Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2946 Plan

Chapter 2946 Plan

"Just you?"

Looking at the direction where the bitter bamboo disappeared, Fang Yi couldn't help sneering.

Afterwards, he also chose a direction, turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared into the sky.


On the outskirts of Lieyanwangyang, because of the Eight-Clawed Fire Chichi, there are already many strong people gathered at this moment, and most of them are from the two major forces, the Sea Clan and the Great Sun God Fire Cult.

It is also rare that this time, the two major forces did not fight, but guarded the periphery of the flaming ocean.

Haiqing and Haihui were also among them.

"Fang Daoyou doesn't know what's going on, why haven't seen anyone for so long, could it be..."

Hai Hui looked worried.

Hai Qing also shook her head, and said slowly: "I asked Haiyan, she said, Brother Fang has entered the abyss, under such circumstances, I'm afraid it's impossible for him to escape, probably..."

Speaking of this, Hai Qing didn't continue talking, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

What happened at the beginning, although the two are not very clear, because the two did not rush to the depths, after parting with Fang Yi, the two found a secluded place to retreat and practice, and they did not know until afterward. The Eight-Clawed Fire Chichi.

He also understood how dangerous it was at the beginning, the two legendary peaks of the ninth realm, the outside world's two legends of the seventh realm, and a stone figure suspected to be of the eighth realm of legend.

Under such circumstances, no one would believe that a Legendary Three Realm could escape unscathed.

Nor would there be any hope.

However, the two of them always had some disbelief deep in their hearts, so they resolutely stayed.

First, he can guard this place with everyone from the Hai Clan and investigate the truth here, in case there are other strong men from the Seven Sacred Mountains and people in black robes.

Secondly, you can also take a look at whether Fang Yi can come out alive in the end.

But unfortunately, time has passed for a long time, and Fang Yi is still nowhere to be seen, and the two of them have almost slowly accepted this fact.

"Look! Someone came out again, everyone pay attention."

At this time, the members of the Hai Clan noticed something, and immediately, everyone was ready to wait.

No wonder they made such a fuss. During this period of time, there were quite a few people in black robes who escaped from the Flame Ocean. These people were all powerful, and they really had a big impact on the guardian disciples outside.

"It's Fellow Daoist Fang, look quickly!!"

At this time Haihui clearly recognized Fang Yi, his face was filled with ecstasy.

The same is true for Hai Qing, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and then quickly went up to meet her.

"Brother Fang!"

"Friend Daoist Fang!!"

Seeing the two people approaching, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile knowingly, and nodded his head as a promise.

Seeing this, the other disciples of the Hai Clan naturally didn't dare to make mistakes, and quickly retreated.

"How is this going?"

Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

As soon as he came out of the Water God Temple, he met Kuzhu, and after that, he came here directly, so that he didn't know anything about the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi.

Now this situation, let alone.

"It's okay! But after the incident, the upper layer is afraid that there are monsters and black-robed people from the Seven Sacred Mountains inside, so they are here to protect you. Brother Fang, you are finally okay. Why did it take you so long to come out? I heard..."

Hai Qing immediately explained the matter in general.

It turned out that after he and others were buried, the two legendary Nine Realms immediately turned the mountain over.

But I don't want to, I only found two legendary seven realms.

And because there was too much movement here, the yellow-robed man had to leave, and Chilong, who also led the two legendary seven realms, took away the eight-clawed Huochi's body.

But then, the strong men from the Sea Clan and the Great Sun Fire Sect arrived quickly, and some of the Seven Sacred Mountain Monster Clan and the black-robed people failed to escape.

Because of this, these people are still guarding here to see if there are any fish that slip through the net.

So it is! !

Fang Yi was surprised.

"Fang Daoyou, speaking of it, why did you come out now? Where have you been for so long? We have been looking for you for a long time." Haihui asked curiously at this moment.

Fang Yi smiled and made up a random sentence.

In fact, even if he didn't make it up, no one would believe his experience.

At that time, there were only a few people in the inner world of the Eight-clawed Huochi, and except for these few people who knew that he had obtained part of the Chaos Fire, the others didn't know it at all.

It is precisely because of this that he dared to show up so openly, otherwise, he had to hide.

"Finally there is no danger!"

Hai Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Then what's next? Brother Fang, what's your plan?"

This question really made Fang Yi a little tangled. To be honest, after this period of time, he clearly realized his lack of strength.

Not to mention the inside of Tongtian Pagoda, that is the Great Dao Realm.

This time, the flames, whether it is the two legends of the seventh realm, the stone man transformed by Qi Donglai, or the two legends of the nine realms, are not something he can compete with.

However, this is just a sea of ​​flames, and there are countless places like this in Buzhou Mountain.

Not to mention the vastness of the entire nine mountains and eight seas.

In particular, after hearing some news about the Earth God Temple, I was still delusional about the Earth God Temple. If this continues, if I don't improve my cultivation quickly, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep the Water God Temple.

Therefore, if Zhen Ruo asked Yun Xiao about his next plan, it was to cultivate, practice desperately, and improve his strength as soon as possible.

As for the others, they can all be retreated for the time being.

Looking for Ji Wuxian?

Ji Wuxian wants to look for it, but it's been so long, if something happens, it's probably too late, not to mention how powerful the Ice God Palace is, with his own strength?

The premise of everything is strength, but strength is the foundation of everything.

Therefore, Fang Yi has secretly made up his mind.

Immediately, Fang Yi did not shy away from it, and explained his plan.

"Since that's the case, then Brother Fang might as well be with us on the Neptune Star. There, at least there is someone to take care of us. Moreover, with the intimidation of our Sea Clan, I believe no one can disturb Brother Fang."

Hai Qing sent out an invitation immediately.

Fang Yi is very powerful, and saved the two of them several times, the two of them are naturally very eager.

Fang Yi didn't resist this. Although he didn't care about being disturbed, in fact, no one could disturb him when he entered the Water God Temple, but if he was in Neptune Star, if there was any news, he would be able to I knew it immediately, and, relatively speaking, Neptune's rules of water are stronger.

It is somewhat beneficial to his retreat.

Immediately, he readily agreed.

The two of Hai Qing were naturally overjoyed, and they didn't bother to guard them here, so they confessed casually, and left the Flame Ocean with Fang Yi.

Looking back at the strange space where flames and oceans intertwined, Fang Yi's eyes became a little dark.

He faintly noticed that Wang Yang had gradually occupied the top.

The Eight-Clawed Fire Chinch has been taken away, and the flames have fallen below, so is there anything in it that is equal to the Eight-clawed Fire Chinch or even the Chaos Fire?

Perhaps!The corners of Fang Yi's lips twitched slightly, and then he floated away.


(End of this chapter)

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