Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3070 Soldiers

Chapter 3070 Soldiers

kill kill kill! !

There was a lot of screams at the scene, and it moved straight to the sky.

At this moment, the silver-armored general and the Flying Tiger Army have undoubtedly gone all out. They are afraid of death, but they are still soldiers.

Being humiliated to the head like this, how can I bear it any longer?

The monstrous malevolent aura permeated the sky, filling the heaven and the earth, and even the young man in brocade clothes couldn't help but be moved by it.

In fact, the strength of the young man in Jinyi is not too strong, not much stronger than Vice General Wang, and with the addition of countless flying tiger troops, it is conceivable that he is surrounded by groups and cannot escape.

His face could not help but turn slightly pale.


However, just as the Flying Tiger Army was in high spirits and ready to fight, a shout of anger resounded throughout the world.


Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy muffled sound, like mountains pressing down, approaching from far away, a terrifying aura swept away, and the surrounding Flying Tiger Army was instantly blown away, blood mist filled the sky.

Even Lieutenant General Wang retreated violently again and again, as if struck by lightning, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that the middle-aged man in the purple robe had already stepped up at some point, like a god, sacred and inviolable, his majestic gaze slid across everyone's body coldly, making all the Flying Tigers fall into the abyss, unable to even raise their heads .

Legendary Nine Realms! !

Deputy Wang shrank his pupils sharply, confirming the opponent's strength almost immediately.

Because he had never felt such a terrifying aura from a leader at the peak of the Legendary Eight Realms, the answer couldn't be clearer.

Not to mention the Flying Tiger Army, they were completely suppressed by that aura and could not move at the moment.

All of them were pale and sweating profusely.

"Bastards! You ants dare to challenge the majesty of the Great Sun Dynasty. I will slaughter this city today." The young man in Jinyi seemed extremely angry. He was embarrassed by Vice General Wang and the flying tiger army, which undoubtedly made him feel Losing all face, he became angry at this moment and wanted to massacre the city.

The middle-aged man in Zipao didn't intend to stop him, but there was a trace of helplessness between his brows.

Perhaps, he was a little soft on his son's willful behavior, but in his heart, the group of people below and the whole city were obviously not enough for him to speak out.

It's just a group of ants, if you kill them, you will kill them.

"A bunch of trash, who dare to disrespect this young master, will die for this young master!" The young man in brocade clothes said, slashing with the long sword in his hand.

Immediately, the sword glowed like a waterfall, tearing the sky and the earth, and the terrifying power was many times stronger than before.

If it was said that he was just playing with a sadistic mentality before, then he has undoubtedly moved to kill at this moment.

This sword can be imagined.

Tear! !

The bright sword light dragged a long crack and headed towards the city below. Once this sword falls, the whole city will be destroyed.

As for Deputy General Wang, he was suppressed by the powerful aura of the middle-aged man in the purple robe, unable to move at all.

Not to mention the other Flying Tigers.

The annihilation of the city seemed inevitable, and the crowd all showed despair, and all kinds of shrill howls filled every corner of the city.

But the young man in brocade clothes, the corner of his mouth reveals a deep pleasure, extremely cruel.

In that unknown space, Wu Yue's delicate body trembled, her eyes were about to split open.

Lin Zhonghu is similar, a pair of tiger eyes have turned red, the Flying Tiger Army cannot allow others to desecrate his coercion, how can he ignore the tragic death of these Flying Tiger Army?

"My lord! There is one thing you may not know. I have always cherished my wings and even surrendered to the Great Sun Dynasty because I want to protect these soldiers. If they are gone, where else can I go?"

Lin Zhonghu yelled angrily, and he couldn't care about Fang Yi any longer. His whole body exploded with anger, tearing apart the space and turning into a bolt of lightning.

Boom! !

The space collapsed in an instant, and Lin Zhonghu was like a peerless beast that had escaped from its cage, defeating it just as the sword was about to fall.

As Fang Yi witnessed all this, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The same goes for the fifth month, with an uplifting look.

"It's Lord Commander!! We are saved!!" Countless crowds and soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army looked at the forest tiger standing in the void, and they rejoiced endlessly, as if they had been rescued.

Only Deputy General Wang was excited, but worried in his eyes, because he knew what Lin Zhonghu would mean once he made a move.

That is more likely to be the end of the Flying Tiger Army.

"Huh? You are Lin Zhonghu? Dare to stop me? How brave!!"

The young man in brocade clothes felt that his majesty was once again being challenged, his eyes became colder and colder, and his murderous intent was transpiring.

The middle-aged man in Zipao couldn't help but frowned slightly, looked at Lin Zhonghu lightly, and said, "You shouldn't show up, it's worth it to trade a city for the future of the Flying Tiger Army!"

To outsiders, these words are undoubtedly a bit inexplicable, but Lin Zhonghu understands, and Vice General Wang also understands, but...

"We are soldiers, and the dignity of the Flying Tiger Army cannot be trampled upon!"

Lin Zhonghu's tone was firm and unquestionable.

"Soldier? Hahaha!!" The middle-aged man in Zipao suddenly burst into laughter when he heard the words, "Well said! Lin Zhonghu, you look like a soldier at last, much better than the Ant Demon King that day."

"It's just that the dignity of the Flying Tiger Army cannot be trampled on, so what about the majesty of our Great Sun Dynasty?"

The middle-aged man in the purple robe said, his face suddenly darkened, and a powerful coercion instantly enveloped the world. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into an ancient god and demon, sacred and inviolable.

The huge crowd was suddenly so crushed that even breathing became extremely difficult.

Even Lin Zhonghu's face turned slightly pale.

Don't look at the difference between the peak of the eighth legendary realm and the ninth legendary realm, but the gap between them cannot be counted.

"Then what do you do?" Lin Zhonghu suppressed the anger in his heart, because the opposite was the Great Sun Dynasty, he might be able to escape, but what about these Flying Tiger soldiers?

The middle-aged man in Zipao seemed to have taken a fancy to Lin Zhonghu, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on the young man in Jinyi, with a hint of admonition.

However, the young man in brocade clothes simply turned a blind eye.

He scolded: "What? Do you know that you are afraid now? Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Now, immediately, immediately kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake. Maybe I can forgive you, otherwise..."


To command the mighty Flying Tiger Army, a generation of legendary Lin Zhonghu of the Eighth Realm kneel down and beg for mercy in front of the world?

At this moment, the Flying Tiger Army couldn't bear it anymore, and each one was furious.

Lin Zhonghu's body was also trembling, and his breath surged.

"Kill him!" The Flying Tiger Army couldn't help howling, with murderous intent.

"I don't know how to live or die!" The young man in brocade clothes sneered, the corner of his mouth was full of contempt, while speaking, he slapped his hand casually, and his terrifying giant palm instantly pressed down on the speaker.

Immediately, even the Flying Tiger Army with that area were brutally killed on the spot.

"A group of waste dares to make noise." The young man in brocade clothes killed a flying tiger army, just like killing a group of ants, an understatement.

"you wanna die!"

At this moment, Lin Zhonghu couldn't bear it anymore, he slapped his giant palm, and the terrifying aura instantly turned into a giant palm that grabbed the young man in brocade clothes, revealing boundless killing intent.


 New Year's Eve!I wish you all a Happy New Year! !



(End of this chapter)

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