, creating a scene like hell.

"Kill him!! If he won't die, none of us will leave alive!"

Haitian shouted loudly at this moment.

Fang Yi's domineering made him faintly see some kind of hope, moreover, the current situation was just like what he said, Wushen couldn't let anyone go.

Everyone is also watching, so they naturally understand.

Now that I heard it, no matter how scared I am, I can't care too much, so I have to fight hard, because the main hall has been blocked, there is only one way to fight hard, otherwise, I can only wait for death obediently.

"Kill him!!! Kill!!!"

All of a sudden, shouts of killing soared to the sky, and the huge crowd exploded with a lot of momentum.

Especially Haitian and Yinlong, the strength of these two people is not insignificant, uniting everyone, naturally cannot be underestimated.

However, in Wushen's eyes, it was like a child's play. He looked at the crowd as if looking at an idiot, full of sarcasm.

"Things that don't know how to die! Let me die!"

He just heard him scolding, and the endless tentacles swept out again, like dragon snakes, baring their teeth and claws, so weird that it was impossible to guard against.

Some of the weak ones were twisted into twists by the tentacles before they could even react.

There was a cloud of blood and mist at the scene, which was extremely tragic.

Ahh! !

All kinds of shrill howls followed, except for Haitian and Yinlong, in the eyes of Wushen, the others were as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

It was just food delivery, and the whole scene was bloody, like a slaughterhouse.

Wushen was like a peerless demon king, making the crowd tremble with fright.

Even Haitian and Yinlong were no exception, because they suddenly discovered that Wushen's breath was getting stronger and stronger, and it was still climbing at an extremely fast speed, as if there was no end.

From above the statue, endless terrifying aura poured into his body.


Fang Yi undoubtedly discovered this too, but, if it was him, there was nothing he could do about it.

Wushen's strength was originally extremely domineering. Although Fang Yi was not afraid of him, it was almost impossible to take him down. With this level of strength, it was not so easy to take him down.

What's more, there was that statue behind Wushen, and even Fang Yi couldn't resist that terrifying aura.

Just kidding, that's the breath from the Sea Emperor.

How could it be possible to compete with Fang Yi alone as the Legendary Three Realms.

And if Fang Yi is like this, others can imagine.

The situation on the field is not surprising.

"Hahaha!! You are all going to die. An ant-like existence dares to covet the inheritance of the Sea Emperor. It doesn't matter."

Wushen laughed wildly, like a demon king from hell, taking away a lot of life wherever he passed, and in just a moment, more than half of the warriors who broke into the hall were killed or injured.

It is no exaggeration to say that if things go on like this, everyone will die within a short while.

Including Haitian and Yinlong.

This is not difficult to see from the ashen faces of the two of them at the moment.

Of course, except for Fang Yi, if he wants to leave, no one here can stop him, but Haiyan is different. It has been torn to pieces.

However, at this moment, seeing the hope of the Sea Emperor's inheritance shattered, she unexpectedly fell into a kind of endless despair, as if she had forgotten life and death, and walked towards the statue with a dull expression.

Still muttering in his mouth: "Impossible! It won't be like this..."

"You are looking for death!"

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help scolding angrily.

In any case, it can be regarded as walking together all the way, Fang Yi can never see that the other party died in vain.

However, Haiyan didn't seem to hear it, she was in a trance, and she still walked slowly towards the statue.

However, that terrifying aura swept over Wushen, like a storm, and in the next moment, Haiyan would be completely torn into pieces.


Fang Yi couldn't help scolding angrily, he couldn't just watch the other party die.

In desperation, he had no choice but to make a move.

However, before he stretched out his giant palm, he suddenly discovered that a strange energy slowly diffused from Haiyan's body.

The energy was extremely strange, as if it was not under Haiyan's control at all, it came spontaneously.

This is not difficult to see from Haiyan's still sluggish face at this moment.

However, that energy is extremely wonderful, like a protective shield, protecting Haiyan within it, even though the terrifying aura of Wushen swept over, it was not affected in the slightest.


Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

No one knows more about Haiyan's strength than him. Along the way, the opponent has been in danger several times. If it wasn't for him, the opponent would have fallen a long time ago.

Therefore, he was very clear that with Haiyan's strength, he was absolutely unable to compete with Wushen.

I'm afraid that it will be torn to pieces as soon as it touches it.

But the fact is that Haiyan is still fine, walking towards Wushen step by step like a normal person.


Wushen undoubtedly also noticed this, and a scene of disbelief flashed across his face.

Like him, Haitian and Yinlong also looked at each other with disbelief written all over their faces. In their eyes, Haiyan seemed to suddenly become extremely mysterious.

But the truth is, Haiyan herself didn't realize it, just like a marionette.

"Interesting! Go to hell!!"

When Wushen was surprised, the anger in his heart also evaporated.

That terrifying aura also became more domineering, coming all over the sky, like a surging tsunami, seeing that Haiyan was about to be completely engulfed in it.


(End of this chapter)

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