Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3020 The way of soil, the wall of sighs

Chapter 3020 The way of soil, the wall of sighs

"How courageous! How dare you follow us in the sixth realm of legend, boy, I have to admire your courage. Tell me! Who are you?"

The man in yellow robe stared at Fang Yi coldly.

The others are also staring at each other.


"The sky is big and the earth is big. This is an unowned space. I can come here whenever I want. Why do I follow along?"

This is the end of the matter, and everything is in vain.

Fang Yi also has no intention of showing weakness, because showing weakness is useless, so...

"Presumptuous! I don't know my son, don't make excuses."

At this time, the man in the haze also snarled. He seemed to be significantly more tyrannical than the man in yellow, and his terrifying aura swept out like a storm.

"I'm only asking you for your shame, since you are not good or bad, then take your life!"

Saying that, the hazy man extended his palm.

The terrifying power instantly turned into a huge hand, like the sky falling, and grabbed Fang Yi.

Under the cover of the big hand, the space instantly froze, as if it were a piece of iron.

It is said that the sixth level of legend, even the seventh level of legend will not be able to break through this blockade at all, and will definitely be caught straight, and the corner of the hazy man's mouth can't help but evoke a hint of cruelty, as if he has foreseen Fang Yi's end.

Do not!It's not a foresight. For him, it's a matter of certainty.

How could a mere legendary sixth-level man make any waves in his hands.

But, it backfired.

I would like to think that the other party is already a fish on the chopping board, but on the other party's face, there is no trace of fear, and some are just indifferent.

Pretend!I really thought that the technique of water escape could do whatever I wanted!

The hazy man sneered in his heart.

Only when Fang Yi pinned all his hopes on the water escape technique, although this escape technique is really good, and he almost deceived himself and others, but under such circumstances, no matter how powerful the escape technique is, it is in vain.

Boom! !

The big hand fell down, like a mountain with five fingers.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be crushed into slag, finally, Fang Yi moved like a thunderbolt.

A terrifying dragon aura also erupted from his body. Nine days away, there was the sound of dragon chants, and a huge real dragon's claw condensed out of thin air and slammed into the big hand.


This is the blow of the legendary six realms?

All the people present looked at the terrifying real dragon's claw, their expressions changed drastically, and their eyes were full of shock.

Obviously, this blow was completely beyond their expectations, perhaps, it was beyond their understanding of the Legendary Sixth Realm, it was definitely not a power that a Legendary Sixth Realm could display.

But the facts in front of them cannot be refuted by them.

The pupils of the hazy man also shrank suddenly.

Bearing the brunt, he naturally understands the power of this claw better than others. This is not the sixth level of legend, even the ninth level of legend!

Boom! !

The two giant palms clashed, and the world seemed to be opened for the first time, and the figures of the two flew out almost at the same time.

In contrast, Fang Yi retreated further.

It seems that it is not as good as it is!

Fang Yi couldn't help sighing secretly, the Nine Legendary Realm is the Nine Legendary Realm after all, and his own strength is still a bit weaker.

The hazy man obviously didn't know that he had such thoughts. If he knew, he might vomit blood uncontrollably.

Because at this moment, he was looking straight at Fang Yi, his eyeballs seemed to fall out.

Being repelled by a Legendary Sixth Realm, this was something he couldn't believe in the past, and he didn't even think about it, but now...

Not to mention the other people around, they all froze on the spot, as if they had seen a ghost.

The same is true for the man in yellow, his eyes are full of coldness.

"Good boy! No wonder you dare to follow us, I have underestimated you!"

"Okay! Very good! It will be more interesting to play this way."

The hazy man gritted his teeth and said, a cold light burst from his pupils.

At the same time as he spoke, his whole body also struck like thunder, and his terrifying power rose steadily, like an erupting volcano.

In an instant, the two collided with each other.

Suddenly, like the end of the world, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the void sank.

Endless aura of destruction filled the world.

As for the other few people, as the battle progressed, it was as if a stormy sea had set off in their hearts.

Because the two people with such disparity in cultivation base actually showed a feeling that they were evenly matched.

Even if they are like this, the anger in the hazy man's heart can be imagined. A majestic Ninth-level Legendary can't do anything with a Sixth-Legend, which makes him feel a great humiliation.

The tyrannical aura all over his body became more and more intense, like a storm.

But what!No matter how powerful he is, he is always a bit behind.

Of course, Fang Yi was also uncomfortable. With his strength, he was still a bit weak against the legendary nine realms head-on, so he could only barely support it!

As for defeating it, it is almost impossible unless you use the Trapping Immortal Sword.

But now is clearly not the time.

Moreover, once he activates the Immortal Trapping Sword, he will collapse completely, and there are still so many enemies around him. This move is undoubtedly looking for death, so...

That's all!It seems that I can only retreat!

Even if a hazy man can't take it down, let alone so many people around him, as well as the seemingly more powerful man in yellow robe.

"This is the legendary nine realms, it seems like that!"

Fang Yi sneered.

At the same time, thousands of sword shadows flew across his body like an ocean of swords, and he was the king in this ocean.


The hazy man was furious and was humiliated by a legendary six-level man. This was something he absolutely could not tolerate. The next moment, an extremely heavy breath erupted from his body, like an endless mountain pushing across, crushing everything .

It is the way of the earth! !

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and it turned out to be the Temple of the Earth.

In the previous confrontation, the opponent never showed any skill, which almost made Fang Yi think that he had guessed wrong.

did not expect……

"That's it!"

However, he still sarcastically sarcastically, but his feet suddenly sped up, and with the help of this huge thrust, he shot away like lightning.

"Bastard! Where can I escape!!" How the hazy man agreed, the energy in his body seemed to erupt in an instant, and he attacked and killed Fang Yi.

The man in yellow also moved.

If Fang Yi was still fighting the shadowy man, he might not have made a move, at least he would not have intervened earlier.

But if Fang Yi wanted to escape, that was another matter.

I saw him stepping down, and the power of endless rules spread from his whole body, covering the huge world in an instant with a strange fluctuation.

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and he sensed an extremely dangerous aura.

As his thoughts turned, ripples rippled in the space around him, layer upon layer.

However, what was strange was that the extremely dangerous aura, as if ignoring the distance in space, still spread with a strange fluctuation.

The next moment, he felt as if an invisible wall appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

What a mysterious way of earth! !

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, because the invisible wall was condensed by the rich rules of earth.

Like a regular cage.

Unlike the cage of water, the characteristics of water are changeable and weird.

And the soil is solid and thick, and the regular cage in front of you is like a wall of sighs, which makes people feel insurmountable.


(End of this chapter)

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