Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2991 Legend List

Chapter 2991 Legend List

"Brother Fang, I have already found out. Just like what the ape family said, Huolong Island does have the aura of chaotic fire."

On a certain island, a group of people have entered the area of ​​the Jiaolong tribe for several days.

However, they arrived in no hurry these days, but inquired about the news while walking.

Finally, there are some gains.

"However, there are not many people who know about it. It is currently limited to some powerful races, and it has not spread widely for the time being."

Wang Wei added again.

"Actually, it's the same whether it's spread or not. Those who should know know it, and those who are able to come also come. Those who don't know, even if they come, they will join in the fun."

Li Sijian also interjected.

What he said is true, those who are weaker will just make up for it when they come.

"What about the Flood Dragon Clan? How did they react?"

Fang Yi paused and asked.

The Flood Dragon Clan is one of the Seven Sacred Clans, and their strength is extraordinary. It is impossible to allow these powerful people to rush in without the slightest reaction.

But at present, it seems that they have not made any moves, which is a bit intriguing.

"There is a rumor, I don't know whether it is true or not."

Wang Wei pondered for a moment at this moment, and said again: "It is rumored that the Jiaolong clan and the major monster clans have reached an agreement, and those in the Dao realm are not allowed to intervene in this matter. In exchange for the retreat of the Jiaolong clan, as long as it is for the fire of chaos , don’t wantonly kill the Flood Dragon Clan, then they won’t interfere with other people’s search for the Chaos Flame.”


When Fang Yi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but move.

There are still such rumors?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. Compared with the Flood Dragon Clan, a large number of strong people are pouring in, and even if they want to expel them, it may be extremely laborious.

Not to mention the losses.

But for other monster races, the rash action by the strong in the Dao realm is in itself a kind of worse for the unstable state of the Seven Sacred Mountains.

What's more, the Flood Dragon Clan also has a lot of Dao Realm powerhouses, if they really go to war, it will be bad for everyone.

Both sides took a step back, but it became the best choice.

"Yes! I heard that all the superpowers below the Seven Sacred Mountain Great Dao Realm are here. There is also a legend list, which is full of superpowers from the Nine Legendary Realm."

Hai Hui also clicked his tongue at this time, with a look of fear on his face.

Legend list?

Fang Yi was stunned. He had never heard of this before, so he couldn't help but became a little curious.

Seeing this, Hai Hui immediately said happily.

"Actually, this list has always existed, and it's not limited to the Seven Sacred Mountains, but for the entire Nine Mountains and Eight Seas." Wang Wei added at this time.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at it together.

Fang Yi was no exception, a look of curiosity flashed across his eyes.

Wang Weidang spoke slowly.

According to what he said, this so-called legend list is not the legend list of the Seven Sacred Mountains, but the entire Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, even including the Nine Heavens of the Immortal World, except for Kunlun and Canghai.

Buzhou Mountain is no exception.

Haiqing and Haihui don't know, it's because their strength is too low to reach them.

In fact, Wang Wei knew very little about it, and he had heard it mentioned by the strong in the sect occasionally.

I don't want to, but I heard it again in the Seven Sacred Mountains.

"Tsk tsk! Isn't it true that all the strong people above are extremely good?" Several people all looked curious.

"of course."

Wang Wei affirmed: "I heard that those who can make the list are almost all the experts at the peak of the Legendary Nine Realm. Any one of them is the overlord of one party and may enter the Great Dao Realm at any time."


As soon as these words came out, several people couldn't help but gasped.

Rao Fang Yi couldn't help but change slightly.

Because with his cultivation at the sixth level of legend, he can only compete with those who have just entered the ninth level of legend at best, and he is extremely reluctant.

It is even more impossible to defeat.

"What about Qinghuang? The Qinghuang of Qunluan Star is on the list?" Immediately, he asked quickly.

Wang Wei naturally understood what Fang Yi meant, but he still shook his head.


As powerful as Qinghuang, he can't even make the list?

At this moment, Fang Yi was really shocked. If even Qinghuang couldn't make it to the list, then anyone on the list would be enough to crush him.

And such a group of people, if they come to the Flood Dragon Clan...

Thinking about it, Fang Yi couldn't help being startled.

"Brother Fang, there's no need to worry too much. After all, this list includes the entire Three Realms. It falls on the Seven Sacred Mountains. I'm afraid there are not many people on the list."

Li Sijian obviously saw Fang Yi's worry and said in relief.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smiled wryly, he didn't really care about these things, on the contrary, he had some expectations.

Because he just wanted to meet the powerhouses of the Three Realms.

However, the battle with Qinghuang had already made him realize the gap between himself and those legendary nine-level powerhouses. With his legendary six-level cultivation base, this gap may not be able to be bridged at all.

Unless you go one step further and reach the legendary seven realms, maybe...

"Among the powerhouses entering the Flood Dragon Clan right now, is there anyone on the list?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi still asked.

"Yes!" Haihui nodded, "There is the 338th-ranked Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, the 289th-ranked Golden Flame Lion King, the 254th-ranked Red-Scaled Dragon King, and the 226th-ranked Hunshi Jinpeng, and finally... "

Speaking of this, Hai Hui paused for a moment, as if he hesitated.

Fang Yi was obviously puzzled.

He glanced at him in surprise.

Seeing this, Haihui finally said: "At last there is Red-eyed Thunder Ape ranked 194th."

Red-eyed thunder monkey?

Is there something wrong with this?Fang Yi obviously felt that Hai Hui's expression was a little abnormal, and when he was wondering, Wang Wei added something.

"The red-eyed Thunder Ape is from the great ape family."


As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi finally understood why Hai Hui's expression was so weird, it was because of this.

Immediately, he couldn't help smiling in surprise, although he might not be the opponent of the red-eyed thunder monkey, but so what, his strength is enough to protect himself, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

But Wang Wei didn't seem to think so, only to hear him say again: "The legend list covers countless powerhouses in the three realms, and those who can enter the top two hundred are all the arrogance among the arrogance."

"Brother Fang, if you really meet this person, you need to be careful."

These words are clearly to make Fang Yi avoid the red-eyed Thunder Ape.

Just considering Fang Yi's feelings, Wang Wei didn't say it clearly, but how could Fang Yi not hear it.

Involuntarily, he became even more curious.

But he still said, "Don't worry! I know how to do it."

Seeing this, the few people didn't say anything more, and instead asked: "Then what should we do next? Should we go straight to Huolong Island, or continue to inquire about the news and wait for the strong man from Buzhou Mountain to join him?"

This time there was a lot of commotion, and the strong men from Buzhou Mountain who had entered the Seven Sacred Mountains also flocked to this side.

Several people have already contacted the part.

This group of people is nearby, because there are too many monsters around, almost a large gathering of monsters, so it is not wise to rush in.

It is undoubtedly much safer to wait until the powerhouses of Buzhou Mountain converge and then enter together.

It can be seen that Haiqing and Haihui are more inclined to this, because their strength is indeed too weak.


However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.


(End of this chapter)

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