Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2937

Chapter 2937

Boom! !

The battle became more and more fierce, however, the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Sect had a little respite.

Because the man in black and the two legends of the Seventh Realm met each other, they became outsiders instead.

Under such circumstances, they naturally didn't dare to intervene. Just kidding, it would be fatal. Before fighting with the two legendary seven realms, the two major forces have already suffered countless injuries.

How dare to act rashly at this moment.

Moreover, under the terrifying coercion of the two legendary nine realms, even if they have the heart, they don't have the ability.

So, they all stopped at this moment and looked at the sky in horror.

"Hey! The Eight-clawed Fire Chichi was taught by your Great Sun God Fire Sect. What is the current situation?"

At this time, a disciple of the Sea Clan couldn't help but ask the side of the Great Sun God Fire Cult.

When the crowd heard the words, they couldn't help looking. To be honest, they were also full of doubts about everything in front of them. After fighting for a long time, they still haven't figured out why.

How could they not be curious.

However, it is a pity that the members of the Great Sun Shenhuo Sect also showed doubts.

Only Zhu Hong, with deep eyes, seemed to think of something, said: "It is said that the eight-clawed fire chinchilla is one of the nine sons of the real dragon. It contains the blood of the real dragon and is extremely tyrannical."

"When Vulcan subdued him, he also spent a lot of energy. It is said that even the chaotic fire was used."

"Therefore, after Vulcan disappeared, there were rumors that as long as you find the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, you can find the Chaos Fire Seed, and thus find the Vulcan Temple."

what! !

When the crowd heard this, their faces changed drastically.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Sure enough, the Earth Temple might be here for this purpose. The Mother of the Earth owns the Earth Temple, so she must be eager for other temples.

It's not surprising to come here to seek the Fire God Temple.

As for the Chilong, it is also from the lineage of the Huo Chi, so it is not surprising to find it here. It is not because of the Fire Temple, and most likely it has something to do with the Chaos Fire Seed, or it is because of the Eight-clawed Huo Chi itself.

Judging by his appearance, he probably wants to gain the power of the eight-clawed fire chinchilla. After all, that is a beast that can compete with Vulcan.

"So, is the Chaos Fire Seed really here? Even the Temple of Fire, might it be here?"

While the crowd was shocked, all of them showed their eyes.

Just kidding, the legendary Chaos Fire Seed and Fire Temple, the two great gods gathered together, how could they not desire.

Just looking at the terrifying two strong men in the sky, the crowd couldn't help showing fear.

Although treasures are good, they must be enjoyed with life.

If their strength was only a little weaker, they might still dare to have some ideas, but facing the two legendary Ninth Realms, there is no doubt that their only thoughts were extinguished before they were ignited.

However, not everyone is like that.

Obviously there are still some unwilling ones, such as Zhu Hong.

If he didn't have any extravagant thoughts, he probably wouldn't say what he said before, but he said it obviously because he wanted to stir up everyone's desire.

Although the situation in front of him was critical, there were not only two legendary nine-level legends, but also two legendary seven-level people, and even a group of people in black robes, but it was precisely because of this that he saw a glimmer of hope.

The two powerhouses are facing each other tit for tat, and no one can do anything to the other, but at this moment, I and the others are free, and there may be opportunities to take advantage of, so...

I just heard him say: "This place has been blocked, and there is no way to escape. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better..."

He didn't finish his sentence, and his eyes couldn't help but turn cold.

But the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

All the disciples of the Great Sun Shenhuo Sect naturally looked forward to him and nodded one after another.

Zuo Zuo is nothing but death, since that's the case, it's better to give it a go, maybe...

The other crowd looked into their eyes, and they seemed to be a little ready to move, which is not surprising, after all, they are the two great gods of the Chaos Fire Seed and the Fire Temple, and no one can be tempted.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have no choice at all, and this place is simply a dead place.

"Yes! Fight them! The big deal is that we will die together. Anyway, I have left a trace of spirituality outside."

Since there was no choice, the crowd simply went all out.

With the treasure in front of them, and Zhu Hong's temptation, who can stand it? Even the Hai Clan is ready to move.

However, they subconsciously looked at Wushen.

Needless to say, Wushen already had deep curiosity in his eyes, and his whole body was agitated by it, obviously impatient.


Seeing this, Zhu Hong made a quick decision, didn't bother to talk nonsense, just did what he said, and rushed away.

I have to say, this guy still has some courage.

Under such circumstances, it takes a lot of courage to make such a decision and dare to make such a decision.

kill kill kill! ! !

Suddenly, countless warriors also left, and a scuffle was staged again.

Seeing this, some unknown warriors in the distance also gritted their teeth and followed the crowd. After all, it is better to follow the crowd than to stand alone.

Therefore, this charge brought together almost all scattered warriors and two major forces.

Its power should not be underestimated, even better than the two legends of the Seventh Realm and the crowd of people in black robes.

In fact, the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Cult were not weak in the first place, but there was no such super strong person present, and the strongest was no more than Wushen.

The appearance of the two legendary seven realms caused more psychological pressure on them.

If you really fight for your life, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

Of course, the two legendary Nine Realms are another matter.

However, the two of them are inseparable from the battle at the moment, if not for this, Zhu Hong and the other warriors would not dare to make a mistake even if they had the courage of the bear.

kill kill kill! !

There was a sound of killing and shouting at the scene, and Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help flickering slightly.

Staring at the huge phantom in the distance, he was a little uncertain.

What is hidden in this eight-clawed fire chinchilla? It seems that there is nothing to worry about, the Temple of Fire?

That's obviously impossible, because the Temple of Fire is in Feng Yiyi's body right now.

As for the Chaos Spark, what would it be?

Fang Yi was a little curious, but that was all. To be honest, he had no interest in chaotic fire, because the experience during this period made him deeply understand Mo Lao's advice.

Too much to chew.

The comprehension of rules is not the more the better, but the more refined the better.

It is the right choice to specialize in one kind of rule until the Dao, and he has already comprehended enough rules, although each one seems to be extremely powerful.

However, none of them have reached the level of proficiency, so the breakthrough of cultivation base will become extremely slow.

Therefore, he didn't want to comprehend other rules, even the Chaos Fire Seed.

At least not for the time being, as for the future, who knows.

At least wait until he condenses the Dao.

Therefore, he didn't have too much desire for the so-called eight-clawed fire chinchilla, he was just curious.

However, since he has already come, he naturally has to take a look, otherwise, he would be too sorry for this trip. Immediately, with a flash of his figure, he shot out like lightning.


(End of this chapter)

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