Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2952 Ambush

Chapter 2952 Ambush

"The two fellow daoists seem to be quite familiar with this, I don't know, how far is it?"

The three of them rushed down all the way. Apart from the endless meteorites along the way, the destination was still far away, and Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Fang Daoyou doesn't know something. This Imperfect Sea is very mysterious and has a wide range. It won't be able to reach it for a while."

"It's my fault that these meteorites are irregular and densely cover this space. Otherwise, some strong people would have set up a teleportation formation. Now, let alone a legendary formation, even the flying magic weapon dare not take it rashly."

Wang Wei also looked depressed as he spoke.

In fact, as he said, this meteorite belt is densely packed and moves irregularly. It was still motionless in the last lesson, but in the next moment, it may turn into a shooting star.

During the shuttle, it can be described as extremely dangerous.

Ordinary flying instruments cannot fly here, and they will be hit if they are not careful.

Therefore, the group of people, in comparison, is not advancing too fast.

This is also because the strength of the three of them is not weak, if they are replaced by some weaker ones, they have to be more careful at every step.

"Not bad!"

"This is still the periphery. The deeper you go, the more dangerous the meteorites around are. Moreover, these meteorites are so strange that ordinary attacks don't have much effect on them."

At this time, Li Sijian also echoed, with a brow between his brows, it seemed that he was quite afraid of the surroundings.


A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, and he asked, "Why did this happen?"

"Not sure!" Wang Wei shook his head, "However, there is a saying that this is actually to protect Buzhou Mountain, in case the powerhouses from other mountains and seas sneak into Buzhou Mountain."

"It's more like a defense, a protection mechanism."

"There are even legends that all of this was deliberately arranged by those unborn peerless powerhouses of my Buzhou Mountain."

"Of course, this is just a legend, and there is no way of knowing whether it is true or not."

That's it!

Fang Yi nodded subconsciously, looking at the endless and vast meteorite belt all around, he couldn't help but a touch of shock flashed across his eyes. If this is really artificial, what kind of means is needed?

However, the powerhouses in this world are too much, not to mention the powerhouses at the peak of the Dao, they are the legendary nine realms, which made him feel extremely small.

Of course, that was in the past, but now, he also wants to see how amazing the Nine Legendary Realms are.

Maybe he is not an opponent with his current strength, but he will not be as embarrassed as before.

The three walked for a while.

Sure enough, as Li Sijian said, the surrounding meteorite belts became more and more strange, and some even arranged in a strange shape, similar to some mysterious formation.

Once encountering these things, both Wang Wei and Li Sijian hid far away.

In the words of the two, that is the root of danger.

It's full of unknowns.

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a strange feeling, as if the endless meteorite belt around him was an unknown and shocking formation.

And inside, there are just small formations.

Of course, he just had this thought suddenly at a certain moment, but there was no basis for it.


At this time, Wang Wei said suddenly, and a look of joy could not help but flash across his face.

However, before his words fell, a fierce killing intent suddenly struck in a certain densely packed meteorite belt. This killing intent came suddenly, and was unparalleled in sharpness, like a god of death, making people fall into an abyss.

As expected, Wang Wei was worthy of being a legendary warrior of the sixth realm, and he reacted instantly.

"Be careful!!"

He only heard him yell, and the long sword in his hand was already out of its sheath.

It's a pity that although his speed is not slow, the opponent is faster than him, and a domineering blade light also falls, like a lightning bolt, tearing the world into two.

not good!

Li Sijian also reacted, his face changed slightly, and he was about to help Wang Wei.

But at this moment, another sharp breath came towards him from another direction.

Do not!Strictly speaking, there were two attacks, attacking him and Fang Yi from two different directions.

Obviously, this was an ambush at all, and the opponent came on time.

It is conceivable that the three incomparable attacks attacked at the same time.

What's more terrible is that the strength of this breath is obviously stronger than the three of them. It's not surprising that if such a strong person is not stronger, who would dare to make a rash move.

Involuntarily, the expressions of Wang Wei and Li Sijian also changed greatly.

Fortunately, the strength of the two is not weak. Although they are a little panicked, they are not in a state of confusion, and quickly go up to meet them.

As for Fang Yi...

At this moment, the corner of his mouth could not help but sneer.

Because this ambush has already been in his induction, and even, he has already clearly sensed the cultivation bases of the three people opposite him. a cut.

Do not!It should not be said that the three people on the opposite side, because, from the three people, he also sensed a strong evil spirit.

The monstrous and tyrannical air obviously came from the Yaozu.

It seems a bit inconceivable that the three monster clan powerhouses set up an ambush here, unless...

Bang bang bang! !

The next moment, three loud noises came one after another, shaking the whole world, and three figures flew out at the same time.

The difference is that the first two are Wang Wei and Li Sijian, while the other is a burly man covered with thick green hair, just like a savage!

His huge body, like a cannonball, slammed out and landed on the endless nothingness.

There was a muffled sound in the void, and the world was in turmoil.

In contrast, Wang Wei and Li Sijian were not so exaggerated, but their faces were slightly pale.

But the big green-haired man vomited blood and knelt on one knee, seemingly seriously injured.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, the other two demon clansmen were shocked, their faces were filled with disbelief. At the same time, two fiery eyes swept towards Fang Yi.

It was a middle-aged man with a thin figure and a strange pattern on his cheeks, which gave people a strange feeling.

A pair of eyes also stared at Fang Yi like hooks.

And the other one was a short old man, his eyes narrowed slightly, but there was a faint cold glow inside, full of killing intent.

"You are not the creatures of Buzhou Mountain, but the Seven Sacred Mountains!"

Wang Wei seemed to see something and blurted out.

"Huh?" Hearing this, the man with the pattern looked at Wang Wei fiercely. He was the one who met Wang Wei just now. At the same time, he is also the most powerful of the three.

"Huh! The strength is not very good, but he is quite knowledgeable. It's a pity, so what."

As the patterned man spoke, his whole body was filled with demonic aura, and his hooked eyes gradually turned blood red.

Wang Wei's complexion couldn't help changing drastically, because he clearly sensed the terrifying aura from the other party, which made him extremely afraid.

Fortunately, the next moment, the man with the pattern looked away from him and turned to Fang Yi.

"Legendary five realms, interesting..."


(End of this chapter)

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