Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3010 Red Scaled Flood Dragon King

Chapter 3010 Red Scaled Flood Dragon King

not good!

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically.

Although their strength is good, they can't hold back so many monster races, and they are so densely packed that they feel their scalps are a little numb.

Even Zhu Yan's face became a little ugly.

But things have come to this point, and they can't help them anymore.


Immediately, he gave an order to drink.

Immediately, a great battle ensued, countless monster races and humans fought together, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Naturally, the Human Alliance and his party were not spared. In fact, this was originally caused by them. Naturally, they would not let go of such an opportunity. Zhu Yan and others still gave them some confidence.

Just kidding, that is a team with three Legend Nine Realms.

The fact is just as they expected, relying on the three legendary nine realms, a group of monster races can't go beyond the thunder pool at all, before they get close, they burst open one after another, turning into countless flesh and blood, flying all over the sky.

It was a tragic scene.

However, there are so many monster races that no one takes all this seriously, and there are still a steady stream of monster races coming.

As for Zhu Yan and the others, they obviously had some consideration in their actions.

After all, this is the territory of the Yaozu. Once you really annoy the power of the Yaozu, it will not be fun.

Even if it is not the power of the monster race, a few more monster races of the legendary nine realms are not something they can compete with, so...

However, the facts are like this, what they are afraid of will happen.

On the distant sky, a red cloud swept over, like pieces of red scales, reflecting the red light of the entire sky.

Accompanied by that, there was an extremely violent aura.

That aura is like that of a hell devil, making people feel like they are in hell, and they can't help but tremble all over.

not good!

It doesn't matter if the general population is here, even though they know that this breath is great, but there is too much difference, and they don't know what it means at all.

But the pupils of Zhu Yan and the others shrank sharply, filled with horror.

Because from the red cloud, they sensed an extremely dangerous aura, and that aura made them all feel like they were being targeted by the god of death.

groan! !

The next moment, the red cloud was churning, and the sound of a dragon chant came from within.

Immediately afterwards, the billowing red cloud leaked out like a tide, and leaked into a bloody mouth, and a huge red flood dragon also appeared in everyone's sight.

The dragon is covered with red scales, like pieces of huge red gems.

It was churning like hot magma.

The huge dragon's head, glaring at the four directions, exudes supreme majesty, like a supreme beast that surpasses all living beings, making people tremble and even have an urge to worship.

"It's the Red Scaled Flood King!!"

Some people in the human alliance couldn't recognize the dragon, and their faces changed dramatically, as if falling into an abyss.

The same goes for Hai Qing and the others, their faces pale.

The Red Scaled Flood King?Isn't that the Yaojun who is ranked 254th on the legend list?It is nearly a hundred ranks higher than the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, and the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is already so powerful, so the red-scaled dragon king in front of him, isn't it...

At this moment, not only Hai Qing and the others, but Zhu Yan and the others also became extremely ugly.

They expected that there would be strong monsters to help.

But it never occurred to him that when he came out, it turned out to be such a killing god.

There are nearly two hundred people on the legendary list, even Zhu Yan is not sure. If it is the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, he might still be able to fight, but now...

"I've seen Lord Red Scale!"

All the demon clans also bowed down one after another at this moment, even the blood dragon did not dare to be slighted.

Like the Blood Dragon, the Red Scaled Flood King is also a member of the Flood Dragon Clan, and even the royal family of the Flood Dragon Clan, ruling the entire Flood Dragon Clan.

Here, it can be said is its territory.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that it appeared so quickly.

"Humans, this is not the place for you to come. Leave half of the people behind and get the rest out of the Flood Dragon Clan. Otherwise, none of you will be able to leave."

The indifferent voice of the Red Scaled Flood King came, like a high-ranking ruler.

Sentencing the life and death of a group of people.

His eyes were cold, like a god of death, overlooking everyone.

Even Zhu Yan and the others didn't seem to be in his eyes.

And this undoubtedly made Zhu Yan and the others feel a little bit of anger. They are both in the legendary nine realms. Maybe they are not as good as each other, but they are not soft persimmons that have been kneaded arbitrarily.

"What a big tone, the mere Flood Dragon Clan, if you want to keep us, it depends on whether you have the strength."

The situation in front of them is already obvious, these monster races don't pay attention to the human party at all.

That being the case, Zhu Yan has no intention of talking nonsense with these people.

In the end, strength is what counts!

Although he may not be as good as the other party, but he believes that the gap is also quite large. Moreover, with the Human Alliance on his side, there are four Legendary Ninth Realm, so why should he be afraid?

"Presumptuous! Don't just seek your own death if you give you a way to survive, then you can't blame this king."


The red-scaled flood dragon stared angrily, and two fiery flames erupted from his pupils, swallowing the crowd like two huge fire dragons.

Suddenly, the emptiness disappeared, and everything the fire dragon passed by was incinerated. Before the hot temperature approached, the crowd felt as if they were about to evaporate.

Even the soul seems to be suffering.

too strong! !

The faces of the crowd were all pale, and their figures retreated violently, but, with their strength, they seemed to be faster than this fire dragon.

Fortunately, Zhu Yan had already appeared, and with a movement of his body, he blocked in front of the two fire dragons. At the same time, flames began to steam up all over him, like a giant of flames.


A look of astonishment flashed faintly in the eyes of the red-scaled flood dragon king.

"The Great Sun God Fire Sect? I have heard that the Great Sun God Fire Sect in Buzhou Mountain has a deep research on the art of fire. Today, I am finally lucky enough to meet you. I hope you don't disappoint me."

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of the Red Scaled Flood Dragon King suddenly shrank, and its huge body followed, reaching thousands of feet away, like a long rainbow, soaring across the sky and the earth.

groan! !

I saw it roaring upwards, opened its bloody mouth, and blazing flames rolled out immediately.

The entire void instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

A terrifying battle ensues.

This is the demon king ranked 254th on the legend list!Sure enough, there is not a single person who can make the list.

Fang Yi also looked at this scene full of horror at the moment, but he did not show up. The previous battle with the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Spider and the arrival of the disciples of Tongtian Temple exposed the Immortal Trapping Sword.

Fortunately, this is the Seven Sacred Mountains instead of the Immortal Realm, and the legend of the Four Immortal Swords is too old.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be as peaceful as it is now.

In fact, it is not known whether this calm is superficial. Didn't the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider and the Purple Moon Demon Monarch already suspect it? Behind them, there may be more monster clan powerhouses waiting for an opportunity.

So to be on the safe side, he could only hide in the dark as much as possible.

In fact, it is safest to leave here, but he is full of curiosity about Fire Dragon Island and the so-called light of hope, so...


(End of this chapter)

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