Fortune Shrine



"Not good! Spider web enchantment!"

Seeing this spider web, the faces of the crowd couldn't help but change drastically, each of them turned ashen.

Especially those powerful monster races, only they can understand what this spider web means, but those weak monster races don't realize it, and stare blankly at the void.

Perhaps, they didn't find anything strange.

yes!Naturally they couldn't find out with their strength, I'm afraid they wouldn't understand what happened until the moment they died.

"let me out!"

Some strong monsters roared unwillingly, trying to hit the spider web, but unfortunately, the spider web was as solid as gold, no matter how those monsters attacked, they didn't even have the slightest reaction.

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because the giant net gave him a very powerful aura, everything outside seemed to be isolated.

This is determined to kill himself and die!


Whoa! !

Under the shroud of the spider web, the billowing black mist also followed, like the fall of the dark night, everything that passed by seemed to be swallowed by a giant beast, and there were no bones left.

The crowd panicked and wailed again and again.

Frightened all around.

Desperately hit the spider web, but everything was in vain, the spider web was like a sky, no one could step over the thunder pool.

Li Xuanqing and Bu Zhoushan's warriors also turned pale at this moment.

Facing the billowing black mist, Li Xuanqing might be able to barely resist, but the others are obviously only those who are dying.

There was also a look of despair on his face.

However, what was even more tragic was that the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider didn't look at them at all, and its eyes stayed on Fang Yi from beginning to end.

"Human! This seat sees where you are going to escape, take your life!"

As the Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King said, his huge body came across, and his front legs swept towards Fang Yi like the scythe of death.

The void seemed to be cracked, and the sky and the earth were shattered.

Even Fang Yi didn't dare touch his edge.

Just kidding, this is a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse, and he is the best among them. How could he be able to compete with a mere Legendary Six Realm being on the legendary list.

Can barely circle around.

Fortunately, his movement skills are weird, so he won't be in any danger for a while.

But there is a spider web barrier outside, and there are thousands of poisonous spider webs attacking madly inside. If this goes on, I'm afraid he won't be able to last long.

What's worse, all the warriors in Buzhou Mountain may have lost all their bones.

Ahh! !

Inside the enchantment, there were piercing howls, heart-piercing.

The Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider Web didn't care about humans or monster races at all. The terrifying black mist raged, and the majestic energy contained in those corrupted monster race powerhouses seemed to be swallowed by him.

His breath also became more and more high.


Fang Yi watched all this and shook his head secretly. He naturally didn't care about the life and death of these monster races, even those human beings, he didn't really care too much.

Of course, although he didn't care about the lives and deaths of those people, seeing them die like this was always a bit unpleasant.

Moreover, once these people are devoured by the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, his arrogance will surely reach its peak. At that time, it may not be so easy to kill them out.

Knowing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help turning cold, revealing his killing intent.

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, a bright three-color sword shadow descended out of thin air, wrapped in an incomparable aura, and slashed towards the spider web.

"Hmph! Ignorant human beings, just because you want to break this king's barrier, I don't know what it means." The Wanpoison Demon Spider sneered again and again, as if in response to his words, the three-color sword shadow fell and slashed on the spider web. On the ground, it only made the spider web tremble slightly, as if it had been chopped on a spring.

The next moment, he actually bounced back.

Fang Yi almost nodded, but couldn't help but retreat quickly, and finally avoided it.

How can it be?

At this moment, his face also became a little ugly, livid.

Come again!

He seemed obviously unwilling, and the terrifying attack fell again, like a violent storm. Unfortunately, the strength of the spider web was beyond imagination.

No matter what he did, he remained unmoved in the slightest.

At most, it was trembling sharply, and it seemed that there was still a long way to go.

"Ignorant human beings, don't waste your efforts in vain. It's just condensed from the spider silk of this seat. Talking about you, you are a mere sixth-level legend, and even the ninth-level legend is delusional."

The Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider's expression became extremely evil, looking at Fang Yi's eyes was like looking at an idiot.

Poison, and the Internet are exactly what he relies on to be ranked in the legend list.

If a mere Legendary Six Realm can be broken through, then he should not mess around.

The crowd was completely desperate when they saw this scene, and they seemed to have given up their struggle, because the struggle was futile, and it was better to save their energy and wait for death.

However, Fang Yi obviously did not give up, and the cold light in his eyes became even worse.

"That's right! But I want to try!"

Fang Yi's face suddenly sank, and the next moment, a sword aura soaring into the sky burst out from his body. The sword aura was like a rainbow, and the black mist that originally surged around was instantly dispersed.

A piercing sword shadow followed.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth moved for it, and the situation in the nine heavens changed.

Even the spider web trembled violently, as if it could no longer bear the soaring sword energy.

"what happened?"

The pupils of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider changed drastically. Since its appearance, it was the first time he was so astonished. His face was full of disbelief, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the sword energy.

In it, he faintly saw a huge sword piercing the sky, and the word "fallen immortal" could be vaguely seen on the giant sword.

The next moment, the Immortal Trapping Sword fell, and the spider web barrier couldn't bear it any longer, and it burst open.


The spider web barrier is broken?

Countless people looked up at this scene, their faces were full of horror, and then they were ecstatic, and fled towards the surroundings quickly like the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

Suddenly, the surroundings became a mess.

A group of warriors in Buzhou Mountain also took the opportunity to flee in all directions.

As for the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, his complexion has turned extremely pale at this moment, the spider web is connected with his mind, and he himself has suffered a lot when the spider web is broken.

But compared to this shock, he undoubtedly wished to cut Fang Yi into pieces.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, almost collapsed after one blow.

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider spewed out a thread again, it rolled towards Fang Yi.

Suddenly, at this moment, nine days away, there was a sound of thunder rolling in, countless sword shadows appeared out of thin air, and a white-robed Taoist descended like thunder, carrying an extremely fierce aura.

Especially his eyes, like two unsheathed peerless swords, stared at Fang Yi.

I saw him make a move with his big hand, and the countless sword shadows all came to kill him.

It just happened to collide with the spider silk of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider.

Babel view? !

Fang Yi's pupils shrank. Even though he had never seen anyone coming, he confirmed the identity of the other person immediately. This sharp aura was like withdrawing from the disciples of Tongtian Temple.


(End of this chapter)

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