Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2953

Chapter 2953

At this moment, the corner of the patterned man's mouth is full of ferocious smiles, like a ghost from hell.

The big green-haired man at the side also stood up with difficulty at this moment.

He looked at Fang Yi coldly, his eyes looked as if he wanted to kill someone, but unfortunately, he was facing Fang Yi, if he could kill him, how could he fly out.

"Boy, you are dead!"

"Today I must swallow you alive."

The big green-haired man said fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes, but just as he took a step, the severe pain in his body made him grin his teeth, and his face was full of pain.

Fang Yi was indifferent, with a hint of disdain faintly curling up at the corner of his mouth.

The green-haired man is only in the sixth realm of legend, and he is still in the early stages. To be honest, he is really not very attractive.

However, being able to stand up after being hit by myself is not bad.

Although this has something to do with him not doing his best, it also shows that the monsters of the Seven Sacred Mountains are physically stronger than ordinary monsters. Otherwise, terror would not be able to stand at all.

"Which sect do you belong to? The Legendary Five Realm possesses such strength. Unexpectedly, this Buzhou Mountain is not all trash."

The corner of the patterned man's mouth was full of coldness, and he stepped forward step by step, and his powerful breath locked on Fang Yi instantly.

At the same time, the short man's aura erupted, connecting with the former, completely enveloping the group of three people.

The expressions of Wang Wei and Li Sidao couldn't help changing drastically.

In that blow just now, although they weren't injured as badly as the big green-haired man, but they did their mental calculations without intention, and the opponent's strength surpassed that of the opponent, so the result can be imagined.

The two also suffered a lot of injuries.

Although it is not very good, it has a great impact on the display of strength.

Now, seeing the other three people surrounding them, how can the two not panic.

"Where is so much nonsense!"

However, Fang Yi looked calm, instead of panicking, there was a trace of impatience on the contrary.

While speaking, he didn't want to waste any more time, and when he stepped on his foot, a giant fist suddenly blasted out.

Whoa! ! !

Immediately, the sound of a big wave fell from the nine heavens, and the torrential energy also swept out, like a tsunami, engulfing all directions.

This punch was inconspicuous at first, even if it had some momentum, it did not break away from the category of the five legendary realms.

The corner of the patterned man's mouth even raised a hint of disdain.

However, as he got further back, the disdain at the corner of his mouth also slowly solidified, because the torrential waves seemed to be endless, and they overlapped one after another, rising up and down without end.

how is this possible? ?

A look of disbelief flashed across the patterned man's face, and he punched out suddenly, trying to defeat him before the punch gathered momentum.

It's a pity that the continuous energy is like a huge wave, which is not affected in the slightest.

Any blocking power is washed away by it.

Even the punch of the patterned man is no exception.

Boom boom boom! !

There was a loud noise, the sky and the earth shattered, and the whole space was crumbling, as if it was about to collapse completely.

The next moment, the huge figure of the patterned man flew out directly.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, the little old man and the green-haired man hadn't changed yet, but Wang Wei and Li Sijian were the first to startle, their pupils widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

It's not surprising, the two of them never dreamed that a companion they randomly found halfway would be so amazing.

And it was only at the fifth level of legend, but it knocked the seventh level of legend into the air with one blow.

It's just...

good! !

Fang Yi also nodded subconsciously, quite satisfied.

Compared with the last time he met Chilong's two Legendary Seven Realms in Lie Yan Wang Yang, he was not an opponent, at most he could barely support it, but now, he has been able to defeat the Legendary Seven Realms with one blow.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement, how he is not satisfied.

However, the man with the pattern obviously couldn't accept it, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his whole face turned livid.

As a great monster of the legendary seven realms, he had never imagined that he was in such a mess today, being knocked back with a punch by a human being of the legendary five realms. If this spread to the Seven Sacred Mountains, he would not be laughed to death by other monster races.

You know, in the Seven Sacred Mountains, the monster race has the highest status.

The human race will always be lower than the monster race there, and will be suppressed.

It had been a long time ago that in the Seven Sacred Mountains, the monster clan didn't pay attention to humans at all, but at this moment, the man with the pattern was repelled by humans, and he was a warrior far inferior to himself, how could he accept it.

"Damn human, take my life and kill him!!"

The man with the pattern snarled, and the next moment, he rushed towards Fang Yi like a cheetah.

At the same time, the short man and the big green-haired man also attacked together.

Obviously, both of them saw Fang Yi's extraordinary strength, and agreed that Fang Yi made a move, intending to take Fang Yi first and clean up the other two.

It has to be said that although these monster clans slammed into each other, they were not completely brainless, at least they knew how to team up to win the strongest first.

However, Wang Wei and Li Sijian were obviously not stupid. They looked at each other, and although they were a bit reluctant, they still rushed forward quickly.

Boom! !

In an instant, the two sides fought together again.

Due to the injury of the big green-haired man, Wang Wei and Li Sijian were barely able to support the short old man and the big green-haired man.

On the other side, the patterned man confronted Fang Fangyi, and the result could be imagined.

In the beginning, with the help of the little old man and the big green-haired man, he was able to occupy the top, but now, he was only beaten, and was forced to retreat by Fang Yi.

"No! Impossible! How could you be so strong?"

The more the patterned man hit, the more frightened he became, and his entire face turned a liver color.

However, he didn't know that even so, Fang Yi didn't try his best, because he had just left the retreat, and the harvest of this retreat has yet to be verified, and the man with patterns in front of him is undoubtedly the best touchstone.

So, taking this opportunity, he prepared to try them all.

If the sadly patterned man knew all this, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood, but what a pity...

"Brother, it's not an option to go on like this, let's withdraw!"

The big green-haired man didn't know whether he knew what he couldn't do, or because he was injured, or both. In short, he already had the intention to quit at this moment.

However, the man with the pattern is obviously still a little unwilling.

It's just that the more the battle went on, the more frightened he became, and he understood that the ambush was a complete failure.

"Boy, leave your name, it is set in Japan to take your life."

Immediately, he let out a loud shout.

"What date?"

However, Fang Yi couldn't help but sneer, "Do you still have another day?"

"Presumptuous!!" The patterned man was furious, and sneered again and again, "Only you? Although your strength is indeed great, but you are far from qualified to keep us..."


Before he could speak, Fang Yi's indifferent voice interrupted him.

At the same time, strange runes emerged one after another and turned into a huge sword net, completely sealing off the surrounding world.


(End of this chapter)

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