Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2973 Crystals

Chapter 2973 Crystals

It was scorching hot all around, as if the temperature had reached its peak.

If the physical body hadn't been transformed by the Fire God Temple, and then tempered by the fire of chaos, ordinary people might really not be able to bear it, even if it is legendary six realms, it must be enough.

As for Fang Yi, he naturally walked around the courtyard like a normal person.

Just kidding, today, in terms of temperature alone, it is almost impossible to do any harm to him.

"Is this the inside of the beast egg?"

Fang Yi looked around curiously, no matter how it looked, it looked like the core of the earth, hot magma, fiery red.

Just below, the ground is moving slightly.

The next moment, the two huge pupils swept over fiercely. They were as black as ink, and they looked particularly eye-catching in this fiery red world.


Fang Yi's pupils shrank. Such huge pupils, like two endless oceans, turned out to be just the eyes of a cub that hadn't hatched. It would be unbelievable if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.


The cub obviously also found out that Fang Yi was a different species. In his territory, anyone who broke into it would not be spared, and it would directly turn into the energy he hatched.

Especially the majestic energy in Fang Yi's body made him hungry, and his eyes became extremely greedy.

The next moment, a terrifying river of blood swept over again, as if it wanted to completely engulf Fang Yi in it.

"Naughty animal! Haven't learned how to be good yet!"

Fang Yi snorted coldly, and cut off the sharp sword again.

At the same time, he also has a certain understanding of the spiritual intelligence of this giant starry sky beast, but it is uncivilized.

If not, he should feel terrified at the moment when he received his sword before, but in fact, this guy probably didn't even recognize him, and thought it was the countless creatures on the planet.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that this guy has reached the critical stage of breaking out of his shell, and he can't care so much anymore.

But soon, the instinct for life made it sense the horror of that sword.

A look of fear could not help but appear in his eyes.

Unfortunately, the bright sword shadow has already fallen.

In fact, even if it had noticed it earlier, it would have been in vain. The extremely hot surroundings could not help Fang Yi, so its fate was already doomed.

What's more, in such a small space, it has nowhere to escape.

Ow! !

Immediately, he howled, full of sorrow and unwillingness.

In the outside world, the yellow-robed monks had already given up the idea of ​​retreating, because under such circumstances, it would be a waste of time to continue fighting.

In fact, even if the cub didn't emerge from its shell, they had no hope at all.

It was only out of unwillingness in my heart that I persisted.

But now, there is no doubt that there is no point in persevering. The cubs are about to hatch. At that time, they will inevitably suffer even more heavy losses.

So, he yellow-robed monk is preparing to order thoroughly.

But at this moment, the sound of endless wailing came, and the beast egg, whose arrogance had already climbed to the peak, retreated slowly, struggling endlessly.

what happened?

Several people couldn't help but their faces changed drastically.

The adult starry sky behemoth also turned back suddenly and looked at the beast egg, but under such circumstances, it obviously couldn't do anything. It was impossible to smash the beast egg directly, so it could only do it in a hurry, roaring loudly.

The boundless anger also vented towards the yellow-robed monks.

Suddenly, a fierce battle was staged again.

In contrast, inside the beast egg, Fang Yi was undoubtedly much more relaxed. The pupils of the young beast were full of terror, and its body had shrunk into a ball.

No wonder it is like this, the three-color sword light is invincible, a huge hole has been torn out of its huge body, and blood flows out like a big river.

And its appearance has gradually become extremely weak, and it is obviously impossible to break the shell.

Only waiting to die.

The blood in the body was slowly drained, and the life force disappeared little by little.

"Give it to me!"

Such a majestic energy, Fang Yi will not waste it, as the mind turns, the devouring supernatural power instantly devours it to the surroundings.

Immediately, billowing energy poured into Fang Yi's body like a mighty river.

The gigantic size of the starry sky behemoth, even if it is a beast egg, the energy contained in it is immeasurable.

It is not difficult to imagine that its nourishment is the living beings of the entire planet for countless years. It is conceivable that so much energy has bred it.

Fang Yi's aura was rising almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It reached its peak in a moment.

Unable to swallow any more energy, the cultivation base that had just broken through the legendary sixth realm was already solid at this moment.

There is even a further trend.

And the cub was already dying at this moment, as if it would die at any moment.


Fang Yi naturally didn't have time to pay attention to this. He had been devouring energy, but suddenly, he found something wrong. There was a crystal the size of a basketball in the body of the cub, the majestic source of energy.

Compared with the size of the cub, the volume of this crystal is obviously not worth mentioning.

But that's it, the energy contained in the period is unparalleled, which makes Fang Yi feel extremely palpitating.

what is this?

Could it be the demon pill?But, do unhatched cubs also have demon pills?

Or the predecessor of Yaodan?Waiting to slowly condense?

Fang Yi was a little curious, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Whatever it was, he couldn't absorb any more energy right now, and the energy in this crystal was so majestic, he naturally took it away, waiting for it to absorb day by day.

Immediately, with a thought, he had already grabbed the crystal.

At the same time, the dying cub let out a final wail before completely dying.

Ow! !

In the outside world, the adult starry sky behemoth obviously sensed something, and roared upwards, with a fierce aura sweeping out of its body like a tsunami.

At this moment, he had obviously gone completely berserk.

But who are you facing?Fang Yi?

Fang Yi was still in the cub's body, so it vented its monstrous anger towards the yellow-robed monks. Compared with before, it became more terrifying, like a real ancient beast, leveling the Three Realms.

not good! !

The yellow-robed monk's face changed drastically, and the previous group were no longer opponents.

Now, the group suffered a lot of losses, and the giant starry sky beast was completely mad. If they continued to fight, they would undoubtedly die.

No matter how unwilling he was, there was nothing he could do at this moment, so he hurriedly said, "Retire!"

However, how could the starry sky behemoth agree and hold on tight.

The monstrous anger was like a huge wave, rolling towards the group of people.

Just as the group was fighting and retreating, on the other side, in the huge crack of the planet, a figure soared into the sky, needless to say, it was Fang Yi.


At the same time, a voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of Wang Wei and Li Sijian.

The two couldn't help being overjoyed, but then they reacted extremely quickly and retreated quickly.

The same is true for Fang Yi. He already has an insight into the external situation. If he doesn't leave now, how long will it be? When the two parties react, then it will not be so easy to leave.

Immediately, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a regular thin line, escaped into the endless void, and disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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