Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2971 Incubation

Chapter 2971 Incubation

"Yes! As for what to look for, I don't know."

The Moonless Saint Monk continued.

"As for us, it's very simple. Speaking of it, it has a great relationship with Buzhou Mountain. You must have heard of it. It is the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi."


Eight-clawed fire chinchilla?What does this have to do with Mount Misu?

Isn't this the former demon saint of the Huochi clan in the Seven Sacred Mountains? How could he have something to do with Mount Misu?

"I'm afraid you don't know yet! The eight-clawed fire chinchilla is the mount of the Burning Buddha of the Great Leiyin Temple in Misu Mountain. The so-called fire of chaos actually comes from the Burning Buddha."

This! !

Fang Yi was completely confused, there were so many messy relationships in it.

However, who can subdue the eight-clawed fire chinchilla and use it as a mount, so what kind of character is the so-called Burning Lamp Buddha?What kind of existence has the strength reached?

Even the Vulcan and the Eight-clawed Fire Chichi are more of a partnership, and this Burning Lamp Buddha...

Moreover, the other party is so powerful, so why did the eight-clawed fire chinch come out?

The Monk Wuyue obviously also saw the doubts in Fang Yi's heart, but he also shook his head immediately and said: "I don't know exactly how, but there is one thing, the Great Leiyin Temple has a great understanding of the fire of chaos and its merits. Jinlian is determined to win, so..."

These words are already very clear, revealing a faint warning.

Fang Yi also felt a little depressed.

Originally it was just a golden lotus of merit, but now, adding a chaotic fire and feelings, I have completely engaged with the Great Leiyin Temple, but the terrible thing is, what is the origin of the Great Leiyin Temple, where is it, He still hasn't figured it out.

This is simply, inexplicable.

"Thank you!"

After glancing at the Moonless Monk, Fang Yi did not forget to thank him, no matter what the other party's purpose was.

But at this moment, the other party undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call for himself.

And he hasn't revealed his identity before.

"You don't need to thank me, maybe I didn't have any good intentions, but I want to take the golden lotus merits for myself one day?" The Moonless Saint Monk was very frank.

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing, and said in his mouth: "Then Fang is waiting for you at any time."

"By the way! What's going on with this giant starry sky beast in front of you? Could it be one of your goals."

After a pause, Fang Yi asked again.

"No! It was just an accident!"

At this moment, the eyes of the Moonless Saint Monk also cast their eyes on that piece of nothingness. In it, the yellow-robed monks and the giant starry sky beast are still fighting. It's a pity that no matter what they do, they still can't do anything to the giant starry sky beast. harm.

On the contrary, these monks were completely crushed into slag by the giant starry sky beast if they were not careful.

Since the fighting, those monks have lost several of them.

If it weren't for the giant starry sky beast being too big and far inferior to humans in agility, I'm afraid that these monks would have been wiped out long ago.

It was also at this moment that Fang Yi truly realized the power of the starry sky behemoth.

Don't be fooled that it can't kill the yellow-robed monk, that's because the yellow-robed monk is so powerful that he can shuttle around at will.

But if it is a planet in front of it, it will be destroyed in an instant, even if there are dozens more monks in yellow robes, it will not help.

The power of the starry sky behemoth is more reflected in the terrifying destructive power.

Moreover, such a powerful defense makes it impossible for almost everyone who faces it to attack.

The same goes for the yellow-robed monks.

If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out sooner or later.

Of course, they could choose to evacuate, depending on whether the yellow-robed monk was willing or not.

"Brother Fang, it's too unsafe here. Those bald donkeys can't take it anymore. Once they withdraw, we're afraid..." Wang Wei also looked worried and pale at the moment.

It's not surprising that no one can calm down in such a situation.


Fang Yi nodded immediately.

He had no interest in this starry sky behemoth at first, but if he insisted on saying yes, he was just curious. As for surrendering, forget it!He still has this self-knowledge.

Even the yellow-robed monks were no match, and the three of them probably only had food deliveries.

Now that all the questions that should be asked have been asked, it is also time to evacuate.

However, just as he was making up his mind, the starry sky behemoth egg that had calmed down, that is, the huge planet, suddenly trembled violently.

The monstrous evil spirit also diffused out, covering the entire planet in an instant, and even the moonless holy monk was also enveloped in it.

Filled with endless fierce air.

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he had a faint feeling of bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a piercing howl on the planet, piercing the lungs, and the bloody aura also shot up into the sky.

"It's that beast egg, it... it's about to hatch, and it will devour all living things in the end."

Wang Wei's pupils were full of horror, and even his body couldn't help trembling.

It is simply too cruel to devour the creatures of the entire planet at once.

Fang Yi was also extremely shocked in his heart. Although he had already expected this day after learning that it was a beast egg, he didn't expect this day to happen before his eyes.

And under his nose.

Even though he knew the cruelty of this world, Fang Yi was not prepared to meddle in such nosy matters.

But now that it happened before his eyes, how could he witness these countless human beings being devoured.

"Don't move around, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Immediately, as soon as he gritted his teeth, his figure turned into a flash of lightning and headed towards the planet.

"Brother Fang!"

Seeing this, the two couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically. They wanted to catch up, but they also knew that with their strength, they couldn't help at all, and might become a drag instead, so they could only obediently stay where they were.

Ahhh! !

Endless howls came, and the monstrous demonic energy seemed to have some kind of supernatural power to devour souls and bones. Anyone who got a little bit of it would be like being eaten by a giant beast, turning into streams of blood and merging into it.

The endless blood energy gathered in one place was like a rushing bloody river.

The terrifying energy eclipsed the entire world.

Fang Yi couldn't help but change his face. The last moment of the hatching of the beast egg was so cruel, it was really shocking, but right now he didn't care so much, and slashed out with a sword.


The bright sword shadow cut down the sky like a sky-opening blade.

At the same time, from another direction, thunderous Buddha voices came one after another, Om, well, eh..., louder than louder, louder than louder, moving towards the beast egg.

The six-character mantra of Buddhism?

Sure enough, today is not what it used to be! !

That day in the abyss of nine deaths, Fang Yi was fortunate to have seen this magical power. Now that it has been so long, the power of this magical power of the Moonless Saint Monk has greatly increased.

Ow! !

At this time, a terrifying roar of a beast came faintly, as if it came from the inside of the planet, full of anger.

The blood-colored river also seemed to turn into a blood-colored dragon, and it came towards the two to devour them, as if it still wanted to devour them.


(End of this chapter)

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