Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3051 Joint Force

Chapter 3051 Joint Force

kill kill kill! !

The whole world was completely in chaos.

Compared with before, countless ancient powerhouses had only to be slaughtered under the purple thunder, but at this moment, the blood mist was sprayed and the competition with each other was undoubtedly much more tragic.

Also much bloodier.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some are weak and dare not join this battle at all.

Or they were completely stunned by the previous scene.

After all, they witnessed a catastrophe of heaven and earth with their own eyes. The terrifying purple thunder and countless fallen ancient strongmen made them unable to recover for a long time.

Fang Yi didn't make a move either.

Naturally, it wasn't because he was shocked, but because he was caught in a tangle.

He was not a person who liked troubles originally, in a situation like this, he would usually hide as far as he could, but it was different at this moment, leaving aside the unfeeling kindness of the King of Time, Gu Qianqiu also accepted it on his behalf.

At least this is the case with the Temple of the Earth.

Fang Yi is not a person who likes trouble, but at the same time, he doesn't like to let others suffer for him.

That's it!

Looking at Gu Qianqiu who was caught in a bitter fight, Fang Yi sighed and finally walked towards the battlefield.

"You bastard! Hand over the Demon Sword and spare you, otherwise, even if you go to heaven and earth, you will never be able to escape from the Palace of Gods and Demons."

"Not only you, but your Gu clan will also be wiped out."

Shen Yongchang and the three great gods and demons King Kong each occupied one side, and Gu Qianqiu was firmly trapped in it.

In the periphery, there are countless strong men from the gods and demons, as well as the Earth Temple and his party. It can be said that even if Gu Qianqiu has the ability to reach the sky, he can't escape with his wings.

In fact, after succeeding in the Demon Sword, he became like a tiger even more powerful.

Shen Yongchang and the three great gods and demons, King Kong, dare not touch their edge at all. The power of the gods and demons sword is infinite, invincible, and everything can be cut.

However, Gu Qianqiu was also caught in it, unable to get out, and was attacked in the abdomen.

If it wasn't for relying on the God Demon Sword, I'm afraid he would have been defeated long ago.

It's not that he is not strong, but that the opponent is stronger than him.

After all, that is the strong man on the list of the four legends. It is already his limit to be able to do this, no!Perhaps not only his limit, but also the limit of the legendary realm.

"You are courting death!"

However, the words of a group of people undoubtedly completely aroused his anger.

The Gu clan turned out to be his pain.

He was hunted down by the Gods and Devils Palace, during which time countless strong men from the Gu Clan lost their lives. Now, if these people threaten him with this, how can he not be angry? Go out with all your might.

Whoa! !

Suddenly, the terrifying energy was like a big wave, as if it was going to completely engulf the group of people.

But anyway, these people are not ordinary people, so how can they be so easy to win.

On the contrary, the angrier he was, the more intense the smile on the corner of Shen Yongchang's mouth became, because of the power of the God and Demon Sword, if Gu Qianqiu really entangled with them slowly, he really didn't know when it would be the end.

But if Gu Qianqiu goes completely mad, it will be different, which means that their opportunity is coming soon.


Gu Qianqiu waved the sword of God and Demon in his hand recklessly, like a crazy ancient God and Demon, seemingly unstoppable, but his flaws were gradually exposed.

The corner of Shen Yongchang's mouth turned ferociously, he seized an excellent opportunity, and slashed his sword with the momentum of thunder.

When the sword came out, the world seemed to be torn into two.

Dragging a huge crack extended infinitely.

what! !

Gu Qianqiu obviously also noticed this sword at this moment, his pupils changed greatly, it was too late to fight back, and the surroundings were blocked by three other people, it was inevitable.

Besieged by such powerful four people, in fact, no matter whether he showed his flaws or not, he could not escape after all.

And it was precisely because he saw through this point that he fought hard.

Trying to kill one of them in vain, find a breakthrough, and then take the opportunity to escape.

But obviously, his plan failed. How could it be so easy to kill the strong man on the legendary list, and for this, the price he had to pay was to bear this sword.

It's just that this sword strike was too swift and fierce, even he couldn't bear it.


Shen Yongchang snarled, and the corner of his mouth was full of cruelty, as if he had foreseen Gu Qianqiu's end.

However, just as the sword was about to fall and Gu Qianqiu's pupils gradually enlarged, another sword shadow was reflected in his pupils.

It was a three-color sword shadow, and the bright three-color light seemed to overwhelm the previous sword.

Boom! !

The next moment, a loud bang followed, and the two radiant sword shadows converged, and an invisible sword light instantly leveled the world, and everything in its way was wiped out.

The sword light passed by was as smooth as a mirror, and the mountains in the distance were also like this, all collapsed.

Those weaker gods and demons were not spared either, and they were split into two before they even had time to react.

The upper body flew high, in the sky, looking at the lower body in disbelief.

Despair and terror are the last emotions they leave in this world.

In an instant, more than half of the original encirclement was flattened, and blood mist flew all over the sky, making the remaining people all back away in fright.

Shen Yongchang's eyes were also red, staring coldly at the figure that suddenly appeared.

Needless to say, that figure was Fang Yi.

"Legendary Seven Realms?!"

Shen Yongchang and the three great gods and demons, King Kong, all had horror on their faces. Naturally, no one knew better than him how strong the blow was just now, especially Shen Yongchang.

Compared with him, that sword did not fall behind at all.

You know, he is the 158th existence on the legend list, an absolute leader in the nine legendary realms, not to mention the seventh and eight legendary realms, the general nine legendary realms are not in his eyes.

But now, a legendary seven-level martial artist actually blocked his sword, isn't he surprised now?

It was like a turbulent wave was set off in my heart.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he might not believe it even if he was killed.

However, the facts were right in front of him at this moment, and he couldn't help but doubt it.

Like him, there is no doubt that the Earth Temple and his party, the middle-aged man in black robe, and the man in yellow robe who had contact with Fang Yi in Lie Yan Wang Yang.

At this moment, he naturally recognized Fang Yi, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Fang Yi didn't pretend, because there was no need for that.

The ability to open the corridor of time has already explained everything, so...

"Brother Fang!"

At this moment, Gu Qianqiu couldn't help cast a grateful look, and the strong self-confidence that followed, how strong Fang Yi was, he had already seen clearly when the army of gods and demons fought with the army of nothingness.

After that, the two were sent to the age of gods and demons to improve their cultivation.

I have greatly improved myself, and so has Fang Yi.

So he has enough reasons to believe that Fang Yi is definitely not weaker than himself, and the sword just now has already explained everything.

"Are you okay?"

Fang Yi also looked at Gu Qianqiu and asked symbolically.

"It's okay! It's just wishful thinking to take down Gu with these trash."

Gu Qianqiu's pupils shrunk, burst out with a strong killing intent, and immediately continued: "Next, let them see how powerful we are!"


(End of this chapter)

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