Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2998 Cobweb

Chapter 2998 Cobweb

Fang Yi doesn't know how strong the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is, but at this moment, the whole world seems to be under the opponent's shroud.

Moreover, the strength of those who can enter the so-called legend list can be imagined.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help becoming a little gloomy.

However, he has never been a person who gives up lightly, let alone a person who retreats.

No matter how strong the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is, he still has the confidence to protect himself.

"Speak wild words, I really want to give it a try!"

Immediately, his face turned cold, and the radiant sword shadow also went away, cutting everything, everything in the world seemed to be unable to resist all of this, the sword shadow had already fallen apart before it fell.


When the crowd watched this scene, their faces changed drastically.

Especially for the blood dragon, when the sword shadow condensed, he felt a dangerous aura, which was as expected at this moment.

But unfortunately, if this sword is aimed at him, Fang Yi may still be able to occupy the top.

But facing the famous Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider on the legendary list, it was obviously different. The terrifying black mist swept in like a rolling wave.

Compared with the bright sword shadow, it pales in comparison.

The raging sword energy seemed to have been corrupted by the black mist, dying away bit by bit.

How can it be?

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. He had seen many poisons, but it was the first time he had heard of poisons that could corrupt sword energy and even attack.

In this way, how can this poisonous mist have nothing to break through?

"Human beings, in front of me, you don't even have the qualifications to struggle to the death, so why don't you invite me here?"

The huge face of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider was full of sarcasm.

Looking at Fang Yi's gaze was like looking at a dead person.

It came slowly, approaching step by step, with eight huge long legs, like eight pillars of heaven, wrapped in a monstrous aura and billowing black mist, like a dark night descending.

No one dared to touch the sharp edge and retreated again and again.

Even the monster group hiding far away is the same, their faces are full of fear.

Not to mention Wang Wei and others, their hearts have sunk to the bottom of the valley, but in such a situation, what can they do?Obviously they can't do anything with their strength.

Not to mention them, even Li Xuanqing is the same.

At this moment, he was also ashen-faced, looking at the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider in horror, full of fear.

"That's right! Then you might as well try again!"

At this moment, Fang Yi also felt a boundless anger in his heart. No matter how severe the poisonous fog was, he was not afraid at all, because his physical body had long been impervious to poison.

Just kidding, after the transformation of the three major temples, and tempered by the fire of chaos, any poisonous fog is useless to him.

He didn't retreat but advanced, and quickly went towards the poisonous mist.

"What is he going to do?"

Seeing this scene, the crowd was stunned.

"Didn't he want to die? Could it be that he thought he could resist the poisonous mist of the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Spider? It's just fantastic."

"Heh! Maybe you know you have nowhere to go, so you're dying!"

All the demon clans looked at Fang Yi at this moment, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Wang Wei and the others also had anxious eyes, but there was nothing they could do.

"No! Brother Fang is very strong, absolutely nothing will happen. The reason why he dares to fight head-on, he must have something to rely on." Hai Qing shook his head desperately with disbelief on his face.

But it can be seen that he is more to cheer himself up.

Just kidding, that is the strong man on the legend list, the leader of the nine legendary realms, no matter how evil Fang Yi is, he is still no more than the sixth legendary realm after all, it is impossible to have no upper limit.

In fact, his upper limit has probably been seen by several people, it looks like a blood dragon.

But his opponent in front of him is obviously much stronger than the blood dragon.

Then the result can be imagined.

"The ants shake the sky, they are beyond their capabilities!"

The Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider sneered again and again, and then said: "Human beings, you are also kind. If you dare to face me, you are the first among the legendary six realms. From this point of view, I will definitely let you enjoy it." a bit."

The voice of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider became extremely cold, revealing a sense of austerity.

At the same time, the poisonous mist was also churning, sweeping towards Fang Yi like a roaring giant wave.

The crowd all looked tense, watching this scene nervously.

Wang Wei and others are naturally even worse.

Because they were all waiting for Fang Yi to rely on, but to their disappointment, Fang Yi did not do anything special, and still walked towards the poisonous fog.

In an instant, he was submerged in it.

"Is that the end?"

There is no longer Fang Yi in the world, because he has been submerged in the thick poisonous fog, and everything has become invisible.

Although the crowd had expected this result, it was inevitable that they would be a little disappointed that they disappeared so silently.

But Wang Wei and his party were ashamed, as if falling into an abyss.

Li Xuanqing's face was also filled with disbelief.

It seemed that he couldn't accept all of this. It wasn't because he felt that the black mist was not strong, but because Fang Yi dared to face the black mist. In his opinion, he was somewhat dependent, but in the end...

wrong!Suddenly, his pupils lit up.

At the same time, a ray of light appeared in the abyss-like black mist.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, like a rising sun.

In an instant, the entire sky and earth were brightly illuminated, and endless flames began to transpire, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

"The Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is nothing more than that!"

Then came a loud voice.

From the sea of ​​flames, a flame giant slowly stepped forward, like a flame emperor born from the ashes.

"How is it possible? He's fine? This..."

The crowd was completely stunned at this moment, one by one, mouths shut in astonishment.

You know, the name of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is well-known in the entire Seven Sacred Mountains. In fact, not only the Seven Sacred Mountains, but those who can be listed on the legend list are even slightly famous in the entire Three Realms.

Such a strong person, not to mention a legendary sixth level, even an ordinary legendary ninth level would not dare to compete with them.

But now?

The legendary six-level warrior in front of him not only dared to challenge him, but also resisted his poisonous mist without any harm.

This is simply an incredible thing.

Yet it actually happened.

How dare the crowd believe it, their eyeballs seemed to be falling out, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

In contrast, Wang Wei and his party were naturally overjoyed. Li Xuanqing was similar to those Bu Zhoushan warriors. Fang Yi's strength was undoubtedly a kind of hope for them.

But someone was already angry, and Lei Ting was furious.

Because this made him feel as if he had received a great humiliation. As a strong man on the legend list, he was underestimated by a legend of the sixth realm. How could he bear it.

"Human beings! Congratulations, you have successfully angered me. Today, whether you go to heaven or earth, I will surely tear you to pieces."

The Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider roared, and at the same time, a spider web condensed from his body out of thin air.

The next moment, the spider web suddenly exploded, like a world, instantly covering everyone in it.

The whole world seemed to fall into his net.


(End of this chapter)

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