Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2966 Moonless Saint Monk

Chapter 2966 Moonless Saint Monk

"Finally out!"

Feeling the endless void around, dotted with countless stars, Wang Wei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Navigating through cracks is not an easy task.

On the contrary, it is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be torn into pieces by the space crack.

Of course, with their level of strength, they all have some comprehension of the way of space, and their prediction of space cracks is much better than ordinary people, not to mention Fang Yi on the side.

"It seems that the cracks on the Seven Sacred Mountains are more serious than expected."

Li Sijian interjected at this moment.

The reason why he said this was naturally not groundless, but because the three of them passed through the crack and came to the territory of the Seven Sacred Mountains, but they didn't see a single person.

what does this mean?

It means that there are countless cracks in this space, and the Buzhou Mountain powerhouses who sneaked in have entered different cracks, so it is like this.

"Isn't this better, it saves a lot of trouble!"

Wang Wei began to sweep the surrounding area.

For the three, it is undoubtedly a good thing that there is no one else, because there are no enemies.

The most dangerous thing to pass through the crack is not the crack itself, fear is just fear, when you arrive here, there are countless big monsters waiting for a long time, that is the most terrible thing.

However, such cases are extremely rare.

Compared with the human race, the monster race is more tyrannical. Whenever there is a crack, they can't wait to enter it, and how can they have the patience to wait here.

While the two were talking, Fang Yi also began to sense the void.

It is not too different from Buzhou Mountain, the bright stars are shining, exuding the breath of life.

The only difference is that there is a strong evil spirit in the air, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Brother Fang must have entered the Seven Sacred Mountains for the first time! This place is known as the holy land of the monster race. There are countless powerful monster races. The monster aura is so strong that it is easy to detect the human race mixed in."

"So, we still need to be extra careful."

Li Sijian reminded me at this time.

"It's not so exaggerated. Although the Seven Sacred Mountains are the holy land of the monster race, there are also many human races. With our strength, as long as we are careful, we will be fine."

Wang Wei is full of confidence, after all, this is not the first time he has come.

And there is Fang Yi, a powerful companion.

"Where is the Dapeng family?"

Fang Yi paused and asked directly.

If it comes, it will be safe, any danger has already come, so I don't care, I always have to see it first.

Boom! !

However, just when Wang Wei was about to point out the direction, suddenly, there was a sound of thunder in the surrounding space, and the sky and the earth trembled.

what happened?

The faces of several people couldn't help changing, and they looked quickly, only to see that the crack behind them began to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Cracks appear irregularly and may appear and collapse at any time.

And so frequently, it also means that the barrier between the two mountains is getting looser and looser, and there is a danger of complete collapse at any time.

This is not a good thing for the two mountains, because if this is the case, the inherent balance will undoubtedly be broken, and no one can be sure what will happen then.

"No! Someone!!"

At this time, Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly, because he clearly sensed several majestic auras from the crack.

Sure enough, the next moment, a monk in yellow robe appeared in the crack.

The yellow-robed monk's aura was like an abyss, his whole body exuded a faint golden light, like a golden Buddha, his face was resolute and majestic, and when people looked at him, they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

And this monk obviously sensed the existence of Fang Yi and others long ago, and there was no surprise on his face.

Instead, he clasped his hands together and said the Buddha's name.

It seems that he has no intention of embarrassing Fang Yi and others.

And besides him, behind him, there is a group of monks coming out, all of them are majestic, like King Kong, and one of them is particularly conspicuous, because he is wearing a white monk robe and his face is like jade. It looks a little out of place.

More importantly, Fang Yi knew this person, and he was suddenly the Moonless Sage Monk who had fought against Fairy Lengyue in Tianshan.

It was also the existence that ranked second on the demigod list back then.

Of course, the so-called demigod list is nothing but a joke to the two of them today.

Fang Yi has already reached the sixth legendary level, and the Moonless Saint Monk, judging by his cultivation, has also reached the sixth legendary level. This speed is no worse than Fang Yi's.

It has to be said that Fang Yi was a little startled.

I have gone through some things to get to where I am today, and this Moonless Saint Monk is actually so amazing.

However, he vaguely remembered that Fairy Leng Yue once said that the other party seems to have inherited some six-character mantra of Buddhism, and the future is boundless.

It seems mostly because of this.

The Moonless Monk undoubtedly noticed Fang Yi at this moment, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but soon, the look of surprise disappeared, as if he didn't know Fang Yi at all.

"Amitabha, the benefactors don't seem like people from the Seven Sacred Mountains."

The yellow-robed monk spoke first.

He was obviously the leader of this group of monks, and Fang Yi was so shocked by his strong aura, it was faintly better than what the Blood-devouring Bat King gave him.

I'm afraid that even if he is not the strongest of the Ninth Legendary Realm, he must be the peak of the Eighth Legendary Realm.

"Oh! Aren't you the same?"

Wang Wei chuckled lightly and said carelessly.

Obviously, Fang Yi's strength really gave him great confidence, and he no longer cares so much when he speaks.

"Several people must be eminent monks from Mount Misu, right?"

"I've heard for a long time that this barrier is not only linked to Buzhou Mountain and the Seven Sacred Mountains, but also linked to Misu Mountain. I didn't expect it to be true."

Wang Wei said again, slightly surprised in his eyes.

When he said this, he undoubtedly told the other party the origin of himself and others.

The yellow-robed monk smiled, and then said: "The benefactor has good eyesight. If that's the case, then the old monk and others will not bother you. We will meet later!"

Saying that, the yellow-robed monk strode away.

His movements seemed slow, but every step seemed to span the distance between the sky and the earth.

In just two steps, it disappeared from sight.

And the group of monks also left one after another.

The Moonless Saint Monk was no exception, but when he passed by Fang Yi, he cast an intriguing look, and finally, he also drifted away.

"Strange! Why are these monks from Mount Misu here? What do they want to do?"

Wang Wei frowned at this moment, full of doubts.

The same goes for Li Sijian.

"I heard that Mount Misu and the Yaozu have never dealt with each other. Could it be that they are also planning to take advantage of this to attack the Yaozu?"

"Maybe! These monks look friendly on the surface, but no one knows inside."

Both seemed suspicious.

The same is true for Fang Yi, but he is more of a Moonless Saint Monk. The other party clearly recognizes him, so why pretend not to know him?

Also, why did the other party get mixed up with the monks from Mount Misu?

And why did they come to the Seven Sacred Mountains?


(End of this chapter)

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