Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2945 The Golden Lotus of Merit

Chapter 2945 The Golden Lotus of Merit


Kuzhu was obviously taken aback, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, as if he didn't expect that a mere Legendary Four Realm could escape his control.

"Stinky monk, what do you mean?"

Fang Yi's face darkened at the moment, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Although he is not a bloodthirsty person, the indiscriminate indiscrimination of the people in front of him is like invading his soul, which is tolerable or unbearable.

"Don't misunderstand, the benefactor, the ordinary monk just wants to confirm what the benefactor said."

Bitter Bamboo looked indifferent.

In his opinion, this seems to be a very common thing.

However, how can it be commonplace to intrude into other people's souls and learn about other people's information.

He simply ignored Fang Yi's cultivation, and didn't take Fang Yi seriously at all. Perhaps in his view, the Legendary Four Realms are just like ants, and they can do whatever they want.

"You are presumptuous!!"

Fang Yi was really angry at this moment, he had never seen such behavior before.

And also a monk.

"Then I will borrow your little life to use it." After saying that, Fang Yi stretched out his palm, and a sound of a shocking dragon chant followed. The stars and the moon are nothing to worry about.

Kuzhu still had a calm face at first, but when he saw this real dragon's claw, his expression couldn't help but change.

"Ordinary monks underestimate the benefactor. It's really good that the mere legendary four realms have such power. Why don't you... take refuge in my Buddha."

The voice of Kuzhu was very flat before, but in the end, it became extremely solemn and sacred.

At the same time, bursts of golden light emanated from him, like a huge golden Buddha. The claws of the real dragon go away.

Boom! !

Immediately, the entire world exploded instantly, everything collapsed, and the two terrifying giant palms exuded an unparalleled aura, as if they could annihilate everything.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because he sensed an extremely powerful aura from the golden Buddha's palm.

That is the aura even stronger than the previous two legend seven realms.

There is no doubt that the monk in front of him has at least reached the seventh level of legend, and may even be higher.

However, it didn't give Fang Yi a sense of invincibility. According to his estimation, he should be at the peak of the legendary seven realms.

If it was before, Fang Yi really had no choice.

However, after the fusion of the fire of chaos, not only his physical body has been greatly improved, but his strength and soul have also been greatly tempered, which is completely different from before.

"Break it for me!!"

Hearing his angry reprimand, the real dragon's claw suddenly exploded, and instantly turned into a huge hand.

Compared with before, it is more than a step stronger.

Surprise flashed across Kuzhu's face, and the golden light all over his body also surged, and there were bursts of Buddhist voices from the sky and the earth, as if countless Buddhas were singing.

That voice made people unable to bear the urge to take refuge in my Buddha.

Countless golden thin lines followed, as if to completely trap Fang Yi in it.

"The rules of the soul class?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Since he came into contact with the power of rules, he has encountered very few soul-like rules. He didn't expect to meet one at this moment.

It just so happens that he will do the same, so why not give it a try.

Immediately, his eyes moved, and lotus leaves grew under his feet, and the golden light shrouded him, making him seem to have turned into a direct immortal. Compared with the golden Buddha, he looked even more sacred.

How can it be?

If Kuzhu was just an accident before, then at this moment, it is undoubtedly a shock.

"Golden Lotus of Merit!! Who are you? Why did you condense the Golden Lotus of Merit from Mount Misu? This... is this the way to rebirth?" Ku Zhu's pupils widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder that the way of rebirth belongs to the supreme way in Misu, but now, it is actually comprehended by an outsider, how can he not be surprised, even a little scared.

Merit golden lotus?

Fang Yi couldn't help but move in his heart. He vaguely remembered that no one had said that before.

But at the moment, he obviously has no interest in paying attention to these things. What kind of meritorious golden lotus or Misu mountain is not important at all.

Immediately, he stepped on his feet, and his body was covered with golden light. The countless thin golden threads that struck, met the golden lotus leaf, as if they were assimilated, without causing any ripples.

"Do not!!"

Bitter Bamboo's eyes were full of disbelief, obviously he couldn't accept it, but it was the truth.

The rules of rebirth seem to have some kind of suppression effect on his Golden Buddha.

Fang Yi undoubtedly discovered this too, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and he didn't forget to scold angrily: "Surrender!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the terrifying energy all over his body also erupted. From the nine heavens, there seemed to be endless Buddha voices that could baptize people's souls.

Kuzhu's forehead was dripping with sweat, as if he was in great pain, his facial features were distorted in pain.


In the end, after hearing a roar, they came to fight Fang Yi with all his strength. The terrifying attack was like overwhelming mountains and seas.

"Good to come!!"

However, Fang Yi had expected it a long time ago, his eyes turned cold, and the bright three-color sword shadow and the golden light came down together.

Boom! !

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the huge golden Buddha also shattered, turning into countless golden fragments and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

And Kuzhu's huge figure also flew upside down, with blood flowing from his mouth.

A generation of legendary seven-level powerhouses was defeated by Fang Yi just like that.

Of course, most of the reason why Fang Yi was able to win so easily was because of the rules of rebirth, which seemed to have a certain suppressive effect on the rules of Kuzhu.

More strictly speaking, it is the golden lotus condensed by the rules of rebirth.

The so-called golden lotus of merit.

"" Ku Zhu's face was pale at the moment, and he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief. Maybe he never dreamed that he would be defeated by a legendary warrior of the four realms.

I didn't even expect to meet the virtuous golden lotus here.

"How? Weren't you very rampant before?"

Fang Yi sneered, and couldn't help stepping forward step by step.

Kuzhu's expression changed, and his eyes became a little ugly, and he said coldly: "The benefactor is really good, there will be strong people in Misu Mountain to ask for advice, and ordinary monks will go!"

Saying that, Kuzhu shot out like lightning.

"Where to go!"

Fang Yi yelled, and the bright three-color sword light was also cut off. Naturally, he couldn't stop a Legendary Seventh Realm from escaping, but if he wanted to leave so easily, he would not agree.

I saw the bright sword glow tearing away, as if it could split everything.

Kuzhu's face couldn't help being greatly changed, he had no choice but to go forward with all his strength, however, the countless mysterious Buddha voices had already sounded, making his heart tremble, his hands paused, and that huge figure flew away again Go out, the blood is like a column.

" wait for the ordinary monk."

Bitter bamboo let out a roar, and didn't dare to linger immediately, and disappeared into the sky with the help of this force.


(End of this chapter)

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