Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3032

Chapter 3032

Lord of nothingness?Way of nothingness?

This is another bull!

Just hearing the name, Fang Yi knew that it was not easy, not to mention, it was conceivable that he could be as famous as the King of Time.

Moreover, the so-called Way of Nothingness does not exist?Everything is nothingness?

This, then how to fight?

Fang Yi was a little confused, and Gu Qianqiu obviously had only a half-knowledge.

Boom! !

In the sky, the sound of rolling thunder became more and more loud, and terrifying clouds swept across the world, as if the end was approaching.

There was a touch of anger on the majestic expression of King Suiyue, and he reprimanded: "The king of nothingness, if you don't let me get out, today is the end of your temple of nothingness."

The sound like thunder shakes the world, like a king's sentence, it cannot be disobeyed.


A wave of wild laughter also followed, resounding in every corner around, as if it was close in front of the eyes, but far away in the sky, erratic.

"King of the Years and Years, don't be so arrogant, how can your army of gods and demons do nothing to me?"

"This gentleman has long wanted to learn and teach you the way of age, come on!"

Above the nine heavens, a huge shadow of nothingness condensed.

That figure is majestic and majestic, like a sacred and inviolable god, ignoring the common people without a trace of emotion.

The strange thing is that he is clearly standing there, but you can't perceive his existence, nor can you see it with the naked eye, but you clearly know that there is a figure there.

This is an extremely mysterious feeling, completely unpredictable.

"This king also has this intention!"

As soon as King Suiyue's eyes sank, his huge body soared into the sky, and disappeared into nothingness with that stalwart figure.

Obviously, the battlefield between the two has surpassed everyone's perception.

Or, each other takes care of the army below, so...

kill kill kill! ! !

At the same time, the army of gods and demons and the army of nothingness also quickly fought fiercely together.

A world-shattering battle between gods and demons was staged.

Fang Yi was also shocked in his heart, but in comparison, they were more interested in the battle between the King of Time and the King of Nothingness.

The competition between the way of time and the way of nothingness.

How did the Way of Time control that era?Could the Lord of Time be able to go back to the past? If so, wouldn't he be able to return to the beginning of the birth of the Lord of Nothingness?In this way...

However, the way of nothingness, everything returns to nothingness, and the birth of the king of nothingness, does it also no longer exist?

If so...

Thinking about such a battle, Fang Yi's heart became more and more eager.

It's just a pity that the battle between the two has surpassed his understanding, and he has no chance to see it.

He can only use his imagination.

"Damn the army of nothingness, it deserves death." At this time, Gu Qianqiu suddenly yelled angrily, his whole body was surging, as if he was about to make a move.


Seeing this, Fang Yi quickly dissuaded him.

He has seen how strong these army of gods and demons are before, and Gu Qianqiu's strength is no match at all.

What's more, there is still an army of nothingness at this moment, so it is even more dangerous.

"It doesn't matter!" However, Gu Qianqiu didn't care at all, and said in his mouth: "Brother Fang, don't worry, with the aura of gods and demons, the army of gods and demons will only treat it as our own and will not attack, but these armies of nothingness..."

As Gu Qianqiu said, he gritted his teeth, obviously hating these illusory armies extremely.

Afterwards, he looked at Fang Yi again and said, "Brother Fang, it's a great honor for me to meet you. Goodbye!"

After speaking, he stopped talking nonsense, and a terrifying breath erupted, and the bubble burst instantly.

And he also fell directly into the army of gods and demons.

really!The army of gods and demons did not deal with him, and the aura of those gods and demons did not affect him in any way. Instead, his aura increased steadily, and they killed together with the army of gods and demons.

This! !

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.


These gods and demons actually..., could it be because Gu Qianqiu is also a member of the gods and demons?Is he a descendant of ancient gods and demons?

What about yourself?

I absorbed the aura of gods and demons before, and now I also have the aura of gods and demons in my body, will it be...

wait!The last time I went out out of nowhere, could it be related to this?

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped something faintly, but he was a little unsure.

Unless it can be verified.

But looking at the dense army of gods and demons and the army of nothingness below, he couldn't help but feel guilty, because once his guess was wrong, then...

kill kill kill! !

Below, the army of gods and demons and the army of nothingness are struggling to fight, what a thrilling scene.

Gu Qianqiu advanced and retreated with the army of gods and demons, as if he had also turned into an ancient gods and demons.

"Look! It's that little thief!"

Just when Fang Yi was hesitating, suddenly, an exclamation brought Fang Yi back to reality, and he couldn't help looking, only to see that on the other side of the battlefield, several Tongtianguan disciples were looking at him with murderous intent.

The person in the lead is suddenly Bai Lian.

Why are they here too?

Fang Yi was startled.

Before, these people were not included in the bubble together, they were...

wrong!It seems that several stars fell at once before. These people, on the way here, happened to be wrapped in other bubbles, and these bubbles are connected time segments, so...

Fang Yi guessed wildly, and his face couldn't help but change.

If it is other Tongtianguan disciples, he is really not afraid.

But this real Bailian is one of the top [-] powerhouses on the legendary list, and with his strength, he is not an opponent at all.

"Little thief! I finally let Pindao find you. Today, Pindao will see where you can escape."

"If you hand over things with knowledge, Pindao can give you a good time, otherwise..."

Master Bailian's complexion darkened, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes, but he didn't really kill, perhaps because he was afraid of the army of gods and demons and the army of nothingness, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Afraid of being noticed by these people.

But Fang Yi is very clear that this bubble only separates the two eras, between the same era, it will not affect the other time for a moment.

In other words, Bailian's attack will not affect the stability of the bubble at all.

It will not be noticed by the army of gods and demons.

"It's just you?"

Fang Yi was a little flustered inside, but on the surface he pretended to be calm, a little uncertain.

But Master Bailian obviously wouldn't give him time, leading a group of Tongtianguan disciples, they came quickly, forming a siege.

not good!

If things go on like this, the secrets of discovering these bubbles will only be a matter of time, and then...

I can't manage so much anymore, let's act first!

Immediately, his eyes turned sideways, and as the group of people gradually approached, he chose a certain direction, and the weakest person suddenly burst out with a long sword in his hand, attacking and killing him like lightning.


How could that person expect that under such circumstances, Fang Yi would dare to make the first move.

Moreover, their attention was all on the bottom. Compared with Fang Yi, the army of gods and demons and the army of nothingness undoubtedly frightened them more, so that they did not guard against this sword at all.

But this sword is so fast.


The long sword fell, directly tearing the man into pieces, and the blood mist filled the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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