Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2930 Strategy

Chapter 2930 Strategy

"What's next?"

Involuntarily, Haiyan asked.

She has never talked much, but this time is different. The so-called Master Chilong is a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse. Such a powerhouse, even if she is full of confidence in the power of her bloodline, she will not dare to do anything wrong.

Fang Yi is undoubtedly also caught in a tangle, the legendary Nine Realm powerhouse, so far, he has only met the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace.

His strength is so strong that it can be said that he is almost powerless to fight back.

If it weren't for the terrifying way of strength back then, and because I was carrying the Nine Dragon Seal, I would not be able to live today at all.

Of course, during this period of time, his strength has also been greatly improved, and he will definitely not be so unbearable when he meets the Lord of Lingxiao Palace again.

But, I'm afraid that's all there is to it, whether life can be guaranteed is still unknown.

Just kidding, Legendary Nine Realms, that's not fun.

There is a world of difference between the two.

"Who is this so-called Lord Chilong, do you know?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi still asked.

Although he already knew the answer from Haiyan's expression, he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

The two sides in the battle were the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Sect, and neither of the two powerhouses was dispatched. As a result, the third party came to a legendary Ninth Realm.

There is even the figure of the Temple of the Earth behind it.

Behind this sea of ​​flames, there must be something unknown.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to attract a Legendary Nine Realm to come, and, judging from the situation in front of him, it is obvious that he came secretly, and he did not want to attract the attention of others, at least not to disturb the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Sect.

And the short man from before seemed to be guarding here.

Maybe he miscalculated the strength of the two, thinking that he could kill them on the spot, so he acted rashly.

But in the end, he didn't want to, and instead exposed himself.


Haiyan shook her head, frowned slightly, seemed to be lost in thought, and said after a while: "There is one thing, I don't know if it has something to do with it."

"When I accepted the inheritance, I obtained part of the memory of the water god. The holy land of the Pangu clan came from here. In addition, in the memory of the fire god, there is such an eight-clawed fire chinchilla. Vulcan's mount."

"Chi! According to legend, it is one of the nine sons of the real dragon, and this eight-clawed fire chi has reached an astonishing level. Although it is not as good as the water god and the fire god, it is not much different."

"During the battle between the God of Water and the God of Vulcan, the God of Water fell below several times because of this. In the end, he had to subdue the Emperor of the Sea and fight with the Emperor of the Sea and the God of Fire, so that he would not fall below."

Eight-clawed fire chinchilla?

When Fang Yi heard this, his pupils shrank.

Although he had never seen any octopus fire chinchilla, from Haiyan's words, it undoubtedly showed the tyranny of this thing.

It is conceivable that it can be compared with the god of water and fire.

"You want to say that the so-called Lord Chilong might have something to do with this eight-clawed fire chinch? Or maybe it came for the eight-clawed fire chinch?"

Fang Yi asked.

"That's right!" Haiyan nodded, "But it's just a guess."

"In the battle between the water god and the fire god, the eight-clawed fire chinchilla and the sea emperor also disappeared. If the guess is correct, then it is very likely that this place has a great relationship with the eight-clawed fire chinchilla."

"Similarly, maybe we can find clues about the Emperor of the Sea, or even the gods of water and fire."

Haiyan's eyes were shining brightly.

It has to be said that she has thought carefully, and her speculation is infinitely close to the truth.

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded subconsciously, his eyes lighted up slightly, if this was the case, then he really couldn't just retreat like this.

Also, is the Earth Temple also here for this?

Are they for the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi, the Sea Emperor, or for the God of Water and God of Fire?I'm afraid it is more likely to be for the two temples of water and fire, right?

If so, then you have to be more careful.

Fang Yi secretly reminded himself.

"So, you still have to go in and take a look?"

Fang Yi smiled, looked at Haiyan and asked.

In fact, from Haiyan's longing eyes, he has already seen the determination of the other party. It is not surprising that any warrior will not be willing to give up when encountering such a thing.

However, it would also be extremely unwise to rush forward in the face of the Legendary Nine Realms powerhouse.

The two couldn't help falling into a tangle.

Bravery does not mean impulsiveness, let alone death.

"It's better to attract everyone here. There are so many people, even the legendary Ninth Realm can't cover the sky with one hand."

Haiyan pondered for a moment at this moment, and said.

This is a good way, although it is not a good way, but at least it can serve as a cover, and oneself and others can enter together with the flow of people, which is undoubtedly much safer than entering alone.

However, facing the Nine Realms of Legend, I am afraid that nothing can be changed.

But right now, there seems to be no better way.

In fact, in the face of absolute strength, any method is futile. Fang Yi has a deep understanding of this.

"It's not bad! It's just that the people are scattered, and it may be difficult to attract them all."

Fang Yi frowned slightly and said.

"I have a way!"

Unexpectedly, Haiyan showed a confident face. She took out a jade slip, confessed a few words casually, and crushed it.

It turned out that he had handed everything over to Wushen.

As Wushen is the leader of the Sea Clan this time, it is naturally much easier to summon a group of strong Sea Clansmen.

And if there is any change in the Sea Clan, the Great Sun God and Fire Sect will definitely not fail to find out, and it will definitely move with all its strength at that time. In this way, the goal will undoubtedly be achieved.

Next, what the two of them had to do was to wait patiently.

Going rashly at this moment will undoubtedly be full of dangers.

At the very least, it is the best time to wait until the strong men of the two major forces arrive one after another.


"My lord, they seem to have locked a certain area, and any intruders will be killed, and our people dare not get too close, so as not to scare the snake."

Qi Donglai nodded slightly after listening to his subordinates' report.

Then he asked, "Which area is it?"

"Go back to your lord!"

Upon hearing the question, the subordinate hurriedly stated the approximate area, and then he did not forget to add, "The range is huge, and these people probably don't have much confidence."

"not necessarily!"

However, Qi Donglai shook his head, "The scope is larger, it is easier to handle things, and it is easier to cover up any noise."

"Continue to watch every move of these people, and remember, don't let them notice."


The servant responded and was about to leave.

At this time, another servant came in a hurry, "My lord, a large number of warriors from the Sea Clan and the Great Sun Fire Sect flocked to a certain area, and the reason is unknown..."


When Qi Donglai heard the words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "It's interesting, it's getting more and more interesting. Could it be that they also discovered something?"

He muttered in his mouth, and his face was full of doubts.

But then, the eyes couldn't help but be sure, and said: "Since that's the case, then our people will also be mixed in and enter together. I really want to see how amazing the legendary Huochi clan is."


(End of this chapter)

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