Fortune Shrine

3031 - Lord of Nothingness

3031 - Lord of Nothingness

"The King of Time? He...he is the King of Time? With the army of gods and demons?"

The conversation between the two reached the ears of a group of Tongtianguan disciples.

Suddenly, one by one, their expressions changed dramatically.

As a member of Tongtianguan, they are obviously not as ignorant as Fang Yi. They didn't know the truth before, but when they heard this name now, they already knew what it meant.

His expression also became extremely frightened.

In addition, there was a hint of longing in the depths of the eyes.

Of course, all of this did not escape Fang Yi's eyes, but he had no intention of paying attention to these people, and his attention was all focused on the army of gods and demons.

The gathering of these armies of gods and demons seemed to be taking some action, and each of them was full of fighting spirit.

The terrifying aura stirred up the situation and almost destroyed everything around.

Below, the triangular-eyed man from before, under the envelope of this breath, almost collapsed, trembling all over, not even daring to breathe.

Even so, however, he was found.

Above the void, the indifferent eyes of the King of Time swept over him, like a high-ranking king.

As if without a trace of emotion.

Then, the body of the man with triangular eyes dissipated into the sky and the earth like flying ash, leaving no trace, not even a wail.

Perhaps, he didn't think about how he died until his death, and just disappeared inexplicably.

The huge world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

The army of gods and demons didn't make any sound, that's because the King of Time didn't speak.

However, several people completely stayed on the spot.

Especially those in Tongtian Temple, everyone's face was pale, dripping with cold sweat, and their bodies were shaking like chaff.

The same is true in Fang Yi's heart, as if a stormy sea has been set off.

One look, just one look killed a generation of legendary Nine Realm powerhouses, what kind of existence is this?

If it wasn't for the barrier of this air bubble, he might have escaped into the water temple in fright.

Yes!Anyone who sees this scene will probably be unstoppable in fear.

Fang Yi is no exception.

Fortunately, the bubble seemed to be a barrier of time, separating the two eras.

The King of Years also retracted his gaze.

In fact, that glance may mean nothing to him, and the man with triangular eyes may not even be considered an ant in his eyes.

After that, he looked into the distance, waved his big hand, and headed in that direction.

The endless army of gods and demons also followed.

The world is back to normal.

Everything was as if nothing had happened, but the hearts of several people could not be calm for a long time, and the disciples of Tongtianguan were still trembling all over.

"Brother Li, he! He..."

Finally, someone spoke, looking at the place where the man with triangular eyes disappeared before, his voice trembling.

At this moment, they almost forgot the purpose of this trip.

What Fang Yi has long been forgotten.

Nothing but fear.

Fang Yi glanced at them, and a coldness flashed in his eyes. Although they forgot, Fang Yi didn't forget, just when he was about to make a move.

The gods and demons suddenly moved, and hurriedly chased after the army of gods and demons.


Fang Yi couldn't help being startled.

The gods and demons obviously know a lot about King Suiyue, and they are rushing after him at this moment, maybe...

never mind!

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to those Tongtianguan disciples. To him, these people were no longer worth mentioning, and it didn't matter whether they were killed or kept.

In contrast, this space and the meticulousness of the King of Time are undoubtedly more important.

Therefore, with a movement of his body, he quickly chased after him.

"Brother! Where are they going?"

Looking at the army of gods and demons in front of him, it seemed that the goal was clear, Fang Yi couldn't help but looked at the gods and demons beside him and asked.

The gods and demons glanced at Fang Yi, pondered for a moment, and then said: "I'm not sure, but so many gods and demons gathered together are extremely rare in the legend of the King of Time."

"So, I want to follow and take a look."

The gods and demons also seemed uncertain, with suspicion in their eyes.

"By the way! Thank you, brother, for your help. I have never asked for advice from the ancient gods and demons!"

The gods and demons cupped their hands.

"You're welcome!" Fang Yi also smiled.

"It turned out to be Brother Fang. Brother Fang is only in the sixth realm of legend, but his strength really impressed the ancients. Thinking about my gods and demons, even ancient gods and demons are probably no more than this!"

Gu Qianqiu took a deep look at Fang Yi, his heart was full of shock.

He can vividly remember everything before. Fang Yi is so powerful, how can he not be shocked.

"Brother Gu was joking, it's just a coincidence!"

"After all, cultivation is the foundation, it is the result of comprehending the Tao, and combat power is just the icing on the cake."

This is not to belittle oneself, in fact, cultivation is really important.

That is the most intuitive result of comprehending the Three Thousand Ways.

No matter how strong the combat power is, it is futile not to be able to condense a complete Dao. In front of the powerful Dao realm, it is not worth mentioning at all. The gap between them cannot be counted.

"Brother Fang is too modest."

Gu Qianqiu did not continue this topic.

In fact, his mind is completely on the army of gods and demons ahead.

Boom! !

At this time, there was another burst of thunder from the sky, and at the end of the line of sight, a terrifying cloud swept over, and the whole world instantly became black and oppressive.

The terrifying aura weighed down the entire sky as if it had collapsed.

What's even more inconceivable is that the breath, compared to the breath of gods and demons formed by the army of gods and demons, is not weak at all.

what is this?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, they were full of horror.

The King of Time and the army of gods and demons are already so powerful, but in the end, there is another force that is not weaker than them. This is simply...

Were all the warriors of the Three Realms in ancient times so powerful?

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help feeling extremely small.

"Here we come! It's really them!!"

As for Gu Qianqiu, his pupils were filled with astonishment at this moment, as if he already knew who was coming.

As if in response to his words, within that terrifying cloud, a vast army swept over, like a rushing wave, filled with a very strange energy, somewhat like a demonic energy, but not entirely.

What's even more weird is that the energy seemed to make them all transparent, and even the divine sense couldn't perceive their existence.

But they are clearly standing here.

"Here! Who are they?"

Fang Yi's eyes were full of astonishment, and he asked in disbelief.

"Army of nothingness."

Gu Qianqiu replied, his eyes were also filled with strong anger, "It is said that under the command of the Lord of Nothingness, the Lord of Nothingness, also known as the Demon Lord of Nothingness, controls the way of nothingness, which is extremely weird."

"What is nothingness? It doesn't exist. Therefore, no one knows his true face, and no one has even seen him. Everything about him is nothingness, and everything you see is nothingness."

"He was also in that era, an existence that transcended the Three Realms like the King of Time, and at the same time, they were each other's greatest enemies."


(End of this chapter)

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