Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2981

Chapter 2981


The person below quickly replied, "After learning about the appearance of the giant starry sky beast, the subordinates ordered people to investigate its origin. As a result, there was finally a clue..."

The man immediately told about the battle between the yellow-robed monk and the starry sky behemoth.

As for Fang Yi, he was naturally ignored.

Because Fang Yi didn't show up during the war, and even if he showed up later, he would be swallowed up by beast eggs very quickly, so there was no need to mention it.

"Afterwards, these monks fled the scene when they were defeated, but for some reason, this giant starry sky beast came straight in the direction of our group of Luan stars."

"My subordinates suspect that those monks may also have entered Qun Luan Star, so..."

The man guessed.

Hearing the words, all the powerhouses of the monster clan looked at each other in blank dismay, with complicated expressions, anger, or doubt.

"How did these bald donkeys enter the Seven Sacred Mountains, it's damned!"

"Hmph! That's needless to say, it must be a good thing caused by the Jiaolong tribe. Chilong sneaked into Buzhou Mountain and loosened the barriers between the two mountains. As a result, the fire of chaos fell into the hands of others, and it caused trouble for the Seven Sacred Mountains. .”

"Who says it's not, the Flood Dragon Clan is simply abhorrent."

"But having said that, the flame of chaos was really taken away by someone? Could it be that the chilong made it up and wanted to swallow it all?"

"Who knows, but it shouldn't be fake. If it is true, will he come back? I have already found a place to retreat with peace of mind."

All the monster races were talking about it, and they were obviously no strangers to the whole story.

Qinghuang couldn't help but frowned, and then said: "Okay! Let's save the miscellaneous things for later! Let's talk about the starry sky monster first! How should this big guy deal with it."

When it comes to the starry sky behemoth, Qinghuang's face is also extremely ugly.

He is indeed powerful, but there is nothing he can do about the starry sky behemoth.

Of course, the starry sky behemoth can do nothing to him.

However, all the planets in this group of Luan star regions may not be so lucky. The most urgent task is to solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Can you find a way to lure it away?"

someone suggested.

"I'm afraid it won't work. We have already tried many methods, but the giant starry sky beast seems to have a clear goal and is not moved at all." The man before replied.

This is troublesome, it can't be lured away, and it can't be killed, it's just...

"If it doesn't work, just kill his mother. I still don't believe it. This giant starry sky beast is really so powerful. With the strength of our Luan Stars, isn't it enough to defeat him?"

"that's right!"

The Yaozu were already bloodthirsty, and they had no choice but to feel impatient, and their killing intent was awe-inspiring.

There are even two people who have already come out, clamoring to meet this starry sky behemoth.

Although starry sky behemoths have great names, they are extremely rare. Not many people really know how powerful they are, even if they are monsters.

Qinghuang didn't have a good solution for a while, so she nodded.

It's good to try the strength of this starry sky behemoth.

After all, not every star beast has the same strength.

But to his disappointment, the news came a few days later that those people couldn't stop the starry sky behemoth at all.

At this time, the starry sky behemoth has also penetrated into the hinterland of Qunluan Star.


"Brother Fang, it's just ahead!"

In the vast void, three figures galloped towards.

"According to the information we heard, the place where the lotus pond appeared that day should be near here. Brother Fang's two friends may also have disappeared near here."

Wang Wei glanced around, and a look of disappointment could not help but flash across his face. Obviously, there is nothing here, so there is no lotus pond.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown. Although everything was expected, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

However, he still carefully sensed his surroundings.

The rules of water passed into his perception like thin lines, and a trace of familiar aura slowly emerged.

It really is the breath of the Ice God Palace.

Moreover, there is also a feeling of familiarity, but I can't remember it for a while.

Perhaps it was because too much time had passed, and the breath had already dissipated.

"Where is the nearest living planet?"

Withdrawing the induction, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

It was almost impossible to detect anything from these remaining auras, so he could only pin his hopes on other places.

"Brother Fang, it's not far ahead, but, that's where Qinghuang and a group of Luan star powerhouses are entrenched, if you go rashly, I'm afraid..."

Li Sijian reminded carefully, with a look of fear on his brows.

"It's okay, don't you forget that big guy, we can lead it over first."

Wang Wei's eyes flickered, and he turned to look at Fang Yi.

It seems that this is the only way to go!

Fang Yi nodded.

At the same time, in the endless void, thousands of miles away, the starry sky behemoth, which was fighting fiercely with the monster clan, left the crowd behind and headed straight for the core of the star group.


"It's not good! My lord, the giant starry sky beast suddenly changed direction and came straight to this side."

Although the original direction of the starry sky behemoth has always been Qun Luan Star, it is not the core area.

But at this moment, it suddenly changed direction.

When Qinghuang heard this, his face suddenly sank.

Not to mention all the monster races, they couldn't bear it long ago.

"Go! Go and see!"

When even a few people rushed out, the others quickly followed after seeing that Qinghuang did not stop them.

Boom! !

Just at this moment, in the endless void, there was a muffled sound of thunder, rolling endlessly, and the whole world was shaking violently, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Hey! This guy came so fast!"

Wang Wei in the distance couldn't help clicking his tongue, with a look of palpitations on his face.

Li Sijian's face was slightly pale, and his eyes were fixed on the source of the voice. Sure enough, the next moment, a huge black shadow enveloped the whole world in an instant like the coming of night.

Although it was not the first time to see this starry sky behemoth, its size still amazed several people.

Even Fang Yi is the same.

As for the group of monster races, it is no exception.

At this moment, all of them had serious eyes, as if they had never thought that this giant starry sky beast would be so huge.

And that terrifying aura made them startled and palpitate.

"Naughty animal! Go back wherever you came from, Qun Luan Xing is not a place for you to run wild."

However, someone still yelled.

It was a man with raging flames steaming all over his body, his whole body was like a ball of fire, especially with his voice, the flames of anger around him became more and more vigorous, it seemed extremely shocking.

"This is the Fire Luan, a type of Luan, which has a natural control over fire."

"It is said that it was born from the ashes of fire and has an immortal body."

While Wang Wei was explaining, his eyes were full of envy.

Huo Luan?

Fang Yi nodded in surprise. For some reason, he had a vague feeling of deja vu to this Huo Luan.

It's just that I can't tell for a while.

Ow! !

The starry sky behemoth obviously ignored the monster clan's warning, and its huge body still crushed it.


(End of this chapter)

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