Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2961 Breakthrough

Chapter 2961 Breakthrough


Blood-devouring Bat King's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of disbelief flashed across his face.

As a legendary eight-level martial artist, and one of the best, there has never been a legendary five-level fighter who can escape from his hands, let alone take his blow.

But now, not only did this human warrior take his blow, but he seemed to be completely unharmed.

How could this not surprise him?

"The body of rules? Are the rules of water so mysterious?"

Looking at Fang Yi's body slowly recovering from the transparent water pattern, the Blood-devouring Bat King's eyes could not help but be surprised.

He has come into contact with many strong people of the way of water, and he has also encountered the regular body of water, but none of them can almost ignore physical attacks like Fang Yi, which is incredible.

Although they are both the way of water, they have different comprehensions, and the body of rules and supernatural powers they condense are naturally different.

He was not surprised by this, but what surprised him was that the other party's regular body was too weird.

Rao even he couldn't help being a little startled and a little greedy.

"Good boy! I didn't expect you to be so good at the fifth level of legend, then I can't keep you even more, die!"

The Blood-devouring King shouted loudly, and his huge wings spread out in an instant, covering the entire world and sealing off the surrounding space.

Endless bloody thin lines, like a huge net, strangled towards Fang Yi.

The Blood-devouring Bat King is a legendary powerhouse in the eight realms, and he is one of the best. Fang Yi used his body of rules in the blow just now, and he was already blown away. This is evident.

Fortunately, that's all. Relying on the regular body of water and his own powerful physical body, Fang Yi is confident that he can fight the opponent, and even be invincible.

As for whether he can defeat the opponent, he is also a little uncertain.

But right now, I can't take care of so much, because the huge body of the Blood-devouring Bat King has already arrived.

He was extremely fast, coming and going without a shadow, shuttled recklessly in the space, like a ghost.

If it weren't for relying on the technique of water escape, Fang Yi's speed would not be slow, I'm afraid, he really wouldn't be an opponent, but now, the two of them are staggering back and forth, which seems to be evenly matched.

The crowd looked shocked, of course, shocked and happy.

Especially Wang Wei and Li Sijian, they were completely dumbfounded at the moment, with their mouths open, not knowing what to say at all.

Maybe they never imagined in their dreams that a companion they randomly picked up would be so amazing.

The old man in the fire robe is undoubtedly the same.

He looks complicated.

However, right now is undoubtedly a good opportunity, he has no time to worry about other things, his eyes moved, and he couldn't help shouting: "Shoot with all your strength and kill this group of monsters."

kill kill kill! ! !

A group of people were suppressed before, but now they feel a sense of elation, and their morale can't help but increase.

Immediately, killing shouts soared to the sky, and endless attacks went towards the monster clan.

This is a long time.

The morale of the human race was booming, and the demon clan was naturally suppressed, and the old man in the fire robe charged into the battle, even more like a tiger with wings added.

Even though the old man in the fire robe is not the opponent of the Blood-devouring Bat King, he is just like Fang Yi in dealing with those ordinary monsters, as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

The result can be imagined.


The Blood-devouring Bat King Lei Ting was furious, but unfortunately, even though he has the ability to reach the sky, he is also incapable of dividing himself.

What's more, Fang Yi's difficulty is far beyond his expectations, even worse than the old man with artillery, just kidding, Fang Yi's physical body is already extremely powerful, plus the ruled body, and the water escape technique Not to mention defeating the Blood-devouring Bat King, but if he wants to protect himself, it is still more than enough.

How could the Blood-devouring Bat King want to take him down.

Of course, it is not easy for Fang Yi to take down the Blood-devouring Bat King.

For a moment, the two fell into a kind of deadlock.

However, the Monster Clan has already retreated steadily. Seeing that they had all their advantages before, the situation suddenly turned to the downside. How could the Blood-devouring Bat King accept it.

The anger in his heart also turned into endless energy, pouring towards Fang Yi.

"Human child, you will definitely die today, and this seat will surely step you out of the mud."

Blood-devouring Bat King's body was full of steaming anger, and sparks seemed to be erupting from his pupils.

But it's a pity that no matter what he does, he still can't win Fang Yi, even though he occupies the top, it doesn't help.

really!After all, the eighth realm of legend is the eighth realm of legend, and I am still a lot worse.

If you want to defeat the opponent, I am afraid...

Fang Yi is also thinking secretly at this moment, the power of the eighth level of legend has given him a further understanding of his own strength. It is enough to deal with the seventh level of legend, but it is still not enough to deal with the eighth level of legend.

Not surprising, after all, there is a huge gap between the two.

The only consolation is that, relying on the body of rules, he can barely remain invincible.

Just wanting to defeat the opponent is not that simple, maybe it is possible to trap the fairy sword, but this is his trump card, and he will not act rashly unless it is necessary.

Other than that, there is only one way to break through.

In fact, the reason why Fang Yi has not broken through to the legendary sixth realm is not that he does not understand the rules enough.

The thousand years of retreat, to him, that is ten thousand years.

The time of ten thousand years is several times more than the sum of all his previous training time. Coupled with the water temple in his body, the comprehension of the way of water has become relatively simpler for him. Ten thousand years of time , enough for him to comprehend deeply enough.

The reason why there is no breakthrough is precisely because there is not enough energy.

Because of the consumption of thousands of years.

It was also because of this that he was so hungry at the beginning, and it was also because of that crazy absorption that he reached a certain critical point, and he was only one step away from a breakthrough.

Immediately, he moved, fought and retreated, and headed towards the place where the energy gathered.

"Humble human, do you want to escape now, but it's too late!"

The Blood-devouring Bat King obviously misunderstood something, only when Fang Yi wanted to escape, his shots became more domineering.

And the crowd of people also noticed this scene at this moment, and each of them became extremely nervous. Invisibly, Fang Yi's every move had already affected their nerves.

Not surprising, because the key to the outcome of both sides lies in the two of them.

Regardless of the high morale of the human race at the moment, if Fang Yi loses, the situation will turn sharply downwards. Therefore, no one will affect everyone, including the Yaozu, with their every move.

Even the fire-robed old man is no exception.

"Escape? Just rely on you?"

Fang Yi couldn't help sneering at this moment, sensing the majestic energy around him, he couldn't help grinning at the corner of his mouth, showing an evil smile, like an evil ghost from hell.

The next moment, his breath suddenly rose, like an erupting volcano.

"Look! What is he doing? Is he trying to break through?"

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

Because no one thought that at such a moment, Fang Yi would choose to break through, which would be no less than courting death.


(End of this chapter)

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