Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2931 Group Attack

Chapter 2931 Group Attack

"What's going on? The power of water and fire entanglement here is much weaker. Could it be that we are going in the wrong direction?"

Haiyan looked suspiciously and looked around.

Not bad!

The two of them are already on their way now, because warriors from two major forces have already appeared in the surrounding area.

Even some scattered warriors were alarmed, and with curiosity and confusion, they flocked to this area along with the large army.

The plan seems to be better than expected.

However, what is puzzling is that as it goes deeper, the power of the rules around it becomes more and more calm, and it is no longer as violent as before.

This is obviously out of common sense.

Normally speaking, the deeper one goes, the more dangerous it becomes, but at present, this does not seem to be the case.

Rao Fang Yi couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in his eyes at this moment.


But soon, he shook his head and said, "No! The crisis has not been resolved, but it has become more and more dangerous."

This is not aimless, because he can clearly sense the dangerous aura from this space.

It's like a giant beast that is quietly dormant.

Compared with the previous rage, this place is more like the calm under the deep sea. It looks calm on the surface, but the degree of danger is undoubtedly several times stronger than the shallow sea.

Whoa! !

crackle! !

As if to prove Fang Yi's conjecture, the next moment, a powerful storm of rules swept over, and the power of water and fire was like two crazy beasts, wantonly destroying everything in the world.

Rao Haiyan couldn't help but turn pale at this moment.

Fortunately, she had a good physical body, but she broke free from the entanglement force very quickly.

But just like that, she seemed to have collapsed, with bean-sized drops of sweat rolling down her forehead.

And the storm of rules was also fleeting, as if nothing had happened.

The world is also very strange.

"Be careful yourself!"

Fang Yi glanced at her and had no choice but to remind her.

In fact, this reminder is a bit redundant, because even Fang Yi didn't notice it when the storm suddenly hit, as if they didn't exist at all.

Come suddenly, go even more suddenly.

Perhaps the only thing he can do is to put that layer of regular armor on Haiyan.

This time, Haiyan did not refuse again, because she understood the danger here. Although she was full of confidence in her own body, the future was dangerous, and maintaining the best condition was undoubtedly the most important thing.

But what she didn't expect was that Fang Yi himself didn't put on that layer of rule armor.

Involuntarily, the gaze she looked at Fang Yi became deeper and deeper.

What kind of self-confidence is needed to be able to ignore that violent storm of rules?

Fang Yi naturally didn't know what Haiyan was thinking. At this moment, his attention was on the surroundings, because he found that the surroundings became more and more quiet.

This is absolutely unreasonable.


Haiyan undoubtedly noticed this too, her face was full of doubts, and she even had other discoveries, "The power of fire in this area seems to be more intense, could it be..."

Her eyes suddenly brightened, as if she had thought of something.

The power of water and fire in the flame ocean has always maintained a strange balance.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the two major rules can always maintain the status quo, otherwise, one side would have overwhelmed the other.

But now, the power of fire here is obviously stronger, so it means that there must be something in it, with a powerful power of fire.

What is it?

Is it related to the legendary eight-clawed fire chinch?

In fact, Fang Yi had already noticed it, but subconsciously he shook his head, because the power of fire tended to be calmer and spread across the world, it didn't look like something, it was more like...

With a thought in his mind, Fang Yi couldn't help but lightly tap his index finger.

Immediately, there was a sound of clear water flowing, and the azure breath shot out from his fingertips.

When the aura intertwined with the fire power in front of it, it seemed to be resisted by some kind, and it seemed to spread around in an instant. The next moment, a huge red light curtain appeared in front of him.

The light curtain seemed to appear out of thin air, without the azure breath, there was no way to notice it.


Haiyan blurted out, surprise written all over her face.

"The Flaming Ocean only has barriers on the outside, and I've never heard of barriers inside. What's going on? What's inside?"

Haiyan couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, full of doubts, but more curious.

Fang Yi shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid this is not a barrier unique to Lie Yan Wang Yang, but it was arranged later."

Although this enchantment is weird and powerful, it is obviously not the same as the enchantment of the outside world, so Fang Yi dared to make such a conclusion.

"You mean, this enchantment was laid by that chilong lord?"

Haiyan understood, and a look of astonishment flashed in her eyes.


Fang Yi nodded, "It seems that the other party probably didn't want to be disturbed by others, so he set up this barrier, but I don't know..."

Seeing the result, Fang Yi's eyes became darker, and his heart was still ready to move.

Deliberately try this enchantment to see if it can be broken

Moreover, for a Legendary Nine Realm powerhouse to make such a big move, the things inside must be very important, maybe it is as the two guessed.

Boom! !

However, just as Fang Yi was pondering, there was a sudden burst of muffled thunder in the distance.

The sky and the earth trembled, and the huge red light curtain also trembled slightly.

"This is? Someone is attacking the enchantment."

The range of this enchantment is extremely wide, covering a huge area. Countless strong men are coming from all directions. At this moment, there is no doubt that some people have discovered this enchantment and even launched an attack on it.

"It's Wushen!!"

Haiyan seemed to sense something.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the sound of thunder became more and more loud, and more attacks came. Obviously, more and more people attacked the barrier.

The huge red light curtain also trembled.

Sure enough, it's easy to do things with people!

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help being delighted, originally he was planning to do it himself, but now it seems that there is no need for it, just wait and see the good show.

Of course, it is more important to pay attention to every move inside, the so-called Master Chilong might suddenly appear and kill everyone, this is no joke.

After all, that is a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse.

Compared with the worries of Fang Yi and the other two, the other powerhouses of the two major forces obviously have no worries in this regard, because they don't know all this at all.

All they know is this enchantment, which has never been discovered before, and there must be some great treasure hidden in it, so the eagerness can be imagined.

As a result, they all forgot to attack each other, and only wanted to blast through the barrier as soon as possible to see what was inside.

Boom! ! !

No matter how powerful the red light curtain was, it seemed that it couldn't withstand the endless attacks, and began to tremble violently.

The next moment, there were signs of rupture.

Just kidding, no matter how strong the Nine Legendary Realms are, these people can't shake them, but it's just an enchantment set by the Nine Legendary Realms, so many people attack at the same time, but it's not as strong as imagined.

However, just when the red light curtain was about to burst.

Inside the light curtain, a thunderous voice suddenly came, "Bastard!"


(End of this chapter)

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