Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2917 The Way of Earth

Chapter 2917 The Way of Earth

The other people around couldn't help but stop at this moment, involuntarily.

His eyes turned to the two of them.

His face was full of horror.


The monstrous waves rolled up by the two of them were so terrifying that it made the entire sky feel like the end of the world was approaching. Being in it was like walking on the edge of hell, and there was a danger of death at any time. Just ask, who else can calm down? .

Hai Qing and Hai Hui also had pale faces and tense expressions.

Strictly speaking, the two are even worse.

Because the black-robed people are extremely powerful, Fang Yi has almost become their last straw. Once Fang Yi is defeated, it is conceivable what awaits them.

How can the two not be nervous?

In contrast, Haiyan was much calmer, but there was a hint of shock in the depths of her eyes.

Obviously, both Fang Yi and the man in the yellow robe opposite gave her a great shock.

No wonder, aside from Fang Yi, the yellow-robed man is indeed extremely tyrannical, perhaps even better than Wushen, but his cultivation is no more than the sixth realm of legend.

From the looks of it, he had just reached the legendary sixth realm.

How can such a character not be moved.

Of course, in the hearts of the group, Fang Yi has already equated with the freak, which is beyond common sense, so he got used to it instead.

But the man in the yellow robe is obviously not used to it.

Feeling Fang Yi's majestic attack, his face became more and more gloomy, full of disbelief.

"Your Excellency, what a means, when will the Sea Clan have a number one person like you."

While speaking, the man in yellow robe didn't dare to hold back any more, and went out with all his strength.

In fact, he couldn't keep the situation in front of him. The energy surging around Fang Yi was like a torrential wave, endless and extremely violent.

Faced with such a situation, no one would dare to be careless.

The man in yellow is no exception.

I saw him do his best, and the thick energy in his body pushed across like a mountain, as if it could block everything.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, two vast energies violently collided with everything, causing the sky and the earth to shatter, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The endless void seemed to be distorted for a moment, like a slide, flickering, and finally, pieces collapsed and spread towards the surroundings.

"Hurry up!!"

The faces of the surrounding crowd changed greatly in fright.

No one expected that the shock wave from the fight between the two would be so overbearing.

You know, almost everyone present has reached the legendary level, but under this shock wave, they are nothing, just like a leaf of duckweed, disappearing with the wave.

The weaker ones almost died on the spot, with blood profusely pouring from their mouths.

So strong! !

After the blow, Fang Yi's heart sank.

Because of that blow just now, he seemed to be bombarded on an unshakable mountain, and he couldn't do anything to the opponent.

This had to make Fang Yi a little shocked. Today, with his strength, he has absolute confidence. Even if the opponent is Wushen, if he bears his own blow, he will definitely be blown away.

But what about the man in yellow robe?It turned out to be safe and sound, nothing happened.

Especially the heavy aura of the other party made him feel helpless. This is definitely a super strong man.

It is also the strongest Legendary Six Realm that Fang Yi has encountered so far.

Compared with the shock in Fang Yi's heart, the Huangpao man undoubtedly set off even more turbulent waves in his heart.

How dare he believe that a mere Legendary Three Realm, who was usually regarded as an ant-like existence by him, was able to take his blow head-on without falling down at all.

You know, even warriors with stronger cultivation than him would not dare to confront him head-on.

But now...

And those people in black robes were also stunned at the moment, looking at Fang Yi as if they had seen a ghost, with horror written all over their faces.

"Okay! Very good!! Who are you?"

The yellow-robed man's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, his eyes were like knives, and he looked straight at Fang Yi.

While speaking, the breath in his body was still rising, like a steaming flame, getting higher and higher, until it stirred up Jiutian Fengyun.

Most of the sky seems to be under his influence.

But the other half of the sky belonged to Fang Yi's territory, and the two energies resisted in separate chambers, as if dividing the whole world into two.

"Shouldn't I ask you this question?"

Fang Yi also gave a cold shout, full of fighting spirit.

"Alright! Then we might as well make a bet. If I win you, tell me your origin, and vice versa, how about it?"

With the strength of the two, it is almost impossible to kill one side completely.

With such a level of strength, it is not easy to divide life and death.

But it is still possible to win or lose, so the yellow robes have this saying.

"Why not!"

Fang Yilang smiled and said, to be honest, he was really curious about the origin of the other party, because he sensed a trace of familiarity from the other party.

It's just that he couldn't remember what that breath was for a while.

"It's so good! Take it!"

While speaking, the aura of the yellow-robed man suddenly changed, and the yellow sand all over the sky came from nowhere, covering the whole world in an instant, and the huge void turned into a desert-like existence in an instant.

The yellow sand is flying, covering people's eyes and ears, making everything invisible.

Only those huge mountain peaks seemed to appear out of thin air, crushing towards Fang Yi.

"The Way of Earth!"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and he felt the extremely strong power of the rules of the earth from the yellow sand all over the sky.

As for the earth system, so far, Fang Yi has met very few people, and there is no such super strong person, and there are some mediocre people, which are not worth mentioning.

But the person in front of him was obviously not. For the first time, Fang Yi felt great pressure from the terrifying power of the earth element.

The thick mountain almost made him breathless.

Fortunately, he has a good physical body, and he has comprehended some ways of power from the Nine Dragon Seal, facing these endless powers of the earth element, he is not so embarrassing.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so good for anyone.

If the strength is slightly inferior, it will be crushed into slag in an instant.

"But Er Er, you also receive a punch from me!"

Fang Yi immediately shouted, determined to try the opponent's way of earth, and punched hard.

The punch was like a mountain, the dragon roared, and a huge coercion followed. The gravity field instantly enveloped the surroundings, and the sky and the earth sank.

"The way of strength?"

The man in the yellow robe couldn't help flashing a look of astonishment.

The way of strength is one of the most common avenues among the three thousand avenues, and it is simple and direct, easy to get started, but difficult to go deep.

The so-called one force breaks ten thousand dharmas, the way of strength claims to be able to break through three thousand ways.

Of course, this is one way of saying, whether it can be achieved is another matter.

Three thousand avenues lead to the same goal, not just the way of strength, any avenue, if comprehended to the extreme, can surpass the three realms.

But what is the ultimate, how to achieve the ultimate, but no one knows.

Condensing the avenue is only the beginning of the avenue, far from the end.


(End of this chapter)

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