Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2983 The Underground Cave

Chapter 2983 The Underground Cave

This is a huge planet with monster races and humans on it.

Of course, the status of human beings here is extremely low, similar to that of slaves.

Do not!It's not just slaves, at least slaves will not be reduced to food, but these people may become food for the demon clan at any time.

However, at this moment, Yaozu obviously has no interest in paying attention to these.

Because of the gigantic starry sky behemoth, the creatures on the entire planet are already in chaos.

"What's going on? Then... what is that thing, Mr. Huo actually..."

Countless monster races looked up at the void, their eyes full of fear.

It's not surprising that the peak powerhouses of the Eight Legendary Realms were smashed to pieces with one blow. Such an ordinary monster race is so fearless, but even a little bit of breath is enough to crush them into scum.

In fact, if it weren't for the huge guardian force on the planet, the entire planet might have been torn apart.

And these people, of course, have already died in Huangquan.

"Look! It's Master Qinghuang!"

At this moment, a loud cry came from the crowd, and a huge blue bird suddenly appeared from the endless void.

Six huge tail wings cover the entire sky, like the king of birds.

"Blue Phoenix?"

Fang Yi, who had already landed on the planet at this moment, couldn't help but look up at the void, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

This is definitely a super strong man, and Fang Yi couldn't help but feel frightened by the terrifying aura emanating from his body.

But it was just right, since the other party had appeared, he naturally had no time to pay attention to everything on this planet.

You can slowly explore by yourself.

In fact, the reason why Fang Yi took the risk to infiltrate here was because he got some information along the way. Hai Qing and Hai Hui were suspected to be missing in this area.

The great possibility is that they fell into this planet.

However, as two human beings, once they landed on this planet, most of them would have already fallen.

Just kidding, the Yaozu will not support them, especially the legendary strong like the two of them, for the Yaozu, that is a great supplement.

It's too late to devour it, so how can it be kept.

But the fact is that the two of them did not fall, so the situation of the two of them is somewhat unpredictable.

Could it be that they are not here?

But according to the information obtained, it is not like, after the two came here, they did not seem to leave.

In other words, if they left, news would inevitably spread.

But it didn't.

Therefore, Fang Yi believes that the two are still in this area at this moment, perhaps because of some unknown reasons, they are trapped somewhere, or it may be other reasons.

Coupled with the Ice God Palace, he had to take risks, which is why he made this trip.

"Look! Master Qinghuang blocked the giant starry sky beast."

All the monster races were jubilant.

It turned out that above the void, the huge cyan bird, wrapped in monstrous power, with the assistance of a group of strong monsters, actually blocked the giant starry sky beast.

It has to be said that this strength is really amazing.

That day, even if the yellow-robed monk and a group of monks set up the Vajra Demon Subduing Formation, they could not stop the giant starry sky beast.

But now, the cyan strange bird has done it, so it can be seen...

Of course, this is the core area of ​​Luan Stars, the base camp of Luanniao clan, and the yellow-robed monks are obviously incomparable.

But even so, it shows how powerful the giant blue bird is.

Fang Yi also felt extremely frightened, but he didn't have time to pay attention to these things at the moment. Instead, he let go of his divine sense and began to investigate wantonly on this planet.

Immediately, the divine thoughts were like a wave, covering the entire planet in an instant.

Thanks to the great battle above the void, otherwise, such unscrupulous investigations will inevitably attract the wrath of the powerful monster clan.

As for the moment, those monster clan powerhouses are busy dealing with the starry sky behemoths, how can they have time to greet him.

"It really is here!"

It didn't take long for Fang Yi's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Because he clearly sensed the aura of Hai Qing and Hai Hui.

Although the breath was extremely weak and seemed to be dying, it was so real that it couldn't hide Fang Yi's feeling.

Immediately, he couldn't take care of that much, and when his figure moved again, he disappeared out of thin air in place, and when he reappeared, it was already an endless wilderness.

There are towering ancient trees and monsters and beasts.

But from under this ancient tree, the auras of Hai Qing and Hai Hui are extremely real.

Fang Yi scanned the surroundings, finally selected a place, and went straight into the ground.

The next moment, a huge space below appeared in his line of sight.


In the space, there are still people who are not human beings. Seeing Fang Yi's sudden arrival, the group of human beings are ready to wait as if they are facing a big enemy.

However, when they saw Fang Yi's human identity clearly, these people were obviously relieved.

But the expression is still vigilant.

Fang Yi couldn't help but look at the crowd. Naturally, he wouldn't be surprised, because these people were all in his senses, and their strength was really unbearable.

It's not surprising, after all, this is the base camp of the Luanniao clan, and these humans can't get promoted at all.

As long as there is any sign of rising, I am afraid it will be obliterated.

And the space below in front of me, I'm afraid I can't hide it from those monster clan powerhouses.

At least it can't be hidden from those powerhouses above the legendary seven realms.

But again, even if these powerful people find out, they probably won't have any interest in it, maybe just like ordinary people seeing an ant nest in the corner of their own house.

Will they deliberately destroy this ant nest?

I'm afraid most of them won't, at most they just laugh it off.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this 'ant nest' has to exist!

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?"

Among the group of people, the leader was an old man with a pale face. In fact, not only him, everyone here looked extremely pale.

Under the ground for many years, it is a ghost if it does not turn white.

"I don't have any malice towards you, I just want to know if these two people are there?"

As he said that, Fang Yi waved his hand, and the figures of Hai Qing and Hai Hui gathered together.

In fact, he was not interested in talking nonsense with these people at first, and he also clearly sensed the location of the two of them, but seeing this group of people so pitiful, he couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

I don't want to scare these people, so...

as predicted!

Seeing the images of the two, a group of people's faces changed slightly, and they looked at each other, as if they were a little uncertain.

In the end, the old man asked, "Are you a friend of the two of them?"

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded, "My name is Fang Yi, and I am their friend."

"What! Are you Fang Yi?"

When this group of people heard Fang Yi's name, they were all shocked, and some even showed ecstasy on their faces.

Fang Yizheng was a little confused, but he heard the old man say excitedly: "Sure enough, the two immortals didn't lie to us, saying that you will definitely come and save us."


Fang Yi was confused and was about to ask.

Unexpectedly, the old man said again, "Please, Mr. Fang, the two immortals have been waiting for a long time."


(End of this chapter)

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