Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2911 Surrender

Chapter 2911 Surrender

The scene seemed a bit weird, Wushen, who was originally extremely violent, seemed to be frozen as if projected by the bright blood-colored light, and remained motionless.

The face is also in a state of bewilderment, as if lost in some kind of loss.

"This is??"

Both Haitian and Yinlong couldn't help looking at each other.

Fang Yi was also a little confused.

The bloody light was extremely domineering. According to Fang Yi's estimate, even if Wushen didn't suffer serious injuries, he might not feel better.

But the fact is that Wushen was not injured at all, only in a trance and unable to extricate himself.

This scene undoubtedly exceeded Fang Yi's expectations, and it also made his expression a little dignified.

Time goes by like this.

The surroundings fell into a strange state, Wushen was shrouded in blood, and for unknown reasons, Haitian and Yinlong did not dare to act rashly, just joking, even Wushen ended up like this, how dare the two dare to make mistakes.

If you really say yes, then you want to escape.

But at this moment, in this situation, how dare they act recklessly. Besides, this hall has been completely enveloped by that bloody light, and it is not like they can leave just by leaving.

Moreover, how willing they are deep in their hearts.

Although Fang Yi didn't care, he was full of curiosity about the human head and snake body, as well as the Pangu tribe, so he wouldn't leave, so...

This strange state remained around until Wushen's eyes brightened again.

The way she looked at Haiyan was also different, like a devout believer.

The next moment, he even bent down his huge body and bowed respectfully towards Haiyan.

"I have seen His Highness!!"

There is no disrespect in the mouth.

what? ?

Seeing this scene and hearing all of this, Haitian and Yinlong were completely stunned, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, seeing deep doubt and astonishment in each other's eyes.

It's no wonder that Emperor Wu's family has always been extremely powerful, and Wushen himself has reached the legendary sixth realm. A mere Haiyan is nothing in his eyes.

But now?How dare the two of them believe that Wushen surrendered willingly.

Even Fang Yi was the same, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

For a strong man like Wushen, it was completely impossible to submit to a weak man.

Not to mention a weak person, even a strong person who is much stronger than him, I am afraid that he will not be able to make him submit, because his own cultivation and strength may be able to achieve greatness in the future.

Such a strong person, how could he submit to others.

Unless that person has a strength far beyond him, a crushing strength.

But Haiyan obviously does not meet this point, so why?Was the soul purified by Haiyan?brainwashing?This also seems unlikely.

The bloody light is strong enough, but it does not have the effect of purifying the soul. Fang Yi has comprehended the way of rebirth, and this vision is still there.

Then the only possibility seems to be the Pangu clan.

"very good!"

Haiyan nodded in satisfaction, "Your ancestor can become the Emperor of the Sea, as long as you are loyal to me, it is not impossible."

This sentence is a bit inexplicable, at least it sounds like this to Haitian and Yinlong's ears.

However, Wu Shen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Thank you, Your Highness."


Haiyan nodded, her faint eyes swept towards Haitian and Yinlong, and then said: "You know what to do."


Wushen responded, and immediately, his cold eyes swept towards Haitian and Yinlong, causing them to tremble and have a bad premonition.

Bang bang bang! !

The next moment, Wushen stepped forward step by step towards the two of them, and his arrogance rose accordingly.

"You... Wushen, what do you want to do? You actually surrendered to a girl?"

Yinlong scolded angrily, obviously unable to understand.

The same is true for Haitian.

However, Wushen was obviously not interested in explaining all this, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a ferocious smile, like an evil ghost from hell.

"Dare to disrespect His Highness, die!"

As he said that, his eyes turned cold, and the endless tentacles in his body swept away again, like a giant net.

What was even more weird was that the bloody light seemed to be drawn by him as well, rolling towards the two of them together.

The two of them were not as good as Wushen in the first place, and now they were suppressed by that bloody light, the result could be imagined, the two of them were in danger several times, and almost died on the spot.

However, if things go on like this, death is only a matter of time, because the entire hall has already been sealed off.

The faces of the two couldn't help but become extremely ugly.

"Wu Shen, do you really want to kill them all!!"

Boom! !

However, what responded to them was a flood of attacks and rolling thunder.

The battle became more and more intense, Wushen once again revealed his huge body, almost occupying the entire hall, and after receiving the blessing of the bloody light, his strength seemed to have been greatly improved.

Except for Haitian and Yinlong, the others are not his combined force at all.

In a short while, there were already countless casualties at the scene.

Only Haitian and Yinlong are still struggling to hold on, but their bodies are already covered in bruises. If this continues, they may not be able to last for long.

"Boy! If you haven't made a move yet, do you still want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman? Can't you see that that chick is clearly trying to kill people and silence her. She is determined not to let anyone know about everything here."

Yinlong snarled at this moment, and in desperation, he had no choice but to pin his hopes on Fang Yi.

In fact, what he said was not wrong.

Fang Yi has already noticed this. Haiyan has obviously changed a lot since she transformed. Although she didn't say much, her temperament and demeanor all revealed this.

Of course, Fang Yi is not sure whether she will attack him or not.

So he didn't rush to make a move.

Moreover, even if the opponent really made a move, he was not afraid at all, but full of curiosity.

Perhaps because of this sentence, Haiyan's eyes turned to Fang Yi at this time, a little complicated, hesitant, entangled, and even a little confused.

But never said anything.

Fang Yi looked at him, but also said nothing.

But at this time, Haitian and Yinlong were already exhausted, and the endless tentacles completely wrapped them up, making it impossible to escape.

Especially the silver dragon, he has already revealed his body, although the huge body of the silver flood dragon is extremely domineering, but compared to the endless tentacles, he is entangled so that he cannot move, howling again and again.

Haitian was not much better either, his whole body was completely twisted into a ball by the tentacles, his face was full of despair.

"No!! Haiyan, don't kill me, I..."

Finally, he turned to Haiyan for help.

It's a pity that Haiyan didn't seem to see it, and let Wushen completely crush it into slag, devour it, and nothing was left.

Looking at this scene, Yinlong's face was extremely pale, and he wailed again and again.

In the end, they followed suit.

Who would have thought that the two most powerful members of the younger generation of the Hai Clan would fall like this.

At the same time, Wushen's ferocious eyes could not help but turn to Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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