Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3021 Strange planet, ancient gods and demons

Chapter 3021 Strange planet, ancient gods and demons


Even so, Fang Yi still gave a loud shout.

The terrifying sword intent all over his body soared into the sky, like a sword that opened the sky, slashing towards the wall of sighs.


The man in the yellow robe sneered, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, "Ignorant boy, it's just wishful thinking that you want to break the cage of this seat's rules."

The people in yellow robes ignored Fang Yi's sword.

In his opinion, it was like a child's play, and there seemed to be no worry at all.

In fact, it seems to be as he said.

The bright sword shadow fell, tearing everything, but it couldn't tear the wall of sighs, and the incomparably thick breath was layered on top of each other, as if endless, indestructible.

Only bursts of muffled thunder shook the entire world.

so strong?

Fang Yi's pupils changed drastically, and an inconceivable color flashed across his eyes. His sword intent could be described as fierce, but now, nothing was left when it landed on the wall of sighs.

Everything remains the same.

"Boy! Let's see where you can escape today!"

The hazy man had already arrived, his expression became extremely ferocious, and he looked at Fang Yi with a look like he was looking at a dead person.

And the man in yellow also came from another direction.

not good!Is it really necessary to use the Immortal Trapping Sword?

Fang Yi was a little tangled and a little surprised. He didn't expect the two people in front of him to be so good, especially the terrifying cage of rules, which made him a little helpless.

Of course, if it's a shock, it's not like there's no chance at all.

However, the man in the haze and the man in yellow obviously wouldn't give him this chance, and it seemed that the only way to do it was to use the Immortal Trapping Sword.

In addition, of course, it is also possible to escape into the water temple.

However, these people are suspected disciples of the Temple of the Earth, and the Temple of the Water cannot be easily used.

Otherwise, if something is exposed, then...


The terrifying giant palm of the hazy man came crushing him, and the cruel look on the corner of his mouth, like a ghost from hell, made people feel terrified.

That's it!

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help himself to choose this situation.


Boom! ! !

However, at this moment, above the nine heavens, a bright star suddenly plummeted towards this side, dragging a long stream of light across the night sky.

Obviously, the star seemed to be infinitely far away from the few people, and the previous group of people had never been able to get close.

But at this moment, the speed at which it fell suddenly seemed to have crossed the distance of space.

In an instant, it suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, zooming in sharply.

The whole world suddenly seemed to be doomsday, and the terrifying impact destroyed everything, including the wall of sighs, which trembled violently and then collapsed.

what happend?

The faces of several people all changed drastically, full of horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

The same is true for the man in yellow robe and the man in the haze, their pupils narrowed sharply, as if they were facing a big enemy. At this moment, they couldn't care about Fang Yi anymore, because the bright planet was smashing towards the group of people.

The faces of the other people were even paler. This sudden scene undoubtedly caught them off guard.

Moreover, the power of a falling star can be imagined.

The strangest thing is that there is no trace of this star at all.

No one knows where it came from, and no one knows where it's going.

All I know is that wherever it passes, everything turns into ashes.

Fang Yi was no exception, a paleness flashed across his face, and he was still puzzled. However, the only person who was lucky was that the crisis from the two powerhouses was resolved, but the bigger crisis was the star in front of him. It is approaching quickly, and it seems that it will collide in the next moment.

Don't look at it as a long time, but in fact, everything is in the blink of an eye.

So that the crowd didn't react in a hurry.

The man in yellow robe is the same as the man in haze, and Fang Yi is no exception.

For a moment, Fang Yi even wanted to escape into the water temple, but at the moment when the star was about to collide, he suddenly discovered that it was not a planet, but a bright, huge, planet-like like bubbles.

Maybe the bubble wasn't the right word, because he wasn't sure what was inside until he hit it.

But that is by no means a planet, but a strange, unexplainable existence.

It has an unparalleled breath.

Even on it, he faintly saw a god and demon, those gods and demons...

嘙! !

There was no more, before I had time to look at what was on it, the huge air bubble had already crashed over. The body and bones I imagined did not exist, but it was like being bathed in a vast ocean, floating around.

And the endless void around him also turned into a barren land.


what happened?

The faces of several people changed greatly, and they looked at the land blankly, completely stunned, because no one knew what happened.

"Where is this? What happened to that star just now?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

The same questions filled everyone's minds, so much so that they all forgot about Fang Yi's existence and forgot to deal with Fang Yi.

Of course, Fang Yi was completely confused.

The man in yellow robe and the man in the haze couldn't help but look at each other, both of them were deeply shocked.

But no one spoke, I don't know?Or know that you don't want to say it.

"Ignorant child, take your life!"

At this time, the hazy man seemed to have finally remembered Fang Yi, and was not interested in paying attention to everything that suddenly appeared around him. His sharp eyes were like two sharp knives, and he swept towards him fiercely.

At the same time as he spoke, a giant palm was slapped out.

Boom! !

I don't know if it was the power caused by this palm, or something else, the whole earth trembled, and it became more and more intense, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

In the distance, huge figures of gods and demons appeared in sight, and they came quickly, like thunder.

Every move is full of aura that destroys heaven and earth.

"This... This is an ancient god and demon!! It is a god and demon conceived by heaven and earth in ancient times. It is powerful and has long been extinct in the Three Realms. How could it be..."

Everyone was stunned, as if they had seen a ghost, their faces turned pale.

It's no wonder that the ancient gods and demons have long since passed away.

But now, it appears alive in front of the group of people, how dare they believe it.

At this moment, everyone wondered if there was something wrong with their eyes, otherwise, why would there be such a weird scene.

The pupils of the man in yellow robe and the man in the haze also shrank sharply, full of horror.

In contrast, Fang Yi was calmer.

Because when the planet collided, he had already seen these gods and demons, but at the time he thought it was just an illusion, but he didn't expect that they would actually appear in their eyes at this moment.


What they didn't expect was that a roar of anger like thunder came from the mouths of those gods and demons.

Immediately, those gods and demons, wrapped in monstrous energy, swept towards them like a rushing tsunami, and they were about to be completely crushed.


(End of this chapter)

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