Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3011 Chilong

Chapter 3011 Chilong

Boom! !

The war is getting more and more fierce, and there are more and more monsters around, and similarly, there are more and more humans.

This is not just a dispute between the human alliance and the monster race in the Seven Sacred Mountains, it has evolved into a struggle between all humans and monster races. Since they are here, no one will leave easily, but if they want to stay, the only one The only choice is to unite against the Yaozu.

Therefore, there is a battle in front of us.

However, compared to human beings, this is the lair of the monster clan, so the situation can be imagined.

Human beings are extremely passive and restrained everywhere.

Fortunately, only the monster clan belonging to the Jiaolong clan was besieging at this moment, and most of the other monster clans did not participate in the battle, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

no!I have to think of a way, otherwise, if this continues, I'm afraid...

Fang Yi frowned slightly.

The current situation undoubtedly has a great disadvantage for humans. After all, this is the lair of the monster race. No matter how strong these humans are, they are limited in number, and it is impossible for them to be opponents of the monster race.

If it goes on like this, there will be more bad luck than good luck.

He didn't really care about the life and death of these people, except for Wang Wei and the others.

However, if you want to understand the so-called light of hope and everything hidden here, these people are indispensable, at least they can be used as a cover, otherwise he is undoubtedly too conspicuous as a human being, so...

However, under such circumstances, it seems impossible to help the group get out of trouble.

Join rashly by yourself?

Maybe it can play some role, but it must be very limited, and it will definitely not change the situation.

Even, it is even more likely to provoke those strong monsters who have been waiting for him in secret. If this is the case, then the loss outweighs the gain.

It seems to be impossible to do it yourself!

Fang Yi shook his head, then?Can these people take the initiative to stop?

This may seem a little whimsical, but it is not impossible, because no matter whether it is a human or a monster, they all come here for one purpose, and that is the legendary fire of chaos.

Maybe add that so-called ray of hope.

If it was something else, Fang Yi might not be able to do anything about it, but he also fused a little of the Chaos Flame last time, so it's not a problem to stimulate it a little bit.

And once this is the case, all monster races and human beings will inevitably move upon hearing the news.

At that time, the crisis here will naturally be resolved.

It's just that, if it is really activated, no one knows what the consequences will be. All the powerhouses are staring at Huolong Island. If there is any disturbance, then...

never mind!

Look at it first.

I can't care about that much now.

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he didn't bother to stay any longer, and continued to go deep into Huolong Island.

According to the rumors, the place where the fire of chaos appeared was the central area of ​​Huolong Island, where there must be more powerful monster clans, Fang Yi naturally would not choose there.

However, it is not enough to be too biased, and it is not enough to attract the attention of the world.

Hurrying all the way, Huolong Island was huge, and Fang Yi didn't know how much distance he had crossed. During this period, various powerful monsters appeared in his senses from time to time.

Although the flame of chaos came out, it didn't last long before it disappeared.

Because of this, those strong men are all exploring the island at this moment, looking for the legendary flame of chaos.

The Jiaolong tribe acquiesced to this situation.

Maybe it was because of helplessness, or maybe they also wanted to find the so-called fire of chaos.

But no matter what the reason is, the fact is that there are countless strong people gathered in the entire Fire Dragon Island at this moment, and the central area is the worst among them.

But unlike everyone's exploration, there is one person who is avoiding everywhere at the moment.

That is Chilong!

yes!As the instigator of everything, when he went deep into Buzhou Mountain, he watched the flame of chaos being snatched away by others.

Now, he has to take the blame and avoid those monsters who come to him.

Fortunately, he is very strong, and finally escaped danger.

Of course, with his strength, he could actually leave Huolong Island. In this way, at least he wouldn't have to be so worried, but he was always a little unwilling.

Moreover, he also wanted to know what was going on with the Chaos Flame.

Is it the man in yellow robe?What is his purpose?

"It's Chilong, he's over there! Look!"

Chilong was meditating, when suddenly, an exclamation came from not far away, and dozens of sharp eyes looked like sharp arrows.

Chilong is now a favorite, and the world thinks that the fire of chaos comes from him. Now that he is discovered, the excitement in the group's hearts can be imagined. Everyone seems to want to pounce on him, like a wolf.

However, they seem to have forgotten the strength of Chilong.

Or maybe it was because Chilong became a street mouse, making them sure that the other party would not dare to make mistakes.

However, the Nine Legendary Realms are the Nine Legendary Realms after all, no matter how lonely they are, how can a group of little monsters be able to provoke them.

"court death!"

Chilong's eyes lit up, revealing his murderous intent, and a powerful aura followed.

Like a crazy monster, it directly swallowed the leaders.

Immediately, before those people even had time to react, they were directly torn into pieces by that aura, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere. It was a tragic scene.

what! !

The expressions of the remaining little monsters changed drastically, and they trembled.

It seems that until this moment, they didn't realize what kind of existence was in front of them.

"No...don't kill us, Master Chilong, spare your life!!"

A group of little demons begged for mercy, full of fear.

But they also knew that it was impossible for Chilong to let them go, so their eyes drifted away, and they took advantage of the gap in their speech to flee to the surroundings desperately.

It's a pity that they obviously still don't understand what the legendary nine realms mean.

That is the sky that they can never surpass.

Want to escape?Maybe!

"Hmph! I don't know what to say, even if I fall into Pingyang, it's not your turn to be bullied by you trash."

Looking at the broken limbs all over the sky, Chilong's eyes were full of contempt, and without any effort, these little monsters turned into countless fragments, and it was too late to howl.

However, no matter how fast he was, he still alarmed some of the monsters around him.

Among them, Fang Yi who was passing by was also included.

"It's him!"

Recognizing Chilong at a glance, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

However, Chilong didn't have time to take care of the monsters around him, and when he moved, he shot away like lightning.

With his strength, he may not be afraid of the monsters around him, but there is no way, staying will only attract more powerful people, so...

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he was about to catch up.

Just at this moment, another figure had already chased after him one step ahead.

The figure was extremely fast, and the whole body exuded golden light, like a golden lightning, so that Fang Yi didn't notice it until he caught up with him at this moment, and he could vaguely see that the golden light was suddenly a steaming golden flame.

But what was wrapped in the golden flame was a small animal that seemed to be the size of a puppy.

So strong! !

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Although the little beast was small, the aura it exuded made him feel extremely palpitating.

This is definitely another big demon.


(End of this chapter)

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