Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2980

Chapter 2980

"Tsk tsk! With this big guy, we are much more relaxed."

Li Sijian also agreed.

Looking at Fang Yi, he was also full of admiration.

Just kidding, being able to control such a huge monster is undoubtedly a great thing, especially this is a starry sky monster. With this guy charging into battle, the three of them are not at ease.

But, how could Fang Yi control the starry sky behemoth?

This point really made the two feel extremely curious.

However, the two of them didn't know that Fang Yi would be able to control such a giant starry sky beast!He just relied on that crystal, relying on the induction and desire of the starry sky behemoth for that crystal.

When needed, as long as you take out that crystal, the starry sky behemoth will arrive in a short time.

It doesn't need to be, just throw it into the water temple.

As for the conflict between this big guy and the Yaozu, just kidding, do we need another arrangement?Such a behemoth dominates, and no force dares to neglect it.

And once the starry sky behemoth loses the sense of the crystal, it will go crazy, and the big battle will happen naturally.

So, there is a scene in front of you.

"That's right! With the help of this big guy, what kind of Luan stars can't go anywhere."

"I'm afraid they know what's going on here, and they can't care about anything else. We can just take advantage of this to enter and inquire about the news." Wang Wei had a playful look on his face, as if he had foreseen the wonderful reaction of the strong people of Qunluan Stars.


Li Sijian was no longer as worried as before, and his face was relaxed.

Fang Yi didn't respond at all, but with such a big guy attracting attention, it was much more convenient to do things here.

Boom! !

At this time, on the battlefield, the starry sky behemoth went mad, and its huge body directly crashed into the planet not far away.

The faces of all the powerful monster races changed drastically.

However, facing such a huge monster, they couldn't do anything at all, they could only watch helplessly, watching the planet being smashed into pieces, cracked inch by inch.

Countless creatures were annihilated, and it was extremely tragic.

The three of Fang Yi couldn't help looking at each other.

It is really unbelievable that a living planet has come to an end in such a way.

It is also embarrassing.

For a moment, Fang Yi even thought of Kyushu, but unfortunately, he is not a creature of this planet, and he doesn't care about life and death here.


"Have you heard that there are starry sky behemoths raging and coming towards us, but what should we do?"

"Really? This is Qunluan Star, how could there be a giant starry sky beast?"

"This is still fake. Let me tell you, there are several planets in front of us, all of which were shattered by the giant starry sky beast. Master Qinghuang has ordered that all the monster races above the legendary seven realms be on standby at any time."


On the edge of Qunluan Star, an ordinary planet, the news of the arrival of the starry sky giant beast has already made people panic here.

Not only the monster race, but also those humans.

The destruction of the planet will not only destroy the monster race, but the entire planet's creatures will be destroyed.

The hearts of the crowd can be imagined.

"Heh! Look at how good these monster races are usually, it turns out that they are nothing more than that."

Wang Wei made a sarcasm, taking away his disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Li Sijian also echoed, "That's not it, what group of Luan stars, the Dapeng clan, it seems that's the case."

It has to be said that the appearance of the starry sky giant beast allowed the three of them to invade Qunluan Star almost effortlessly, without being noticed by anyone.

Because those powerhouses have long been on standby, waiting for the arrival of the starry sky behemoth.

Naturally, no one paid attention to them.

"What should we do next?" After pondering for a while, Li Sijian asked again.

Although the three of them successfully invaded the range of Qunluan Star, they found nothing. There are quite a few people who know about the Ice God Palace, but no one knows the specifics.

According to the information obtained so far, the presence of disciples from the Ice God Palace that day attracted countless strong people from the Luan Star.

The area around the lotus pond was completely sealed off. Few people knew what happened.

Even if they know, they are all those strong people.

The matter seems to have fallen into some kind of endless loop. If you want to inquire about the deeds of the Ice God Palace, you have to contact those strong people. Once you do this, you will undoubtedly expose yourself.

Fang Yi also felt a little tangled.

However, things have come to this point, it seems that there is no better choice.

Naturally, Wang Wei also saw this, and asked instead: "Brother Fang, is it possible that we are really going to face the powerhouses of Qun Luan Xing? That's not fun."

Along the way, although the three of them didn't get any other information, they learned a lot about Qun Luan Xing.

There are so many strong people here, and there are no longer a few legends above the seventh level, and there are even many strong people at the Dao level.

Of course, the Dao powerhouse is haunted and haunted, so naturally he has no time to pay attention to these things.

But even so, it was not something the three of them could contend with.

One must know, not to mention the strong ones in the Great Dao Realm, there are countless Luan stars in the Ninth Legendary Realm alone.

Especially the "Qinghuang" who was called by those people before, this is also the person in charge on the bright side of Qunluan Star, controlling the huge Qunluan Star.

The legend is that the peak powerhouse of the legendary nine realms can condense the complete avenue and enter the avenue realm by one step.

"That may not be there, just watch as you walk!"

Fang Yi's eyes were deep.

The peak of the legendary Nine Realms, to be honest, he really wants to see it.

It's a pity that if it's just one person, it's fine, but the whole group of Luan stars is in front of him. Even if he is full of confidence in himself, he doesn't think that only one person can counter the entire group of Luan stars.

Therefore, unless necessary, he would try to avoid confrontation with these people.

But, in case there is no news, then...

Let's hope this doesn't happen.

Fortunately, there is still a chance right now, because this is only the edge of Qun Luan Star. According to what we know so far, the place where the lotus pond appeared at the beginning is already deep in Qun Luan Star.

Maybe there will be more news that can be found out.

Fang Yi thought so.


"My lord, the starry sky behemoth has entered the Qun Luan star area, and many planets have been destroyed along the way."

The green-robed man 'Qinghuang' is listening to his subordinate's report at the moment, his face is extremely gloomy and ugly.

And in front of him, there is another kind of monster clan, all of them have a strong aura and are extremely tyrannical.

"This damn thing, how could it come directly towards us, something is wrong! Usually these guys are active in the dark abyss generation."

The so-called dark abyss actually refers to the void of some lifeless planets.

It is endlessly dark here, and it is also the favorite place of the starry sky behemoth.

"It's really wrong! This guy seems to be attracted by something, but has he ever found out what's going on?"

someone asked.

"Returning to my lords, I don't know yet, but we are already investigating. According to the information we have so far, it is likely to be related to Mount Misu."

What?Mount Misu?

Hearing the words, a group of monster clan powerhouses all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What's going on, tell me quickly."


(End of this chapter)

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