Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3012 Golden Flame Lion King

Chapter 3012 Golden Flame Lion King


Chilong rushed all the way, extremely fast.

However, he didn't go far, and when he came to a barren land, he seemed to have noticed something, and turned around suddenly.

And in his line of sight, a little beast covered in golden flames slowly came out from the void. The little beast's eyes were as bright as the hot sun, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Although the body is small, under the golden flame, there is a sacred aura.

Like a god high above the sky.


Chilong's pupils shrank, obviously sensing the extraordinaryness of the little beast, and his expression became a little dignified.

"Your Excellency also want to take this muddy water?"

Chilong didn't rush to make a move, but stared at the little beast coldly, showing a strong sense of warning.

At the same time, he was thinking about the identity of the other party in his mind.

It's just that, being so thin and small, yet possessing such a powerful aura, for a while, he really couldn't find anyone who was right for him.

"Naturally! Hand over the flame of chaos, and this king will give you a way out."

Although the little beast's body is small, its breath is huge.

As soon as he opened his mouth, there was an aura of aloofness, like a supreme king, which made Chilong startled and his face turned slightly cold.

If he hadn't been convinced that the other party had come here on purpose, he would have really wondered if the other party had identified the wrong person.

Those who dare to talk to themselves like this are almost rare below the Great Dao Realm.

Just kidding, who has the strength of the legendary nine realms, who is not a strong one in the great realm, who would dare to speak such wild words?

But although the opponent is powerful, he is obviously not in the Great Realm.

Because the Flood Dragon Clan has reached an agreement with the major forces, the Dao Realm is not allowed to participate in this matter, and he has no doubts about this.

The Flood Dragon Clan is not something to be provoked, and if the Dao Realm powerhouses of other forces dare to attack, the Flood Dragon Clan will definitely not let it go.

As for the Flood Dragon Clan's own Dao Realm powerhouse...

It's been a thousand years, how could they not know that Chilong didn't get the fire of chaos?

It is precisely for this reason that they acquiesced in this matter.

Because they also want to know who is behind this and what is the purpose.

"Presumptuous! Such a big tone!"

Chilong was furious.

Although the little beast is extraordinary, he is not easy to mess with. As a Legendary Ninth Realm, if the opponent is at the Great Dao Realm, he may still be afraid of three points.

If the opponent has a large number of people, he will be a little jealous.

But now, here is a barren place, and there is only one person on the other side, why should he be afraid?

"Don't say that I don't have the flame of chaos, even if there is, you still want me to hand it over? It's just a dream."

Chilong sneered again and again.

However, the little beast's expression also became gloomy.

At the same time, from his body, the fiery golden flames also slowly evaporated, spreading towards the surroundings, like two fire dragons, connected end to end, completely covering a huge area around him.

Suddenly, this space seemed to be stripped away, separated from the world.

From the perspective of the outside world, the two suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"This is?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of horror flashed across.

Because he is also in this space at the moment, relying on the way of water, he can blend into any place with the rules of water without being discovered.

At the very least, it is almost impossible for him to be found in the Ninth Legendary Realm. As for the Great Dao Realm, he has not been taught yet.

However, that was the case, when the golden flame spread, he felt as if he had completely cut off contact with the outside world.

Similar to the Sleepy Sky Sword Formation.

But this is clearly not a formation, but it has the effect of a formation, which really makes Fang Yi a little frightened.

Chilong is undoubtedly the same, the pupils have changed drastically.

"Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, his eyes became extremely vigilant, ready to fight.

However, the little beast didn't respond to him at all, only its slow footsteps, and its body that gradually swelled with the footsteps.

boom!boom! ! !

Every time it takes a step, the world shakes, and everything around it seems to move with him.

The terrifying energy turned into a huge vortex like a storm, swarming towards its body.

And its body, under the infusion of energy, swelled rapidly like an inflated balloon, and in an instant, a huge male lion with raging golden flames steaming all over his body appeared in front of him.

"It''s you!!"

Seeing this male lion, Chilong's pupils changed greatly, because he finally recognized this male lion, it was the Golden Flame Lion King ranked 289th on the legend list.

Although Fang Yi didn't know the Golden Flame Lion King, he had vaguely guessed it.

Except for the Golden Flame Lion King on the legend list, it seems that there is no second person who can make Chilong so nervous, and it is not a great lion.

"Have you finally recognized this king? Hand over the fire of chaos, and this king can still give you a way to survive, otherwise..."

The pupils of the Golden Flame Lion King shrank slightly, and the golden flame erupted instantly.

The surrounding golden sea of ​​flames also seems to be inductive, and the transpiration is getting stronger and stronger.

"Hmph! Otherwise, what?"

As a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse, Chilong has never been so underestimated, even the Golden Flame Lion King. Although the opponent is high on the legend list, as long as he is not a Dao Realm powerhouse, he is not afraid.

Even if it is not as good as it is, he is confident that he has the strength to protect himself.

Therefore, he was also furious when he heard such arrogant words from the Golden Flame Lion King.

"I have long heard that the powerhouses on the legend list are all shockingly powerful. I want to see if they are as rumored or not."

Chilong snarled, and before he finished speaking, he actually took the first step.

With a figure like electricity, he rolled up a wave of monstrous power and charged towards the Golden Flame Lion King.

The so-called strike first is the strongest, although he said it lightly, but the Golden Flame Lion King is a strong man on the legend list, how dare he be careless.

Taking a step ahead undoubtedly brought some hope, so he didn't hesitate at all.

The terrifying attack was like thunder falling from the sky.

"act recklessly!"

The Golden Flame Lion King was furious, his golden hair stood up like a sharp sword, and the golden flame erupted away like a myriad of divine lights, making it even more majestic.

The two demon kings collided in an instant, and every collision was as shocking as stone breaking.

Fang Yi was shocked to see it.

The Golden Flame Lion King is a strong man on the legendary list, and his strength can be imagined.

And Chilong, although not on the list, is also one of the best, especially this time, from the sea of ​​flames, although he did not get the fire of chaos, he got the corpse of the eight-clawed fire chi, and the benefits he got , I'm afraid it's not much worse than the fire of chaos.

The situation where the two fought against each other at this moment explained all this.

Under the impact of the Golden Flame Lion King, he insisted on not falling down.

The Golden Flame Lion King obviously didn't expect all of this, his eyes became extremely gloomy, and his aura became stronger and stronger. The golden flames flourished, faintly transforming into a golden spear.


(End of this chapter)

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