Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2992 Li Xuanqing

Chapter 2992 Li Xuanqing

what happened?

The faces of several people couldn't help but change.

"The voice came from over there, and that place seems to be the foothold of several Buzhou Mountain warriors."

Li Sijian pointed in one direction, and his expression became ugly.

They had made an agreement with those Buzhou Mountain warriors before. After all, they came to the Seven Sacred Mountains, the territory of the monster clan, and they both hoped to have a support.

"That's right! It's over there, could it be that those monster races couldn't help but make a move?"

Not to mention Hai Qing and Hai Hui, their faces turned pale when they thought of this possibility.

It's fine if you go to other places, but here is a gathering of the Jiaolong clan and the monster clan, once they are targeted, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What should we do?"

the two asked.

Wang Wei and Li Sijian couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, the four of them had already regarded Fang Yi as their backbone.

"Go and have a look!" Fang Yi made up his mind and replied immediately.

Regardless of the reason, he has no reason to back down. How can a few monsters in the district scare him?

The reason I decided to check it out was purely out of curiosity.

The only thing that worried him was the safety of the four people in front of him.

But when things come to an end, backing down has never been his style.


Immediately, he gave a soft drink and left first.


"Hahaha!! Humble human beings, just relying on you, want to wade into this muddy water. You really don't know how to live or die." A thunderous voice rolled over, echoing in the world.

The monster who spoke was a strong and huge bear-like monster.

The brown hair all over his body was like a sharp sword thrusting upside down, his huge body was like a mountain, standing between the sky and the earth, his eyes shone with a ferocious light, which made people shudder.


As he walked, the whole world seemed to be shaking, and everything in the world seemed to move with him.

But opposite him was a group of human fighters, nearly dozens of them, the leader was dressed in green robes, his eyes were like torches, and his aura seemed to be extremely powerful, hidden and hidden.

Others have different levels of cultivation, but those who can come here are obviously not weak.

However, at this moment, their expressions were not good-looking, because this is the holy land of the monster races, where all kinds of monster races gather here, and there are countless monster races gathered around.

"It's settled! If these humans are slaughtered, whoever snatches it will belong to him."

At this time, another sharp voice came.

Among the monster clan, another thin and small figure passed by quickly, like a frightened bird.

He has a mouse face, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, but a pair of very big ears. He looks like an extra-large mouse, but with a little more human appearance.

Human beings are the master of all spirits. Although these monster races disdain human beings, most of them like to transform into human beings.

"Yin Shu, these people belong to this king, could it be that you can't compete with this king?"

These words clearly meant a warning.

The mouse-faced man known as the Yinshu, heard the words, but he didn't care about it, and said: "Bang Xiong, this is not your Lixiong family, it's not your turn to dictate whether you want to grab it or not."

"Well said! Everyone depends on their means."

Among the monster group, another monster clan shouted.

All the monsters also echoed one after another, as if treating this group of people as a meal on the plate.

"Bold beast, don't be presumptuous!" The green-robed man and his party were undoubtedly furious. They all came from Buzhou Mountain, but they were not humans from the Seven Sacred Mountains. They never had the concept of bowing to the monster race.

With his strength, he had never been ignored so much before, so the anger in his heart can be imagined at this moment.

The killing intent all over his body also evaporated.

"Heh! You are quite angry, so let me see how capable you are." Yinshu sneered, and immediately attacked like a thunderbolt.

In an instant, a thunderbolt streaked across the sky and struck towards the green-robed man and his party.

"Bastard! These people belong to my king."

Explosive Bear seemed to be in a hurry, and with a big step, the giant palm fell from the sky, like a mountain crushing down.

Immediately, a scuffle ensued, and those who could get in on the action joined the battlefield one after another, as if they wanted to get a share of the action.

Of course, there were also those who were intimidated by the explosive bear and stagnated.

And these people did not leave, they all waited and watched, and the driver moved.

In short, the huge scene was almost surrounded by demon clans, the green-robed man and his party were unable to escape, and everyone's face turned ashen.

Only people in green robes are better, but they are very limited.

"Beast, die!"

It was only heard that the blue light was shining all over his body, and the sword shadows were like fallen leaves all over the sky, dense and sharp, and the surroundings seemed to be transformed into a vast ocean of swords.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, Hai Qing couldn't help but secretly startled.

The others are similar.

Rao Fang Yi, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

"Of course he is strong. He is Li Xuanqing from the Qingfeng Sword Sect of Buzhou Mountain. I heard that he just broke through the Ninth Legendary Realm not long ago."

What?He is Li Xuanqing?

Several people's faces changed drastically when they heard the words, but Fang Yi was confused and looked at them with some puzzlement.

"Brother Fang doesn't know, this Li Xuanqing is well-known in Buzhou Mountain. He has always been one of the top talents in Buzhou Mountain. It is said that when he first entered the eighth level of legend, he was able to compete with the ninth level of legend."

"A strong man predicted that when he reached the peak of the Nine Legendary Realms, he would have a great chance to be listed on the Legendary List."

Wang Wei explained, his face full of envy.

The same goes for the others.

Fang Yi was a little stunned. He was also quite shocked when he heard the previous words. It is really good to be able to compete with the legendary nine realms just after entering the eighth realm of legend.

But what the hell is behind it?

After stepping out of the peak of the Nine Realms of Legend, there is a great chance of being listed on the Legend List?

Is the so-called legend list really so amazing?still……

"Of course, no matter how great Li Xuanqing is, he can't be compared with Brother Fang. When Brother Fang reaches the peak of the Ninth Legendary Realm, it may not be impossible for him to be among the top ten legends."

Wang Wei then added another sentence.

It's just that Fang Yi's words didn't sound right to Fang Yi's ears.

This is clearly a boast, but in his opinion, it turned out to be a derogation instead.

"Look! Li Xuanqing is really amazing, that rat demon is no match."

On the battlefield, Li Xuanqing's body was shrouded in blue sword shadows, and the surrounding world seemed to have turned into his territory. The rat demon was forced to jump up and down, in extreme embarrassment.

"Yin Mouse, is that all you can do!"

Explosive Xiong spoke sarcasm, but despite his words, his expression became extremely dignified.

He knows exactly how strong the Yin Mouse is, but now, he is forced to look like this, which is enough to show that the human being is so powerful, even if he is against him, he will not be much better.

"Burst Bear, you are still talking sarcasticly, we have divided this human being."

Yinshu shouted anxiously, obviously asking for help.

"Okay!" Pao Xiong agreed, the two of them knew that it was impossible to win the opponent by themselves, only by working together.

"Humans, die!"

Immediately, he snarled, and his huge body crushed towards Li Xuanqing.


(End of this chapter)

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