Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3030 Time Road

Chapter 3030 Time Road

"Where is this? What's going on?"

It is still a barren land, with wolf smoke everywhere, and the whole continent is full of desolation, like ruins.

The faces of several Tongtianguan disciples changed drastically, and they all looked at this scene in horror, and turned to Fang Yi and the two, full of vigilance.

As for Fang Yi, who had previous experience, there was no disturbance in his heart.

The gods and demons seem to be similar.

"Boy! Did you mess it up? What kind of place is this?"

The leading disciple of Tongtianguan has a pair of triangular eyes, and the eyes are sinister, like a poisonous snake. At this moment, he is staring at Fang Yi coldly, and his whole body is surging, as if he might attack at any time.

In fact, the reason why he didn't make a move was because he hadn't figured out the situation in front of him.


Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to talk to him, didn't even bother to look at him, instead he sensed his surroundings.

Although he has already experienced it once, he still hasn't figured out what's going on in this space, and he didn't even figure out how he got out last time, so...

How can there be time to pay attention to these Tongtianguan disciples.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not sure what is recorded in these time capsules, whether it will be dangerous.

Patience is all the more important when everything is unclear.

Unfortunately, some people do not have such patience.

"Bastard! How dare you ignore me and seek death!" The triangular-eyed man's eyes turned cold, his murderous intent was revealed, and he seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.

Energy erupted all over his body.

Boom! !

However, at this moment, the whole world also shook, and the earth trembled.

A wave of terrifying aura came from all directions, directly moving the situation in the nine heavens, like the end of the world.

This is?

The pupils of the man with triangular eyes changed drastically, his face was full of horror, and he couldn't help looking into the distance, only to see a huge body coming from the sky.

"This..." Suddenly, his face turned pale, as if falling into an abyss.

Just kidding, how can he fail to recognize these ancient gods and monsters when his cultivation has reached the legendary nine realms? These existences that only exist in legends have suddenly appeared so many at this moment.

And each one is extremely powerful, how can he not be surprised.

However, what made him panic even more was still behind, because apart from him, everyone else was covered with a layer of bubble-like substance.

And around him, those bubble-like substances were just about to condense, but they were dispersed by the energy around him.

Finally completely shattered.

"What is this?" He faintly had a bad expectation, and a touch of panic passed by.

But the time is too late, countless ancient gods and demons have arrived, and the terrifying gods and demons are connected together, like a boiling ocean.

Although the goal of this vast ocean is not him, in fact, he has been ignored by the army of gods and demons in the sky.

But, even so, the vast ocean weighed heavily on him and he couldn't breathe.

Even, he was trembling all over, dripping with cold sweat.

However, he didn't even dare to move, for fear of being captured by the army of gods and demons. If that happened, obviously there would be no other results waiting for him.

Naturally, Fang Yi was not interested in caring about his life and death, and his eyes were all focused on the army of gods and demons.

Compared with the previous Time Capsule, there are many more gods and demons here, densely packed, almost occupying the entire void.

I don't know how much stronger it is.


Boom! !

At this time, at the time of nine days, a thunderstorm came, and a huge figure slowly descended.

He was dressed in a black robe and a crown on his head, like a great emperor over all living beings.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because this figure was suddenly the figure he saw in the engulfing scene in the previous years capsule.

The difference is that last time it was a picture, but this time it was a personal experience, completely different.

That stalwart body and aura made people unable to resist the urge to worship him.

In fact, someone has already knelt down.

There are countless armies of gods and demons, as well as the previous gods and demons.

"Meet the King!"

The loud voice resounded through the heaven and earth, and moved straight to the sky.

"Who is he?" Fang Yi couldn't help asking with deep curiosity in his heart.

"He is the King of Time!"

After a while, countless armies of gods and demons stood up, and the man of the gods and demons also stood up, and then looked at Fang Yi and said.

King of Time?

Suspicion flashed across Fang Yi's eyes. His understanding of the Three Realms was extremely limited, let alone such a long past.

"That's right! The King of Time, he is the king of the ancient gods and demons, he controls the way of time, governs thousands of gods and demons, and surpasses an era."

While the gods and demons were speaking, their eyes were full of longing and longing.


Fang Yi's heart also set off a turbulent sea, full of disbelief.

The way to control the years?Isn't that the time?To be able to control the law of time is simply...

Seeing Fang Yi's shocked appearance, the gods and demons quickly explained: "Brother may have misunderstood that time does not represent time, and the way of time is naturally not the law of time."


Now it was Fang Yi's turn to be startled, and hurriedly said, "What is that?"


The gods and demons paused, thought for a while and said: "The law of time, we can roughly divide it into the present, the past, and the future."

"Right now, the moment I'm talking to my brother, this is the moment for us."

"The past and the future are from the present to two different directions, and the time axis extends infinitely. Controlling the law of time means controlling the entire infinite time axis."

"What kind of existence is this, it's unbelievable."

yes!It's really hard to imagine, and with Fang Yi's current cognition, it's really impossible to imagine such an existence.

This may be the reason why the six top laws are known as uncontrollable!

Because once it is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the Three Realms, endlessly through the ages.

"Time is one of the most mysterious and mysterious laws in the Three Thousand Ways. In the history of the Three Realms, no one has ever heard of anyone who has mastered the law of time. Those who have a little relationship with time are the absolute best among them."

"And the Avenue of Time is one of them."

"The so-called years, if you have to talk about it on the time axis, it is the past, but it is not the complete past, but the period from birth to death of the comprehender."

"So what the King of Years controls is the period from his birth to his fall. These are his years and the way of his years."

The gods and demons said slowly.

Fang Yi's eyes brightened, he had never heard of this kind of insight.

It turns out that the Way of Time is like this. Although it is far from being comparable to the law of time, it can be seen that it can control an era.

"Brother Tai seems to be very familiar with the King of Time, could it be..."

Fang Yi glanced at the god and demon clan lightly, his eyes moved slightly.

Before, the other party bowed to the King of Time, which seemed to have explained everything. Perhaps, it may not be possible to learn more about this space from the other party.


(End of this chapter)

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