Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2972 Into It

Chapter 2972 Into It

"Naughty animal! Give it to me!!"

The Moonless Monk seemed to have turned into a Buddha at this moment, his voice was like a bell, and the six-character mantra of Buddhism wrapped around his body, making him look extremely sacred and solemn.

The majestic attack is also like a wheel, moving towards the planet to suppress it.

At the same time, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Fang Yi, with an expression on his face, as if he wanted to compete with Fang Yi.

Of course, it's not a direct fight, but the planet in front of you is the object.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling in surprise, he didn't have such thoughts.

Moreover, the Legendary Six Realms, to be honest, really didn't interest him at all. Even if the other party had comprehended the six-character mantra of Buddhism, his perception was still too weak.

However, now that the beast eggs were about to hatch, he naturally didn't have the heart to pay attention to them.

While the mind was turning, the bright three-color sword light couldn't help but become more terrifying. Two completely different energies intertwined and left the whole world in chaos.

Together with the blood-colored long dragon, it seemed to be shaken by the impact.

In the end, the sword shadow fell, and the bloody dragon was torn apart.

Ow! !

Faintly, a howl followed.

At this moment, the monk Wuyue shrank his pupils sharply, looking at the sword in disbelief, because his six-character mantra of Buddhism did not have much effect on the bloody dragon.

But Fang Yi, being so domineering, directly tore it apart, how could he not be surprised.

When he was in Tianshan, Fang Yi rose like a bright star. At that time, he had just comprehended the six-character mantra of Buddhism, and then retreated. When he left, Fang Yi had already ascended.

To be honest, he was still a little bit unconvinced in his heart.

He thought that if he hadn't retreated by himself, he would definitely be able to compete with the other party, especially after leaving Tianshan, he had this illusion.

Reaching the legendary sixth realm is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

But today, looking at that bright sword, he couldn't help trembling in his heart, because he knew how ridiculous he was once, trying to be compared with such a person.

Sure enough, there is no virtual person under the reputation!

Ow! !

Inside the planet, the loud and angry voice came again, full of overwhelming anger.

At the same time, the ground cracked, and fiery red cracks instantly covered the surface of the planet, like spider webs, with magma flowing inside, which was extremely shocking.

this is?Are you going to break out of your shell?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply.

The same is true for the Moonless Saint Monk, even worse, because he has more contacts than Fang Yi, only to hear him scold: "Don't let him break out of his shell, otherwise, everyone here will die, and there will be no chance to defeat him again." he."

As he said that, his arrogance rose again, and the six-character mantra turned into a world, and with his great magical powers, he sealed off the surrounding sky.

On the ground, with a bang, a fiery red magma shot up into the sky, like a volcanic eruption.

Inside the huge crack, a colossal creature could be faintly seen moving.

An evil spirit permeated the air.

Like a tornado, it ravages the world.

Suddenly, the entire planet fell into a doomsday, and countless creatures were swallowed and turned into nothingness.


Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but sink, this giant starry sky beast is really amazing, even though it hasn't hatched yet, it actually...

However, this is completely different from the starry sky behemoth he encountered in the magic mirror space. The starry sky behemoth is even bigger, but it is far from being comparable to the one in front of him.

It seems that it is mostly because of the aura.

In the space of the mirror, there is only the most common aura, but the fairy world is different from other nine mountains and eight seas except Tianshan. It has a strong fairy aura, and the power of the starry sky monsters is also very different.

"Naughty animal! Die!!"

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't care so much anymore, and the long sword in his hand fell down again, heading straight for the crack.

The bright three-color sword light seems to be able to tear everything apart.

Under the crack, the huge body moved, as if there was a faint trace of fear, and a howl followed, which made people feel a little palpitating.

Ow! !

At the same time, on the other side, the adult gigantic starry sky monster seemed to have sensed something, roared upwards, and then flew towards this side.

"Stop it!!"

The yellow-robed monk has already understood everything here, and for him, now is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

It's a pity that they alone can at most slow down the giant starry sky beast, but it is impossible to stop it.

In an instant, its huge body has descended.

not good!

Fang Yi couldn't help but change his face at this moment. An unhatched beast egg is fine, he can barely handle it, but an adult starry sky giant beast is absolutely impossible.

Just kidding, even the yellow-robed monks are no match for him, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he can't do it.

Ow! !

The giant starry sky beast came, and the huge shock wave was like a huge wave. What's more, it slammed with a giant claw, like the whole world was pushed horizontally, and everything could not resist it.

Even if it is a planet, it must be turned into fly ash in an instant.

No matter how strong Fang Yi is, his physical body is stronger, and it is impossible for him to withstand this blow.

What's more terrible is that its huge claws are so huge that the whole world is covered, and there is nowhere to hide, except... the beast egg below.

yes!No matter how strong the starry sky behemoth is, it will definitely not defeat the beast egg.

Only by escaping into it can it be possible to escape this blow.

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't care so much anymore, and with a movement of his body, he rushed towards the beast egg like lightning.

At the same time, the beast egg was also wantonly devouring everything around it. The huge crack was like an endless abyss, and the terrifying suction pulled everything into it.

Together with Fang Yi.

Of course, this suction is not enough to shake, but the palm of the adult starry sky behemoth is not something he can compete with.

So he resolutely chose to escape into it, heading towards the fiery crack.

"Brother Fang!"

In the distance, Wang Wei and Li Sijian's expressions changed greatly when they saw this scene.

But with the strength of the two, it is obvious that they can't do anything, they can only watch helplessly, and their faces have become extremely ugly.

The Moonless Sacred Monk was no exception. Moreover, although the palm of the giant starry sky beast was not coming towards him, he was also affected, and he could not protect himself, so how could he have done anything.

Just like that, under everyone's gaze, Fang Yi fell into that crack.

It was like being swallowed by those countless creatures, by beast eggs.

And the monstrous demonic aura permeating the beast egg is becoming more and more majestic and terrifying, as if it has reached a certain critical point, and it is only one step away from breaking out of the egg.

The yellow-robed monks couldn't help but change their faces at this moment. Naturally, they would not do anything because of Fang Yi.

What makes them like this is the giant starry sky beast, one of which is already invincible, if another one breaks out of its shell, then they will have no chance and can only escape.


(End of this chapter)

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