Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2918 Rule Fusion

Chapter 2918 Rule Fusion

Boom! !

The battle became more and more intense, and the two figures staggered back and forth, and every collision was as shocking as stone breaking.

The way of soil is not only extremely thick, but also has amazing defensive power.

Moreover, the technique of earth escape comes and goes without a trace. It has to be said that the tyranny of the yellow-robed man completely exceeded Fang Yi's expectations, and it also made Fang Yi feel helpless for the first time.

In contrast, Fang Yi's way of strength seems a bit monotonous.

It's not Fang Yi's fault, the way of strength was originally like this.

Simply brutal, suppressing everything with his own power.

If Fang Yi's comprehension of the way of force can be deeper, it will be no problem to suppress the yellow-robed people. However, Fang Yi has only been in contact with the way of force for a long time, and he has to be distracted to understand the way of water, the way of space, and the way of destruction , the way of life and so on.

A person's energy is limited, which is why, Mo Lao once warned Fang Yi not to be greedy.

The end of being greedy is to be rich but not good.

Fang Yi naturally understands these principles, but, relying on the accelerated time in the Water God Temple, he has ten times the time of others, so he wants to understand more.

After all, after condensing the Dao, these cannot be given up.

But right now, that's all he has to do.

"It's a pity! Your way of strength is still too weak. If you want to fight against this seat, you are far behind."

The man in yellow sneered at this moment, with a look of winning, as if Fang Yi's strength had already been fully understood.

While speaking, the rich power of the rules of the earth system also erupted from his body, turning into a huge mountain, pushing towards Fang Yi.

Anything that stands in the way seems to be vulnerable before this giant peak.

They burst out one after another.

The whole world seems to move with it.

So strong! !

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, his comprehension of the way of strength was not enough, obviously not enough to compete with the opponent's way of earth.

With a thought, the majestic energy in his body began to surge, and the sound of big waves fell from the nine heavens, surging and endless.

"The way of water? Hmph!! Don't you understand the principle that you can't chew too much?"

"Besides, you actually want to use the way of water to counter the way of earth, don't you know that earth can overcome water?"

The man in yellow sneered, his words full of irony.

How can Fang Yi not understand the truth that Tu conquers water? In fact, in the previous confrontation, the way of water did not take much advantage. It is precisely because of this that Fang Yi tried the way of strength.

But the result is still not ideal.

As a last resort, he had to use the way of water again.

"Really? Tu conquers water, so it depends on whether you have enough soil."

Fang Yi sneered, although all things generate and restrain each other, they are not absolute, just like water overcomes fire, if water is strong, fire will be extinguished, but when fire is strong, water will also be evaporated.

The same is true for soil and water, mutual restraint is only their own attributes, and it cannot determine everything.

However, Fang Yi's cultivation base of the legendary three realms, against the legendary six realms, and the situation of mutual restraint, the difficulty can be imagined.

The man in the yellow robe couldn't help but sneer again and again, as if watching a joke.

"It's so shameless, I will let you see today, what is mutual generation and mutual restraint, go!"

With his angry shout, the yellow sand all over the sky roared like a yellow dragon, and swept towards Fang Yi, engulfing the surrounding sky.

"Good come!"

Fang Yi didn't retreat at all, he took a big step, and the breath around him was churning, and he also went up to meet him.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The whole world exploded again, and the void sank.

The two figures were entangled again, and they were still evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

Although soil can overcome water, Fang Yi's understanding of water is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary people. With the subtle influence of the Water Temple for countless years, plus the Tianhe Secret Realm and his party, Fang Yi's understanding of water is obviously better than that of the yellow robe man. One level deeper.

It was precisely because of this that the scene fell into a kind of stalemate, and no one could do anything to anyone.

"how is this possible?"

The man in yellow obviously couldn't believe it, his originally confident expression had become extremely ugly.

"Kill them!!"

At this time, a group of people in black robes were ready to move when they saw this.

Such an excellent opportunity, Fang Yi was held back, how could they let it go, and immediately, a group of people came to attack and kill Haiqing and the three of them.

not good! !

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically.

They have already experienced the strength of these black-robed men before. If it weren't for Fang Yi, they would have been defeated long ago.

Now that Fang Yi is restrained, there is no doubt that there will be no other results waiting for them.

"Hahaha!! Your Excellency is doomed to lose today, tell me! Who are you? After hearing this, I might be able to let them live."

The man in yellow laughed wildly, and his men became more and more aggressive.

"Thank you!"

Fang Yi grinned, "It's just a pity, it's you who will lose."

After saying that, Fang Yi's aura suddenly changed. Originally, he wanted to entangle with the other party. After all, it is not easy to meet such an opponent.

Not only can you take turns to try your achievements during this period, but you can also improve your combat experience, so why not do it.

But right now, he naturally wouldn't watch Hai Qing and the others in vain.

Therefore, the light in his eyes was also cold, and the three-color divine light burst out, like three giant swords that opened up the world.

In the next moment, the three-color divine light merged into one, turning into a terrifying giant sword.

The giant sword pierced the sky. At this moment, it seemed that there was only this sword left in the world. Three completely different energies converged on the sword body, giving people a sense of irresistibility.

"This... what is this? The way of water? The way of fire..."

The yellow-robed man was horrified, with inconceivable words written all over his face. The power of three different rules merged into one place. This is a supernatural power that only the strong in the Dao realm can possess.

But now, unexpectedly appearing on a Legendary Three Realm, how can he not be shocked.

Although this kind of fusion seems a little weird and not a real fusion of rules, it is not something he can compete with.

In fact, even Fang Yi didn't know what was going on with the fusion of the three-color sword lights.

To trace it back, it was back in Tiankuixing, when Fang Yi fought against the Dao of Heaven, his body and soul were almost destroyed at once. At the last moment, it was the three major temples that helped him re-condense his body, and it was only then that he gained three colors Jianmang.

At first he only knew the dominance of the three-color sword light, but he didn't know the reason.

It wasn't until he came into contact with the power of rules that he faintly realized that the three-color sword light seemed to have fused three different powers of rules, which came from the three temples, the way of water, the way of fire, and the way of wood.

Since then, he rarely used the three-color sword light.

Instead, use it as a hole card.

Don't act rashly when it is not necessary, just like this moment.

Of course, Fang Yi actually has a lot of hole cards, but some of them cannot be used, and some of them cannot be used. Only the three-color sword glow is not restricted, and he is not afraid of being discovered.

"No! You can't be this strong!!"

The pupils of the man in yellow are wide open, full of inconceivable and unbelievable.

The next moment, he clenched his teeth, and with all his strength, he went up to the three-color sword light.


(End of this chapter)

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