Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2910 The Body of Pangu

Chapter 2910 The Body of Pangu

From Ascension to Immortal Realm, no!Strictly speaking, since entering Tianshan, Fang Yi has not forgotten to track down the whereabouts of the strong man who almost destroyed Kyushu, as well as the whereabouts of Fuxi and Nuwa.

Because he was worried that one day, that strong man would come to Kyushu again.

If this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for Kyushu.

Therefore, he wanted to find the other party first, so as to find a countermeasure. After all, the other party still had a blood clone in Kyushu.

But all these years, he got nothing.

About Fuxi and Nuwa, as well as the nameless strong man, it seems that they have never appeared, there is no information about them, and even, things related to them do not exist at all.

But at this moment, looking at the huge statue with a human head and a snake body in front of him, Fang Yi knew that he had found it.

The two are so similar that they must be of the same family.

In contrast, Haiyan undoubtedly looked more excited, trembling slightly all over her body.

It's no wonder that she has been waiting for this day for a long time. From the beginning full of hope, to the previous loss, and now, there are several twists and turns, and her heart can be imagined.

"Sea Emperor, this is the Sea Emperor!! The body of Pan Gu!!"

She muttered in her mouth, and she couldn't help stepping towards the statue.

"Bastard! Leave it to me!!"

Wushen naturally refused, his eyes were full of anger, and all the tentacles rolled towards Haiyan like a giant net. In comparison, Haiyan was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

However, facing the huge net, Haiyan remained indifferent, staring at the statue with fanaticism on her face.

Seeing that the huge net is about to completely envelop it.

However, at this moment, the bloody light suddenly became stronger, and the giant net seemed to be hit hard, and the tentacles fell down for no reason, and the blood mist filled the sky.

Ahh! !

Wushen's mournful howl also followed.

Haitian and Yinlong were also looking at each other at this moment, their faces pale. Originally, they were going to fight for the statue, but seeing this scene, they were completely frightened, and their legs trembled slightly.

"No! Impossible!! It will never be like this, our Emperor Wu Clan is still the Emperor of the Sea, you, you..."

Wushen had recovered his human body at this moment, and his pale face was full of disbelief.

No wonder, that was obviously a statue of Emperor Wu, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a statue with a human head and a snake body that I had never heard of before.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to him.

Because he knew since he was a child that the Emperor of the Sea was his Clan of Emperor Wu, but the facts before him...

However, no matter how much he didn't believe it, Haiyan had already arrived in front of the huge statue with a human head and a snake body. At the same time, her whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of blood light.

The blood light continued to spread, connecting her with the statue as one.

The blood light rolled, the blood mist billowed, one person and one statue slowly turned into a huge blood cocoon.

No one dared to step forward.

Even Fang Yi was no exception, because from the bloody light, he could sense an extremely powerful aura, which was completely beyond his imagination, and even made him dare not make any changes.

Because no one knows what the consequences will be.

Wushen, Haitian, and Yinlong naturally let alone Hong, they all looked at this scene in shock, with extremely complicated expressions, puzzled?At a loss?envious?Still unwilling, wait.

Time passed like this, and everything in the world seemed to slow down.

The blood cocoon became thicker and thicker, and the terrifying aura became more and more frightening. The whole hall was on the verge of collapse, until the aura seemed to reach its peak, and endless thunder light began to cover the blood cocoon densely.

Click! ! !

Suddenly, a huge thunderbolt fell out of nowhere, directly splitting the blood cocoon.

The faces of Wushen and the others all changed drastically in fright, and at the same time they were full of doubts.

Fang Yi's pupils also shrank suddenly.

I saw a figure slowly stepping out of the crack in the blood cocoon.

"Have you accepted the inheritance?"

This is probably the question in everyone's mind. They are all staring at all of this, staring at the figure slowly stepping out of the crack.

That figure was naturally none other than Haiyan.

It's just that compared to before, Haiyan's expression at this moment is a bit majestic, with a sense of inviolability on her face.

It seems that in that moment, she has completed every kind of metamorphosis, the metamorphosis of the soul.

It is not difficult to see this from her contemptuous eyes.

However, from the outside, it doesn't seem to be much different.

"Girl, what's going on? Who are you?"

Wushen obviously couldn't bear it anymore, the bloody light faded, Haiyan was the same as before, how could he see it in his eyes.

However, perhaps because he was too eager to notice, the statue with a human head and a snake body that was wrapped in bloody light with Haiyan had disappeared without a trace.

"Presumptuous, you are disrespectful!!"

Changing her normal routine, Haiyan, who was originally a little gentle, now has a slight coldness in her eyes.

Suddenly, an inexplicable breath swept from her body, making people tremble all over, as if they were in an endless hell.

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.

Because in his induction, Haiyan was very ordinary just now, but at this moment, she has become extremely fierce, even he felt a little palpitation.

However, what Fang Yi didn't expect was yet to come.

Under Wushen's rage, the terrifying energy all over his body turned into a giant hand, and he slapped Haiyan directly.


It can be said that this palm contained the overwhelming anger of Wushen.

Even Fang Yi did not dare to underestimate him.

Not to mention Yinlong and Haitian, sensing the power of this palm, their legs couldn't help trembling slightly.

However, Haiyan remained indifferent, as if all this had nothing to do with her, and even at the end, a trace of disdain and deep contempt flashed across her eyes.

"You are bold!!"

The next moment, just hearing her shout, her complexion turned cold, and her originally thin body seemed to have been raised countless times in an instant, becoming incomparably majestic.

Not only that, but her figure was also changing greatly, blood was shining, and thunder was dense.

The legs that were originally standing in the hall turned into a huge snake tail.

The human head and snake body are exactly the same as the previous statue.

"This is……"

Wushen opened his eyes wide, filled with inconceivable colors, as if he had seen a ghost.

Naturally, Haitian and Yinlong were the same, they looked at each other, and saw the deep shock in each other's eyes.

The same is true for Fang Yi, his eyes burst out with brilliance. At this moment, Haiyan seemed to be a completely different person in his induction, and changed along with his breath, becoming extremely mysterious and giving people a sense of sacredness.

The Pangu clan, is this the legendary Pangu clan, one of the top ten god clans in ancient times?

brush! !

Just as several people were pondering, Haiyan made a move. She seemed to be casually pointing her index finger, and a bright blood-colored light shot towards Wushen like thunder.

And Wushen's complexion also changed drastically.


(End of this chapter)

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