Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2984

Chapter 2984

Two immortals?Haiqing and Haihui?

A look of astonishment flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, no, in the eyes of these people, Hai Qing and Hai Hui were not just immortals.

And that group of people retreated one after another at this moment, giving way.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't bother to smear ink, and strode away.

The cave is dark and damp, only the glowing stones inlaid on the rock wall make the surroundings faintly visible.

Of course, with Fang Yi's cultivation base, there is no need for these, even in the darkest place, it is like daylight in his eyes.

In this way, shuttling through the cave.

After a while, under the guidance of the old man, he finally came to a stone room.

And the group of humans behind him also followed closely, looking at Fang Yi with hopeful eyes, which made Fang Yi feel a little curious.

But he didn't bother to ask, right now he was most concerned about Hai Qing and Hai Hui, because their aura didn't seem to be good.

"My lord, the two immortals are inside, please!"

The old man made a gesture of invitation again, then waved to the crowd and said, "Everyone, get back!"


The crowd did not dare to defy, and retreated one after another.

But still watching from afar.

Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention, and strode towards the stone room, and saw a clear spring in the center of the stone room. While the green liquid was flowing, there were two bodies floating on it, not Haiqing and Haihui. who.

This is!

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and his spiritual thoughts swept over the bodies of the two in an instant.

As expected, the two of them were dying, and their bodies and souls were both wounded. Fortunately, the emerald green liquid had some kind of miraculous effect, protecting their bodies and souls, so that they finally saved their lives.

However, it has already fallen into a deep sleep.

"The two immortals were wounded by the demon clan that day and almost died. It was the old clansmen who saved them regardless of the danger..."

The old man seemed afraid that Fang Yi might misunderstand something, so he quickly explained.

But Fang Yi didn't even bother to talk to him at all. As soon as he moved his body, he floated above the Wang Qingquan. The next moment, a vast blue energy swarmed out of his body and poured directly into the two of them.

Immediately, the pale faces of the two slowly turned red.

The injuries all over his body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, a burst of mysterious Buddha's voice came from nowhere, and people couldn't help but relax their minds, as if their souls were bathed in the warm sunshine.

The old man had never seen such a method before, and he was stunned.

His whole body couldn't help shaking.

Slowly, the two finally opened their eyes.

"Brother Fang, it's really you!" Hai Qing saw Fang Yi at a glance, and his eyes couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Haihui naturally did the same.

"My injuries are all healed?" At this moment, the two of them seemed to have come to their senses, and they looked at their bodies left and right, full of disbelief.

In fact, the most incredible thing is of course the old man.

He had witnessed all this with his own eyes.

It's just that he didn't know what the injuries of the two of them meant, and naturally he didn't understand how outrageous Fang Yi's methods were. He was shocked only because of the appearance caused by Fang Yi's attack, as for the inner...

Just kidding, if other people know, Fang Yi will repair the wounded souls of the two in an instant, I am afraid that they will be speechless in shock.

It must be known that the wounded soul is the most difficult to heal, which is why the two were so shocked.

"How is it? Are you alright!"

Although it was clear, Fang Yi still asked a symbolic question.

"Thank you, Brother Fang, for your help. He is fine now." Hai Hui quickly replied.

"That's good!" Fang Yi nodded, and Dang even asked directly: "What's going on, how did you get hurt?"

"I'm ashamed to say it!"

Seeing the question, Hai Qing couldn't help sighing, and spoke slowly this time.

According to what he said, the two of them rushed all the way to Qunluan Star after hearing the news about Ice God Palace.

However, the danger of Qun Luan Xing was obviously beyond their expectations.

Fortunately, at that time, there were many strong men who heard the news, as well as disciples of the Ice God Palace, so they mixed in and barely reached the destination.

It's a pity that when the battle broke out in the end, the strength of the two was weak after all, and that's why they ended up like this.

Thanks to the luck of the two, they were rescued by the humans in the cave when they fell into the planet, otherwise, they would have been decapitated long ago.

But even so, the two of them were too seriously injured to show up, let alone escape from this planet.

What's more, as time goes by, without energy supplement, the situation of the two is getting worse.

That's how it is today.

In fact, they were able to sustain it all because of a belief.

They believed that Fang Yi would definitely find him, so they...

"I'm sorry! Brother Fang, we didn't do anything to help, but instead asked you to save us." Hai Hui also had a guilty expression on his face.

"What's this called? It's enough for you to have this kind of heart!"

Fang Yi smiled, and he was extremely moved that the two of them were so concerned about their affairs.

As for the matter of the Ice God Palace, it is good to be able to inquire about it, and it is impossible to force it if it cannot be inquired about.

"Brother Fang, in fact, we didn't gain nothing this time." Hai Qing added at this time.


Fang Yi glanced at him in surprise.

He continued to say: "Hai Hui and I came down together, and we found some news. Those Ice God Palace disciples seem to be looking for something."

This remark undoubtedly disappointed Fang Yi, because he had already learned from the mouth of the Moonless Saint Monk.

It's just that it has nothing to do with him at all.

And, what are they looking for?

"It seems to be a ostrich, yes! It is a ostrich." Hai Qing seemed to have remembered something, and said with great certainty.

Luan bird?

Come to this group of luan stars to find luan birds?This is interesting. There are countless ostriches here, and they all seem to be similar. How to find them?What's the use of finding it?

Fang Yi curled his lips and didn't take it seriously at all.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, just because Haihui also interjected at this moment, "That's right! It seems to be a red luan, it seems to be called Xiaoxiao!"

"you sure?"

Fang Yi suddenly turned his head, his eyes became extremely sharp.

For a moment, Hai Hui was startled. If he didn't know that Fang Yi would not attack him, he might have collapsed in fright.

"No...that's right, it's a red luan."

Immediately, he quickly replied.

"Xiaoxiao, is it really Xiaoxiao?" Fang Yi's eyes glowed brightly, no wonder he was so excited, because that red luan named Xiaoxiao was the one he gave to Ji Wuxian back then.

Even the name Xiaoxiao was chosen by him, I just hope that Ji Wuxian can smile more and be happier.

At the beginning, Xiaoxiao was taken away together with Ji Wuxian, but now, when he heard the news about Xiaoxiao again, how could he not be excited.

But, could it be a coincidence?Xiaoxiao should be by Wuxian's side, there is no reason to appear here!

But it's not right, the Ice God Palace is looking for it, doesn't that explain the problem in itself?

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't bear it anymore.


(End of this chapter)

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