Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2960 Invincible

Chapter 2960 Invincible

Whoa! !

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be boiling, and the sound of big waves was endless, and one wave overwhelmed the other.

Ripples in the space also follow, just like rushing waves.

But Fang Yi didn't move at all from the beginning to the end, just like a statue, everything in the world seemed to be in his thoughts.

He seems to be the king of this world, everything is centered on him and moves with him.

Bang! !

Seeing him take a step, the sky and the earth trembled, and the roaring huge waves rose instantly, sweeping towards the monster clan with overwhelming momentum.

not good! !

The monster's face changed drastically, and his pupils were full of fear, because he sensed an extremely powerful aura, which made him feel that his life was threatened.

For many years, as a generation of great monsters, he has already forgotten this feeling.

But now, in a human being in the legendary five realms, he actually experienced this feeling again, how dare he believe it, and how can he believe it.

"No! This is absolutely impossible, humble human beings, you will always be ants in front of my monster clan, you will die for me!"

Hearing his angry scolding, the original half-human body completely turned into a huge beast.

The huge head occupies almost half of the body, and the blood-red eyes are full of fierceness.

The monstrous and tyrannical air poured out, coming to meet Fang Yi.

This terrifying scene made the surrounding crowd turn pale with fright, because compared to before, the strength of the monster clan has undoubtedly improved significantly.

As for Fang Yi, from the beginning to the end, the breath around his body was relatively calm, as if he was like an ordinary person.

But how can ordinary people be like this?

Therefore, while the crowd was tense, there was also anticipation in their eyes, because Fang Yi's previous performance had already won their trust.

What about the facts?Naturally, Fang Yi would not let them down.

I only heard the sound of the big waves getting louder and louder, as if there was no other sound in the world, only the rushing huge waves remained, and finally, the huge waves twisted into a giant dragon, and the monster clan slammed into it. .

boom! !

There was a loud bang, and the world was shaken.

Void sinks.

Horrific shock waves swept across the entire world, destroying everything in the world. Some people who were close, those who were slightly less powerful, were all swept away, and some were instantly shattered into pieces.

And that monster clan, with its huge body, blasted out fiercely like a shell fired.

what? ?

The surrounding crowd all looked at this scene in astonishment, especially those monster races. Such a big movement here naturally attracted many strong people, and they were all shocked and unbelievable.

Obviously, none of them thought that their companion would be knocked into the air by a Legendary Five Realm.

And it seems that the situation is extremely bad, even...

In contrast, the group of people were stunned at first, and then laughed wildly. Fang Yi's dominance undoubtedly inspired them a lot, like a shot in the arm, making the crowd excited.

All kinds of shouts and cheers followed.

Not to mention Wang Wei and Li Sijian, they were ecstatic.

"Human! Damn you!"

At this time, several monster races quickly surrounded him, each with a murderous intent.

But it's a pity that before they got close, Fang Yi had already made a move first. It was already like this, and it was obviously impossible to absorb energy with peace of mind.

That being the case, let's settle the battle here first.

So, he shot, like a thunderbolt.

Those monster races who were not as good as him could barely get close to him, so they became dehydrated one by one, disintegrated inch by inch, and finally disappeared completely between the heaven and the earth.

It's just that until they die, I'm afraid they won't understand what's going on.

And those who are slightly stronger, just seeing this supernatural power, are almost scared.

For a moment, Fang Yi was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, wantonly killing.

Seeing this, the crowd's morale also soared. At this moment, under the leadership of Fang Yi, the originally suppressed human race had already blazed a trail of blood.

In contrast, on the other side, the fire-robed old man was still suppressed by the Blood-devouring Bat King, almost only able to parry, and had no power to fight back.

It's not that the old man in the fire robe is so unbearable, but because he has been injured one after another.

Originally, the strength was not good enough, so after repeated repetitions, the situation can be imagined.

and so……

However, the two quickly discovered the situation here. Compared with the anger of the Blood-devouring Bat King, the fire-robed old man was more surprised, and his heart was a little complicated.

Naturally, he was happy to see such a strong person appear.

However, if the opponent is the Sea Clan, even if he is not an enemy today, in the future...

"I can't even win a mere Legendary Fifth Realm."

Fang Yi's dominance undoubtedly broke the previous situation, raised the morale of all human beings, and also made the Blood-devouring Bat King Thunder furious. It is said that the king was captured first when he captured the thief. It was for this reason that he attacked the old man in the fire robe at the beginning.

But now, in comparison, Fang Yi has become this 'king' instead, and the old man in the fire robe seems a bit insignificant.

After all, even the old man in the fire robe cannot easily kill the Legendary Seventh Realm.

But Fang Yi can, and the killing speed is simply appalling.

If you let it go on like this, then...

Therefore, the Blood-devouring Bat King couldn't bear it any longer, and even left the old man in the fire robe, and came to attack Fang Yi. The monstrous power engulfed the surroundings like a tsunami.

"Damn human beings, you can't let yourself be presumptuous in front of me, and even take your life!"

When the words fell, one of his terrifying claws suddenly grabbed it.

The blood-colored sharp claws pierced the sky like five blood-colored thunderbolts, capable of destroying everything.

"Be careful!!"

The crowd obviously also noticed this scene at this moment, and couldn't help reminding loudly, their faces turned extremely pale, as if they were the ones who were suffering from this blow.

However, why should they remind, Fang Yi would not know.

In fact, long before that palm fell, Fang Yi had already received an extremely fierce aura, which made him feel extremely dangerous.

But, that's all, danger is danger, but it doesn't make him feel invincible.

Therefore, instead of dodging, he punched fiercely.

The sound of the big waves is endless.

Wave after wave of terrifying energy is continuous, like a roaring ocean.

Boom! !

In an instant, two terrifying energies collided like two sea horizons, colliding violently, and the sky and the earth were shattered, as if countless bombs had been dropped and exploded one by one.

The roaring huge waves knocked everything around, including humans and monsters, flying away.

All kinds of broken limbs and broken bodies filled the sky, which was extremely tragic.

As for Fang Yi, he felt as if he was struck by lightning, and a vast force came from him, causing his figure to burst away, like a star falling from nine days.

The crowd looked at this scene, and their faces turned extremely pale in an instant.

But soon, the figure that flew away regained its footing, standing between the sky and the earth, like a giant pillar of the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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