Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3050

Chapter 3050

Looking at this scene, Fang Yi didn't rush to make a move, but looked up at the void.

The purple giant sword has faded away.

Everything seemed to be completely over.

Compared with the scene in the chaotic period, it was even more tragic in front of me. None of the countless ancient powerhouses was spared, and they all died under the law of heaven.

Is this the tyranny of heaven?

The so-called irreversible way of heaven, it turns out that it is really not empty talk, it is stronger than the king of time, and he will not be spared in the end.

So, what about your future self?

Why did Tiandao kill those super powerhouses?Is it because they are so powerful that they threaten the safety of the Three Realms?Or because of other?

Finally, what is the so-called ray of hope?

kill kill kill! !

In the broken world, the war is still going on, the difference is that the two sides in the war are no longer those ancient powerhouses and purple thunder, but replaced by countless greedy people.

At this moment, looking at those ancient heritages and treasures, they have already forgotten the scene just now.

Or maybe, that scene happened in ancient times.

Although the impact on them was great, in their hearts, it was a long time ago, and it had already passed.

But Fang Yi was different, because all this seemed to him as if it had just happened.

Although he just witnessed it this time, he had personally experienced it in the chaotic period.

"This magic weapon is mine, who dares to fight with me?"

"Hahaha!! The ancestor's inheritance, I finally got it!!"

The sound of wanton killing filled the world, and greed and desire filled the whole world.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. To be honest, these things really didn't arouse his interest. The ugly behavior of these people disgusted him instead.

However, thinking of the King of Time, he couldn't help but glance at Gu Qianqiu.

The latter is currently competing with a group of gods and demons for the sword of gods and demons.

"Presumptuous! Which one do you belong to? The sword of gods and demons belongs to the palace of gods and demons, and it is not up to others to get their hands on it."

Shen Yongchang has also stepped forward at this moment.

The aura of gods and demons billowed out, like a vajra with glaring eyes.

He glanced at Gu Qianqiu coldly, his eyes were majestic, and there was a hint of disbelief. Gu Qianqiu's strength obviously surprised him, and made him curious about Gu Qianqiu's identity.

The same as the gods and demons, a strong man like Gu Qianqiu naturally cannot escape the eyes and ears of the Gods and Demons Palace.

But in fact, at this moment, he couldn't find anyone who was right for him.

"It's so shameless! The sword of gods and demons belongs to my Gu clan, why did it ever come to your gods and demons hall? Shameless!"

Gu Qianqiu sneered.

At this moment, he had no intention of concealing his parentage.

When Shen Yongchang heard the words, his pupils shrank slightly, "The Gu family? Is it you? So you haven't died yet, good! Very good!"

"It's a pity! If you obediently be a shrinking turtle and shrink forever, you may still be able to survive, but now, die!"


Shen Yongchang slapped a palm suddenly, and the terrifying aura of gods and demons instantly turned into a huge hand, crushing towards Gu Qianqiu.

Shen Yongchang is one of the top 158 powerhouses on the legend list, so the power of this blow can be imagined.

The whole space seemed to collapse in an instant.

Gu Qianqiu's pupils couldn't help changing.

But that's all, afterward, an incomparably pure spirit of gods and demons erupted from his body, making him as if he had transformed into a real ancient gods and demons.

How can it be?

Shen Yongchang's pupils changed, "Why do you have such a pure spirit of gods and demons?"

Gu Qianqiu said coldly: "Are you surprised? What surprised you even more is yet to come! Your God and Demon Palace occupies the corridor of time, but you don't know that Lord Sui Yue has already made all the arrangements, just relying on you..."


Gu Qianqiu snorted coldly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

That pure divine and demonic aura also turned into a giant hand that shook the sky, crushing it away directly.

In comparison, Shen Yongchang's palm was not as good.

At the same time, Gu Qianqiu also grabbed the sword of gods and demons. This sword was originally thrown at him by the King of Years, and his strength had undergone an earth-shaking change last time. It is not difficult to take advantage of this sword.

However, whether it can be held is not necessarily.

Because the countless powerhouses of the gods and demons had already rushed in and surrounded him impenetrably.

God Yongchang, and the three great gods and demons King Kong.

Each one is a super strong man on the legend list. At this moment, they joined forces to surround one person. Rao, the red-eyed Lei Yuan and others, couldn't help showing a look of surprise in their eyes, and looked at Gu Qianqiu with a trace of pity .

Not surprisingly!That is the strong man on the four legend lists, plus countless gods and demons.

Fang Yi also felt a little headache.

To be honest, the friendship between him and Gu Qianqiu is not that deep, but thinking of the ruthless request of the Lord of Time, it seems that he should not sit idly by, but...

However, just as he was pondering, another strong man flocked to him.

They also seem to be coming towards the ancient times.

What Fang Yi didn't expect was that among these people, he suddenly recognized one of them. It was the yellow-robed man who was competing with Chilong for the fire of chaos, the strong man of the Earth Temple.

Suddenly, Fang Yi's pupils shrank.

The strong man of the Earth Temple finally appeared, and everything in front of him can be said to be caused by the Earth Temple.

If it weren't for them, the corridor of time would not have opened at all.

But what is their purpose?Fang Yi never understood.


Shen Yongchang was obviously also a little surprised, his deep eyes swept towards the Earth Temple and his party, and asked coldly: "What do you want to do? Do you also want to meddle in the affairs of my gods and demons?"

The leader of the Earth Temple powerhouse is a middle-aged man in a black robe. His breath is like an abyss, giving people a sense of unfathomable.

He only heard him reply: "No! The Sword of Gods and Demons belongs to the Gods and Demons. We will definitely get our hands on it. We only want this person."

The middle-aged man in black robe pointed directly at Gu Qianqiu, his eyes were blazing.

Gu Qianqiu was obviously a little confused, so he glanced at a few people in a daze, and then sneered: "It's up to you? Overestimate yourself!"

At the same time as he spoke, he held the God Demon Sword in his hand, like an ancient god and demon, beheading the gods and gods Yongchang.

Shen Yongchang was furious immediately, and shouted: "You are courting death!"

Immediately, a big battle ensued.

But the middle-aged man in black robe and his party were not in a hurry to make a move, they just watched this scene lightly, looking at Gu Qianqiu, their eyes were extremely hot.

The people under him also dispersed and completely sealed off the scene, obviously because they were afraid that Gu Qianqiu would escape.

But, why did they deal with Gu Qianqiu?

Fang Yi was full of doubts.

The Temple of the Earth went to great lengths, is it just for the sake of Gu Qianqiu?If this is the case, then it seems that there is no need to open the corridor of time and go directly to the mountain of gods and demons.

Could it be that they weren't just for Gu Qianqiu, at least not the former Gu Qianqiu.

Do not!Maybe it's not Gu Qianqiu at all.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi recalled the last words King Sui Yue said to him.

Could it be that these people are for the so-called light of hope?It's just that the last words of King Suiyue and the sword of gods and demons thrown out made them misunderstand. What King Suiyue said was ancient times, so they...

Yes!It must be so, and these are aimed at the light of hope.


(End of this chapter)

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