Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2938 Chi Fire Abyss

Chapter 2938 Chi Fire Abyss

"You dare!"

The two legendary seven realms are like two big mountains, lying in front of everyone.

It's a pity that although they are strong, they can't stand the crowd, and the crowd obviously won't tangle with him, but rush towards the eight-clawed fire chinchilla with all their strength.

This undoubtedly angered the two of them, but to no avail, two fists were no match for four hands.

What's more, it's more than four hands.

"Kill kill!"

Once the crowd fights out, it is like a flood, unstoppable.

Coupled with countless people in black robes, the scene can be imagined. Even if the two legendary seven realms have the power to reach the sky, they are still powerless.

And those men in black robes seemed to have a clear goal, pointing directly at the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, but they didn't seem to care about the crowd.

Of course, if they block their way, they will not be polite.

In addition, it will not take the initiative to attack.

All in all, the scene was completely chaotic, and it was hard to tell the enemy from ourselves.

Ow! !

However, as the crowd flocked away, the huge eight-clawed fire dragon phantom became more and more terrifying and larger in everyone's sight, almost occupying the entire sky.

The endless flames transpired, completely turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​flames was so hot that even Fang Yi couldn't help feeling untouchable, not to mention the crowd, everything in the world seemed to be incinerated.

"It's still alive?"

At this moment, the crowd couldn't help showing fear, and looked at the huge phantom in horror.

Although the phantom is only a thin layer, it gives people a sense of incomparable reality, as if it exists, especially the terrifying breath, which cannot be faked at all.

However, the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi has been around for tens of thousands of years, is it really possible that it is still alive?

Even so, it shouldn't be like this.

So what exactly is it?

In the crowd, someone finally couldn't bear it any longer. His body was like lightning, and he walked towards the huge phantom. It turned out that under the phantom, there was actually a huge horizontal ditch, like an abyss.

The phantom is projected from the abyss.

Even, from it, you can see a bright red gem, emitting fiery red light, reflecting the sky and the earth.

The phantom seems to be formed through the gathering of gems.

"It's the Fire Bead. No wonder these people were able to find the whereabouts of the Eight-clawed Fire Chi. It turned out to be the Eight-clawed Fire Chi's natal pill."

Eight-clawed Huochi is one of the nine sons of the real dragon, and like all dragons, he has a natal pill when he is born.

Dragons are also called Dragon Balls.

"It's right below, the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi must be below, otherwise Chi Fire Orb wouldn't have this vision."

The crowd was obviously getting a little excited.

Before, the phantom of the eight-clawed fire chinchilla gave them a great shock, making them dare not approach rashly. Now when they got closer, they suddenly realized that the phantom was as strong as it was strong, but it was just a phantom after all.

It just looks scary, but the real power comes from Chihuo Orb.

As long as you avoid the chi fire orb and go deep into it, you may not be unable to gain something. Immediately, everyone couldn't bear it anymore.

Shuo Shuo! ! !

The next moment, countless figures swarmed away like raindrops.

Fang Yi was no exception. However, he was a little embarrassed by the crowd rushing in so recklessly, because in his opinion, it would be good if only one third of these people could stay.

Just kidding, if it was that simple, Chilong would have already succeeded.

The situation in front of him, in his opinion, is more like Chilong absorbing something below with the aid of the Chihuo Orb, maybe it is the energy of the Eight-clawed Huochi, or it may be other unknown things.

But no matter which one it is, the Chi Fire Orb is extremely dangerous, and anyone who dares to get close to it is afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat.

as predicted!

As if to confirm his words, at this moment, a few warriors showed greed, and even hit Chi Huo Zhu with their ideas, and quickly grabbed Chi Huo Zhu.

It's just a pity that the next moment, Chi Huozhu trembled slightly, as if his majesty was being provoked.

Immediately afterwards, a boundless flame hit.

Those few people didn't even have time to react, and in the eyes of everyone, they turned into flying ash little by little, not even scum left.

what! !

The faces of the crowd changed drastically.

However, everything was far from over. The boundless flames still spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed, like a strange ripple. Wherever it passed, the crowd was reduced to ashes.

No heart-piercing howls, no desperation and fear, because they didn't have time to react.

Perhaps, they didn't understand how they died until they died.

There is only a dead silence, and the endless ashes.

"Idiot! You dare to covet even Chi fire beads, you're just asking for your own death." The short man sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

What is Chihuozhu?That is the natal pill of the eight-clawed fire chinchilla, which was refined by Mr. Jing Chilong.

Merging with Lord Chilong, not to mention the power from the eight-clawed fire Chilong, even the power of Lord Chilong, how could these ants be able to bear it.

The crowd had apparently learned to be good, and never dared to touch that bead again.

Fang Yi's eyes were also full of horror.

Although he had already sensed that this bead was not simple, and had a faint irresistible force, he never expected that it would be so amazing.

Without anyone's control, it was able to exert such a powerful power.

He had personally experienced the flames just now.

The regular armor covering his body collapsed almost instantly. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might not have felt well.

In fact, there are only a few people who have escaped from everything just now.

He is one, and there is another one, Qi Donglai.

Qi Donglai did not know when, but he had already arrived nearby. His whole body was covered with a layer of yellow armor, which was extremely thick, and it looked stronger than Fang Yi's regular armor.

Not surprisingly, the Dao of Earth was originally well guarded, thick and majestic like a mountain, unshakable.

The characteristics of the way of water are more flexible and changeable, and the characteristics of the two are different.

Except for the two, the others who are close to each other are almost wiped out.


There is no doubt that two of the two legendary seven realms have also discovered two people at this moment. They are so special that they naturally attract people's attention.

Fang Yi originally wanted to keep a low profile as much as possible. Only in this way can he be calm and at ease, but now, the two legendary seven realms obviously don't agree.

"Leave it to me!"

Seeing the two scolded angrily, they came quickly and met Fang Yi and Qi Donglai respectively.


Qi Donglai's eyes turned cold, and with an order, countless people in black robes flocked to the two legendary seven realms, but he himself fell sharply into the endless abyss below.

Fang Yi faintly hesitated, but the next moment, he also fell like a meteor.

"Bastard!! How dare you!!"

The two legendary seven-level thunderbolts were furious, like two killing gods, they broke through the encirclement and chased after them.


(End of this chapter)

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