Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2965 The Lotus Pond

Chapter 2965 The Lotus Pond

"Brother Fang, look quickly! A crack is about to appear in front!"

After bidding farewell to Huo Zhengqing and his party, Fang Yi and the others headed directly towards the Seven Sacred Mountains.

Strictly speaking, the place where the previous battle took place was not the Seven Sacred Mountains, but in the gap between Buzhou Mountain and the Seven Sacred Mountains, in the endless nothingness.

It was dark here, until I didn't know how long after walking, there was a little light in front of me.

Wang Wei couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Fang Yi was also curious. It was the first time for him to pass through the crack and come to another world. He didn't know what kind of place the so-called Seven Sacred Mountains were.

correct!There is also the view of Tongtian.

"How much do you know about Tongtian Temple?" After pondering for a while, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Babel view?

When the two heard this, they couldn't help but startled.

"Brother Fang, is it because of what Huo Zhengqing said before? Although what he said is true, there are many Tongtian Temple disciples active, but they are extremely low-key, rare to see, and they can't compete with us."

Wang Wei said disapprovingly.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Li Sijian also interjected at this time.

"I have heard from the disciples of the Great Sun God Fire Sect that there are a large number of disciples of Tongtian Temple in Tianhen. Tongtian Temple has always been entrenched in the fairy world and rarely interferes with the nine mountains and eight seas. This time it is so grandiose. It must not be so Simple."

"Besides, Skyline is not far from the Great Sun God Fire Cult. Since Elder Huo said so, it makes sense."

In contrast, Li Sijian was undoubtedly more cautious.

In fact, Wang Wei has always been quite cautious, but Fang Yi gave him strong confidence, which made him a little smug.

"As for the things about Tongtian Temple, we don't know much..."

The two talked to each other, and Fang Yi knew most of what they said.

It's not surprising, after all, Fang Yi stayed in the fairy world for a while. Whether the two of them have entered the fairy world is unclear. Moreover, the world only knows that the Tongtian Temple guards the Tongtian Tower, and not much else is known.

What a view of Tongtian!

Fang Yi's eyes became darker at the moment.

These people came from Skyline, so the purpose is self-evident.

Fortunately, I haven't used the Immortal Trapping Sword, so it shouldn't be exposed for the time being.

However, the several battles with the Great Sun God Fire Cult, as well as the battle with the Blood-devouring Bat King just now, will inevitably spread, and it will not be a matter of time before they are exposed.

It seems necessary to do some preparation.

The Tongtian Temple is not something to be trifled with. One can imagine how powerful it can stand above the nine heavens.

The only consolation is that because of certain rules, the strong in the Dao realm cannot easily cross the border, which is finally good news.

"By the way! Speaking of the Ice God Palace earlier, do you have something to say?"

Putting the Tongtian Temple aside for the time being, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of the purpose of this trip.

"This one……"

Wang Wei seemed a little hesitant when he heard the words, and then said after a pause: "To be honest, Brother Fang, Wang has indeed heard about the Ice God Palace before, but that place is the territory of the Dapeng clan, so ..."

Wang Wei was a little embarrassed, he still vividly remembered the previous battle.

Elder Huo's advice was still in his ears.

The Dapeng clan is one of the seven holy demon clans in the Seven Sacred Mountains, and their strength is so strong that they cannot compete at all.

Moreover, as intruders, the powerful people in the Great Dao Realm here will not care about any rules or irregularities. Once they are angered, the result will be death.

Of course, the strong in the Dao realm have their own pride, and they won't do it easily.

Because that is a very shameful thing for them.

Just like adults bullying children.

This metaphor may not be enough to explain the gap between the two, because the Legendary Realm fighters are ultimately the use of rules, while the Great Dao Realm experts have already condensed a complete Dao, which is the control of certain rules. Not the same.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two are not comparable at all.

Great Dao Realm experts, even the weakest ones, are absolutely crushing to Legendary Realm warriors.

To be able to escape is a sign of strength.

And Fang Yi defeated the Blood-devouring Bat King, once he appeared in the Dapeng clan, he would definitely be taken care of, not to mention the strong ones in the Dao realm, but the Nine Legendary realms would be inevitable.

Even if Fang Yi is tyrannical and can save his life, what if there are two?or even three?

Even in the end, if it alarms the powerful people of the Great Dao Realm, then...

"The Dapeng Clan!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, and instantly understood Wang Wei's worry, and immediately said lightly: "But it's okay to say."

"Okay!" Seeing this, Wang Wei didn't need to say anything, even if it came slowly.

According to what he said, when he entered the Seven Sacred Mountains last time, he overheard someone talking about the Ice God Palace.

It is said that in the area ruled by the Dapeng clan, a lotus pond appeared, countless ice lotuses enveloped the void, and disciples of the Ice God Palace appeared around, and there were quite a few of them.

It is said that there was also a great conflict with the Yaozu, but it is unknown what happened in the end.

Because the place where the incident happened is not far from the base camp of the Dapeng Clan, ordinary people dare not approach it at all, and Wang Wei is naturally the same, so...


When Fang Yi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but move.

Haiqing and Haihui, did they go to this place?

However, it has been so long, why has there been no news from the two of you?And according to the Hai Clan, the two of them were not killed.

When a strong man like this leaves, there will naturally be a life card left behind, and if the life card is unharmed, it means that the two of them are safe.

But, where did they go?

"Brother Fang, don't you want to go there too?" Li Sijian asked tentatively after seeing something clearly.

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi didn't hide anything, he originally came here for this, and now that he heard the news, he naturally had no possibility of backing down, not to mention that it was related to the Ice God Palace, even if it wasn't, Haiqing and Haihui were doing it for themselves. Even at the risk of his own life, it is impossible for him not to find out.

"As Elder Huo said, it's extremely dangerous there, the two of you are not as good as..."

Fang Yi didn't want to implicate the two of them, so he said right away.

However, before he finished speaking, Wang Wei rushed to say: "Brother Fang, what are you talking about, since we are traveling together, naturally we can't give up halfway. I don't believe that it is really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den."

"Besides, isn't that why we came here? The closer we get to the Dapeng clan's territory, the stronger the monster clan will be, and the more precious the monster pill will be."

Wang Wei looked fearless.

I don't know if Fang Yi's strength gave him confidence, or if he was like this in the first place.

Li Sijian was a little hesitant, but after a while, he couldn't help but be certain in his eyes, and said: "Although Li is not talented, but Brother Fang has made a decision, and Li is willing to accompany him to the end, so let us see the so-called Dapeng clan." Just how great it is."

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile when the two looked eager to try.

Although the Dapeng clan is dangerous, he actually doesn't care much about it. Just kidding, the Dapeng clan has a large scale. With the strength of a few people, as long as they are careful, they can protect themselves.

The only thing that worried him was whether the so-called lotus pond was still there.

And where are those Ice God Palace disciples?


(End of this chapter)

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